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Last active April 17, 2019 07:14
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Implementing Quicksort in JavaScript
const quickSort = (
comparator = defaultComparator
) => {
// Create a sortable array to return.
const sortedArray = [ ...unsortedArray ];
// Recursively sort sub-arrays.
const recursiveSort = (start, end) => {
// If this sub-array is empty, it's sorted.
if (end - start < 1) {
const pivotValue = sortedArray[end];
let splitIndex = start;
for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
const sort = comparator(sortedArray[i], pivotValue);
// This value is less than the pivot value.
if (sort === -1) {
// If the element just to the right of the split index,
// isn't this element, swap them.
if (splitIndex !== i) {
const temp = sortedArray[splitIndex];
sortedArray[splitIndex] = sortedArray[i];
sortedArray[i] = temp;
// Move the split index to the right by one,
// denoting an increase in the less-than sub-array size.
// Leave values that are greater than or equal to
// the pivot value where they are.
// Move the pivot value to between the split.
sortedArray[end] = sortedArray[splitIndex];
sortedArray[splitIndex] = pivotValue;
// Recursively sort the less-than and greater-than arrays.
recursiveSort(start, splitIndex - 1);
recursiveSort(splitIndex + 1, end);
// Sort the entire array.
recursiveSort(0, unsortedArray.length - 1);
return sortedArray;
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