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quizdr / ux.cljs
Created July 23, 2014 13:34 — forked from anonymous/ux.cljs
;;; TODO - drag-enter and -exit events : Right now, a component doesn't receive events for other components
;;; If a component responds to drag-over, it won't "revert" state until the drag ends.
;; NOTE - compiles with om 0.1.7. Needs updating to 0.2+
(ns omdnd.ux
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go alt!]]
(defn handle-file-select [evt]
(.stopPropagation evt)
(.preventDefault evt)
(let [files (.-files (.-dataTransfer evt))]
(dotimes [i (.-length files)]
(let [rdr (js/FileReader.)
the-file (aget files i)]
(set! (.-onload rdr)
(fn [e]
(let [file-content (.-result (.-target e))