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Last active September 23, 2022 14:57
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basic overall type that helps with const/var/let exractions and manipulation #typescript #javascript
* Construct a type that makes non `void` types optional in objects and removes it
* in non object types along with {@link TO} .
* <pre/> it's also possible to :
* - require keys by name
* - ignore deep cyclying by types
* - remove keys by type or name
* - clean type of {@link TR} through {@link C}
* note: deep KR and KO have some issues under strictNullChecks.
* @param T main type, usually coming from an object with public keys.
* @param TI [default=never&any[]] types ignored from going deep on.
* @param TO [default=never] types omitted completely.
* @param KR [default=never] keys required even if type {@link TR} isn't in their type.
* @param KO [default=never] keys omitted completely.
* @param TR [default=never&void] type to denote required keys/properties.
* @param C [default=false] clean the resulting type from {@link TR}
* @author\qundus
* @todo sanitize and go deep on arrays if they're not mentioned in TI
* @todo fix deep {@link KR} and {@link KO} issues under `strictNullChecks`
export type DeepVoid<
TI = null,
TO = null,
KR extends keyof T = never,
KO extends keyof T = never,
TR = never,
C extends boolean = true
> = Extract<T, object> extends never
? C extends true
? Exclude<T, TO | TR | void>
: Exclude<T, TO>
: Omit<
{ [K in keyof T]-?: T[K] },
keyof {
[K in keyof T as Extract<TR | void, T[K]> extends never
? Exclude<K, KR>
: never]: T[K];
> &
{ [K in keyof T]+?: T[K] },
keyof {
[K in keyof T as Extract<TR | void, T[K]> extends never
? Extract<K, KR>
: K]?: T[K];
> extends infer G
? {
[K in keyof Omit<G, KO>]:
| DeepVoid<
Exclude<G[K], TI | any[] | undefined | null>,
Extract<keyof G[K], KR>,
Extract<keyof G[K], KO>,
| Extract<G[K], TI | any[]>;
: never;
* Get required or optional keys of an object.
* @param T main type to extract keys from.
* @param O [default=true] whether to return optional or required keys.
* @param S [default false] get the result as string keys.
export type FilterKeysOf<
T extends object,
O extends "optional" | "required" = "optional",
S extends "asArray" | "asObject" = "asObject"
> = Omit<
keyof {
[K in keyof T as T extends Record<K, T[K]> ? K : never]: T[K];
> extends infer OptionalObject
? O extends "optional"
? S extends "asArray"
? keyof OptionalObject
: OptionalObject
: S extends "asArray"
? Exclude<keyof T, keyof OptionalObject>
: Omit<T, keyof OptionalObject>
: never;
* pick optional keys/properties along with required ones from type {@link T}
* @param T type with keys.
* @param Q keys to be extracted form {@link T}
* @param G [default=true] include required keys by default
export type Pick<
T extends object,
Q extends keyof T,
G extends "include required" | "omit required" = "include required"
> = G extends "include required"
? Omit<
keyof {
[K in keyof T as T extends Record<K, T[K]>
? never
: Exclude<K, Q>]: T[K];
: Omit<
keyof { [K in keyof T as Extract<Q, K> extends never ? K : never]: T[K] }
* Check if {@link item} is an object with keys
* @param item item to be type checked.
* @returns wheather item is an object
export function isObject<T>(item: T) {
return item && typeof item === "object" && !Array.isArray(item);
* Merge target with sources.
* @param target main object to be merged
* @param sources other objects to be merged with {@link target}
* @returns target merged with all sources
export function deepMerge<T>(target: T, ...sources: T[]): T {
if (!sources.length) return target;
const source = sources.shift();
if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) {
for (const key in source) {
if (isObject(source[key])) {
if (!target[key])
Object.assign(target, {
[key]: {},
deepMerge(target[key], source[key]);
} else {
Object.assign(target, {
[key]: source[key],
return deepMerge(target, ...sources);
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