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Created May 9, 2014 03:28
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Test if patterns from unrelated queries can match
(defn v? [x] (and (symbol? x) (= \? (first (name x)))))
(defn bnd-for [bindings other-bindings k]
(if-let [v (bindings k)]
(loop [b1 bindings, b2 other-bindings, cv v, subv (other-bindings v)]
(if-not subv
(recur b2 b1 subv (b1 subv))))))
(defn compatible? [x y]
(or (v? x) (v? y) (= x y)))
(defn matches? [a b]
{:pre [(= 3 (count a))]}
(loop [b-left {} b-right {} [af & ar] a [bf & br] b]
(or (nil? af) (nil? bf)) ;; finished
(if (v? af)
(let [y (bnd-for b-right b-left bf)]
(if-let [x (bnd-for b-left b-right af)]
(and (compatible? x (or y bf))
(let [[new-left-bind new-right-bind] (if (v? x)
[(assoc b-left x (or y bf)) b-right]
(if (v? y)
[b-left (assoc b-right y x)]
(if (and (v? bf) (nil? y))
[b-left (assoc b-right bf x)]
[b-left b-right])))]
(recur new-left-bind new-right-bind ar br)))
(and (compatible? af (or y bf))
(recur (assoc b-left af (or y bf)) b-right ar br))))
(if (v? bf)
(if-let [y (bnd-for b-right b-left bf)]
(and (compatible? y af)
(let [new-right-bind (if (v? y)
(assoc b-right y af)
(recur b-left new-right-bind ar br)))
(and (compatible? bf af)
(recur b-left (assoc b-right bf af) ar br)))
(and (= af bf)
(recur b-left b-right ar br)))))))
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