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Last active August 31, 2016 14:46
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Example Hashtable for WWCDC
// Duplicates the String hashcode method in Java
function hashCode(str) {
var hash = 0, i, chr, len;
if (str.length === 0) return hash;
for (i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
chr = str.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr;
hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;
// The table is just an array,
// an a count of how many cells of the array are being used
function Hashtable() {
this.table = Array(31); // 31 is prime
this.count = 0;
// The array holds Entries that contain both the key and value
function Entry(key, value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
// Insert a key/value pair. The location is determined solely by the key
Hashtable.prototype.put = function(key, value) {
var hashval = hashCode(key);
var offset = hashval % this.table.length;
// check for a collision, if so, then expand the table
while (typeof this.table[offset] != 'undefined' &&
this.table[offset].key !== key) {
offset = hashval % this.table.length;
// finally, put the entry in the array
this.table[offset] = new Entry(key, value);
// find a value for a key
Hashtable.prototype.get = function(key) {
// find the entry
var offset = hashCode(key);
offset = offset % this.table.length;
var result = this.table[offset];
// if the data at this place isn't the entry, then there is nothing to return
if (typeof result == 'undefined' || result.key !== key) return null;
return result.value;
// remove a key/value pair
Hashtable.prototype.delete = function(key) {
// find the entry
var offset = hashCode(key);
offset = offset % this.table.length;
// if there is nothing here, or it's the wrong thing, then nothing to do
if (typeof this.table[offset] == 'undefined' ||
this.table[offset].key !== key) {
this.table[offset] = undefined;
// expand the table, and insert all existing data into the right places
Hashtable.prototype.rehash = function() {
var i, new_table, size = this.table.length;
do {
// allocated new size. Won't be prime, but don't let it be even
size = size * 2 + 1;
new_table = new Array(size);
// copy everything from the old table to the new
for (i = 0; i < this.table.length; i++) {
var element = this.table[i];
if (typeof element != 'undefined') {
var offset = hashCode(element.key) % size;
// if there is a collision in the new table, then expand again and restart
if (typeof new_table[offset] != 'undefined') break;
new_table[offset] = element;
// keep expanding until we made it all the way through the copying
} while (i < this.table.length);
this.table = new_table;
// iterate through the hashtable, and put all the elements in an array
Hashtable.prototype.as_array = function() {
// create the destination array
var i = 0; result = new Array(this.count);
// iterate through the entire hashtable array, searching for entries
for (var j = 0; j < this.table.length; j++) {
var e = this.table[j];
if (typeof e != ‘undefined’) {
// found one! Add it to the result.
result[i++] = e;
// got everything already, so we can return early
if (i == this.count) return result;
// can only get here if the count was not reached, meaning
// there were more fewer items in the table than the count said
return result;
// use this to view the contents of the table
function dumptable(t) {
console.log("--------" + t.table.length);
for (var i = 0; i < t.table.length; i++) {
var e = t.table[i];
if (typeof e != 'undefined') {
console.log("[" + i + "]: " + e.key + "/" + e.value);
var hashtable = new Hashtable();
hashtable.put("IL", "Illinois");
hashtable.put("VA", "Virginia");
hashtable.put("CA", "California");
console.log("Reading IL, VA, and CA from the table:");
console.log("IL: " + hashtable.get("IL"));
console.log("VA: " + hashtable.get("VA"));
console.log("CA: " + hashtable.get("CA"));
console.log("Reading again, after removing VA:");
console.log("IL: " + hashtable.get("IL"));
console.log("VA: " + hashtable.get("VA"));
console.log("CA: " + hashtable.get("CA"));
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