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Forked from Niq1982/
Created September 17, 2023 05:27
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Site migration using All in One WP Migration and WP CLI

Do a backup

Install the plugin

wp plugin install all-in-one-wp-migration --activate

You must reload the page once before continuing

Do the backup

Adjust the settings for your own need, this here makes a backup of the database only. I suggest using rsync to sync media files.

wp ai1wm backup --exclude-media --exclude-themes --exclude-inactive-themes --exclude-muplugins --exclude-plugins --exclude-inactive-plugins --exclude-cache

Remove the plugin

wp plugin deactivate all-in-one-wp-migration --uninstall

Restore a backup

Go to backup directory or create if does not exist

cd wp-content/ai1wm-backups/

Download the backup


Install the plugin

wp plugin install all-in-one-wp-migration --activate

You must reload the page once before continuing

Restore the site from backup

wp ai1wm restore backup-20180105-142530-313.wpress

Not sure if necessary to flush permalinks twice, like when restoring from front end, but do it once or twice if you encounter problems.

wp rewrite flush

Remove the plugin and delete the backup file

wp plugin deactivate all-in-one-wp-migration --uninstall

rm backup-20180105-142530-313.wpress

Remember to remove the unneeded backup files from the source as well

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