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Created May 2, 2016 09:25
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WebSharper simple forms authentication with Sitelet.Protect
namespace SimpleLogin
open WebSharper
open WebSharper.Sitelets
open WebSharper.UI.Next
open WebSharper.UI.Next.Server
type EndPoint =
| [<EndPoint "POST /login">] DoLogin of credentials: Credentials
| [<EndPoint "/login">] Login
| [<EndPoint "/content">] ProtectedContent
and Credentials =
[<FormData; Name "username">] Username: string
[<FormData; Name "password">] Password: string
module Site =
open WebSharper.UI.Next.Html
let ToPage body =
Content.Page(Body = [body])
let LoginPage ctx =
formAttr [
// here, I abuse the fact that Login and DoLogin point to the same URL
attr.action (ctx.Link Login)
attr.``method`` "POST"
] [
inputAttr [ "username"] []
br []
inputAttr [ "password"; attr.``type`` "password"] []
br []
inputAttr [attr.``type`` "submit"; attr.value "Login"] []
let ProtectedPage ctx =
async {
let! username = ctx.UserSession.GetLoggedInUser ()
let content =
match username with
| Some username -> h1 [text (sprintf "Hello %s!" username)]
| None -> h1 [text "Should never be the case if we use Protect on this."]
return! ToPage content
let Main =
let protectedPage =
VerifyUser = fun _ -> true
LoginRedirect = fun _ -> Login
<| Sitelet.Content "/content" ProtectedContent ProtectedPage
Sitelet.Sum [
Sitelet.Infer (fun ctx -> function
| DoLogin creds ->
async {
// handle authentication
if creds.Username = "test" && creds.Password = "test" then
do! ctx.UserSession.LoginUser(creds.Username, true)
return! Content.RedirectPermanent ProtectedContent
| Login ->
ToPage (LoginPage ctx)
| ProtectedContent ->
failwith "Should never match"
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