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InternalList<T>, the low-level List<T> (standalone version: does not require Loyc.Essentials.dll, is compatible with .NET 3.5)
// from Loyc.Essentials.dll. Licence: MIT
namespace Loyc.Collections.Impl
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
/// <summary>A compact auto-enlarging array structure that is intended to be
/// used within other data structures. It should only be used internally in
/// "private" or "protected" members of low-level code.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// InternalList is a struct, not a class, in order to save memory; and for
/// maximum performance, it asserts rather than throwing an exception
/// when an incorrect array index is used. Besides that, it has an
/// InternalArray property that provides access to the internal array.
/// For all these reasons one should not expose it in a public API, and
/// it should only be used when performance trumps all other concerns.
/// <para/>
/// Passing this structure by value is dangerous because changes to a copy
/// of the structure may or may not be reflected in the original list. It's
/// best not to pass it around at all, but if you must pass it, pass it by
/// reference.
/// <para/>
/// Also, do not use the default contructor. Always specify an initial
/// capacity or copy InternalList.Empty so that _array gets a value.
/// This is required because methods such as Add(), Insert() and Resize()
/// assume _array is not null.
/// <para/>
/// InternalList has one nice thing that List(of T) lacks: a <see cref="Resize"/>
/// method and an equivalent Count setter. Which dork at Microsoft decided no
/// one should be allowed to set the list length directly? This type also
/// provides a handy <see cref="Last"/> property and a <see cref="Pop"/>
/// method to respectively get or remove the last item.
/// <para/>
/// Finally, alongside InternalList(T), the static class InternalList comes
/// with some static methods (CopyToNewArray, Insert, RemoveAt, Move) to help
/// manage raw arrays. You might want to use these in a data structure
/// implementation even if you choose not to use InternalList(T) instances.
/// </remarks>
public struct InternalList<T> : IList<T>
public static readonly T[] EmptyArray = new T[0];
public static readonly InternalList<T> Empty = new InternalList<T>(0);
private T[] _array;
private int _count;
public InternalList(int capacity)
_count = 0;
_array = capacity != 0 ? new T[capacity] : EmptyArray;
public InternalList(T[] array, int count)
_array = array;
_count = count;
public InternalList(IEnumerable<T> items) : this(items.GetEnumerator()) { }
public InternalList(IEnumerator<T> items)
_count = 0;
_array = EmptyArray;
public int Count
get { return _count; }
set { Resize(value); }
public bool IsEmpty
get { return _count == 0; }
/// <summary>Gets or sets the array length.</summary>
/// <remarks>Changing this property requires O(Count) time and temporary
/// space. Attempting to set the capacity lower than Count has no effect.
/// </remarks>
public int Capacity
get { return _array.Length; }
if (_array.Length != value && value >= _count)
_array = InternalList.CopyToNewArray(_array, _count, value);
public void AutoRaiseCapacity(int more, int capacityLimit)
var array = InternalList.AutoRaiseCapacity(_array, _count, more, capacityLimit);
if (_array != array)
_array = array;
private void IncreaseCapacity()
// 4, 8, 14, 22, 34, 52, 80...
Capacity = InternalList.NextLargerSize(_array.Length);
/// <summary>Makes the list larger or smaller, depending on whether
/// <c>newSize</c> is larger or smaller than <see cref="Count"/>.</summary>
/// <param name="allowReduceCapacity">If this is true, and the new size is
/// smaller than one quarter the current <see cref="Capacity"/>, the array
/// is reallocated to a smaller size. If this parameter is false, the array
/// is never reallocated when shrinking the list.</param>
/// <param name="newSize">New value of <see cref="Count"/>. If the Count
/// increases, copies of default(T) are added to the end of the the list;
/// otherwise items are removed from the end of the list.</param>
public void Resize(int newSize) { Resize(newSize, true); }
/// <inheritdoc cref="Resize(int)"/>
public void Resize(int newSize, bool allowReduceCapacity)
if (newSize > _count)
if (newSize > _array.Length)
if (newSize <= _array.Length + (_array.Length >> 2))
Debug.Assert(Capacity > newSize);
Capacity = newSize;
_count = newSize;
else if (newSize < _count)
if (allowReduceCapacity && newSize < (_array.Length >> 2))
_count = newSize;
Capacity = newSize;
for (int i = newSize; i < _count; i++)
_array[i] = default(T);
_count = newSize;
public void Add(T item)
if (_count == _array.Length)
_array[_count++] = item;
public void AddRange(IEnumerator<T> items)
while (items.MoveNext())
public void Insert(int index, T item)
_array = InternalList.Insert(index, item, _array, _count);
//public void InsertRange(int index, ICollectionAndReadOnly<T> items)
// InsertRange(index, items, ((IReadOnlyCollection<T>)items).Count);
//public void InsertRange(int index, IReadOnlyCollection<T> items)
// InsertRange(index, items, items.Count);
public void InsertRange(int index, ICollection<T> items)
InsertRange(index, items, items.Count);
private void InsertRange(int index, IEnumerable<T> items, int count)
_array = InternalList.InsertRangeHelper(index, count, _array, _count);
_count += count;
int stop = index + count;
foreach (var item in items)
if (index >= stop)
_array[index++] = item;
if (index < stop)
public void InsertRange(int index, IEnumerable<T> e)
//var s = e as IReadOnlyCollection<T>;
//if (s != null)
// InsertRange(index, s);
var c = e as ICollection<T>;
if (c != null)
InsertRange(index, c);
InsertRange(index, (ICollection<T>)new List<T>(e));
//public void AddRange(IReadOnlyCollection<T> items)
// InsertRange(_count, items);
public void AddRange(ICollection<T> items)
InsertRange(_count, items);
public void AddRange(IEnumerable<T> e)
foreach (T item in e)
Insert(_count, item);
//public void AddRange(ICollectionAndReadOnly<T> items)
// InsertRange(_count, (IReadOnlyCollection<T>)items);
private void InsertRangeSizeMismatch()
throw new ArgumentException("InsertRange: Input collection's Count is different from the number of items enumerated");
/// <summary>Clears the list and frees the memory used by the list. Can
/// also be used to initialize a list whose constructor was never called.</summary>
public void Clear()
_count = 0;
_array = EmptyArray;
public void RemoveAt(int index)
_count = InternalList.RemoveAt(index, _array, _count);
public void RemoveRange(int index, int count)
_count = InternalList.RemoveAt(index, count, _array, _count);
public T this[int index]
Debug.Assert((uint)index < (uint)_count);
return _array[index];
Debug.Assert((uint)index < (uint)_count);
_array[index] = value;
public T First
get { return _array[0]; }
set { _array[0] = value; }
public T Last
return _array[_count - 1];
_array[_count - 1] = value;
public void Pop()
_array[_count - 1] = default(T);
/// <summary>Makes a copy of the list with the same capacity</summary>
public InternalList<T> Clone()
return new InternalList<T>(InternalList.CopyToNewArray(_array, _count, _array.Length), _count);
/// <summary>Makes a copy of the list with Capacity = Count</summary>
public InternalList<T> CloneAndTrim()
return new InternalList<T>(InternalList.CopyToNewArray(_array, _count, _count), _count);
/// <summary>Makes a copy of the list, as an array</summary>
public T[] ToArray()
return InternalList.CopyToNewArray(_array, _count, _count);
public int BinarySearch(T lookFor)
return InternalList.BinarySearch(_array, _count, lookFor, Comparer<T>.Default, false);
public int BinarySearch(T lookFor, Comparer<T> comp)
return InternalList.BinarySearch(_array, _count, lookFor, comp, false);
public int BinarySearch(T lookFor, Comparer<T> comp, bool lowerBound)
return InternalList.BinarySearch(_array, _count, lookFor, comp, lowerBound);
public int BinarySearch<K>(K lookFor, Func<T, K, int> func, bool lowerBound)
return InternalList.BinarySearch(_array, _count, lookFor, func, lowerBound);
/// <summary>Slides the array entry at [from] forward or backward in the
/// list, until it reaches [to].</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// For example, if a list of integers is [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] then Move(4,1)
/// produces the following result: [0, 4, 1, 2, 3, 5].
/// </remarks>
public void Move(int from, int to)
Debug.Assert((uint)from < (uint)_count);
Debug.Assert((uint)to < (uint)_count);
InternalList.Move(_array, from, to);
#region Boilerplate
public int IndexOf(T item) { return IndexOf(item, 0); }
public int IndexOf(T item, int index)
EqualityComparer<T> comparer = EqualityComparer<T>.Default;
for (; index < Count; index++)
if (comparer.Equals(this[index], item))
return index;
return -1;
public bool Contains(T item)
return IndexOf(item) != -1;
public void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex)
Array.Copy(_array, 0, array, arrayIndex, _count);
public bool IsReadOnly
get { return false; }
public bool Remove(T item)
int i = IndexOf(item);
if (i == -1)
return false;
return true;
return GetEnumerator();
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
yield return this[i];
public T[] InternalArray
get { return _array; }
//public Iterator<T> GetIterator(int start, int subcount)
// Debug.Assert(subcount >= 0 && (uint)start <= (uint)_count);
// if (subcount > _count - start)
// subcount = _count - start;
// return InternalList.GetIterator(_array, start, subcount);
public T TryGet(int index, out bool fail)
if ((uint)index < (uint)_count)
fail = false;
return _array[index];
fail = true;
return default(T);
public void Sort(Comparison<T> comp) { Sort(0, Count, comp); }
public void Sort(int index, int count, Comparison<T> comp)
Debug.Assert(index + count <= _count);
InternalList.Sort(_array, index, count, comp);
//IRange<T> IListSource<T>.Slice(int start, int count)
// return new Slice_<T>(this, start, count);
//public Slice_<T> Slice(int start, int count)
// return new Slice_<T>(this, start, count);
public InternalList<T> CopySection(int start, int subcount)
Debug.Assert((uint)start <= (uint)_count && subcount >= 0);
if (subcount > _count - start)
subcount = _count - start;
T[] copy = new T[subcount];
Array.Copy(_array, start, copy, 0, subcount);
return new InternalList<T>(copy, subcount);
/// <summary>
/// Contains static methods to help manage raw arrays with even less
/// overhead than <see cref="InternalList{T}"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The methods of this class are used by some data structures that contain
/// arrays but, for whatever reason, don't use <see cref="InternalList{T}"/>.
/// These methods are also used by InternalList(T) itself.
/// </remarks>
public static class InternalList
public static T[] CopyToNewArray<T>(T[] _array, int _count, int newCapacity)
T[] a = new T[newCapacity];
if (_array == null)
return a;
Array.Copy(_array, a, _count);
return a;
public static T[] CopyToNewArray<T>(T[] array)
return CopyToNewArray(array, array.Length, array.Length);
public static void Fill<T>(T[] array, T value)
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
array[i] = value;
public static void Fill<T>(T[] array, int start, int count, T value)
if (count > 0)
// Just for fun, let's unroll the loop
if ((count & 1) != 0)
array[++start] = value;
while ((count -= 2) >= 0)
array[++start] = value;
array[++start] = value;
public static int BinarySearch<T>(T[] array, int count, T k, Comparer<T> comp, bool lowerBound)
int low = 0;
int high = count - 1;
int invert = -1;
while (low <= high)
int mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
T midk = array[mid];
int c = comp.Compare(midk, k);
if (c < 0)
low = mid + 1;
high = mid - 1;
if (c == 0)
if (lowerBound)
invert = 0;
return mid;
return low ^ invert;
/// <summary>Performs a binary search with a custom comparison function.</summary>
/// <param name="_array">Array to search</param>
/// <param name="_count">Number of elements used in the array</param>
/// <param name="k">A key to compare with elements of the array</param>
/// <param name="compare">Lambda function that knows how to compare Ts with
/// Ks (T and K can be the same). It is passed a series of elements from
/// the array. It must return 0 if the element has the desired value, 1 if
/// the supplied element is higher than desired, and -1 if it is lower than
/// desired.</param>
/// <param name="lowerBound">Whether to find the "lower bound" in case there
/// are duplicates in the list. If duplicates exist of the search key k, the
/// lowest index of a matching duplicate is returned. This search mode may be
/// slightly slower when a match exists.</param>
/// <returns>The index of the matching array entry, if found. If no exact
/// match was found, this method returns the bitwise complement of an
/// insertion location that would preserve the order.</returns>
/// <example>
/// // The first 6 elements are sorted. The seventh is invalid,
/// // and must be excluded from the binary search.
/// int[] array = new int[] { 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, -1 };
/// // The result will be 2, because array[2] == 20.
/// int a = InternalList.BinarySearch(array, 6, i => i.CompareTo(20));
/// // The result will be ~2, which equals -3, because index 2 would
/// // be the correct place to insert 17 to preserve the sort order.
/// int b = InternalList.BinarySearch(array, 6, i => i.CompareTo(17));
/// </example>
public static int BinarySearch<T, K>(T[] _array, int _count, K k, Func<T, K, int> compare, bool lowerBound)
int low = 0;
int high = _count - 1;
int invert = -1;
while (low <= high)
int mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
int c = compare(_array[mid], k);
if (c < 0)
low = mid + 1;
high = mid - 1;
if (c == 0)
if (lowerBound)
invert = 0;
return mid;
return low ^ invert;
/// <summary>A binary search function that knows nothing about the list
/// being searched.</summary>
/// <typeparam name="Anything">Any data type relevant to the caller.</typeparam>
/// <param name="data">State information to be passed to compare()</param>
/// <param name="count">Number of items in the list being searched</param>
/// <param name="compare">Comparison method that is given the current index
/// to examine and the state parameter "data".</param>
/// <param name="lowerBound">Whether to find the "lower bound" in case there
/// are duplicates in the list. If duplicates exist of the search key k
/// exist, the lowest index of a matching duplicate is returned. This
/// search mode may be slightly slower when a match exists.</param>
/// <returns>The index of the matching index, if found. If no exact
/// match was found, this method returns the bitwise complement of an
/// insertion location that would preserve the sort order.</returns>
public static int BinarySearchByIndex<Anything>(Anything data, int count, Func<int, Anything, int> compare, bool lowerBound)
int low = 0;
int high = count - 1;
int invert = -1;
while (low <= high)
int mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
int c = compare(mid, data);
if (c < 0)
low = mid + 1;
high = mid - 1;
if (c == 0)
if (lowerBound)
invert = 0;
return mid;
return low ^ invert;
/// <summary>As an alternative to the typical enlarging pattern of doubling
/// the array size when it overflows, this function proposes a 75% size
/// increase instead (100% when the array is small), while ensuring that
/// the array length stays even.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// With a seed of 0, 2, or 4: 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 30, 54, 96, 170, 298, 522...<br/>
/// With a seed of 1: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 30, 54, 96, 170, 298, 522...<br/>
/// With a seed of 3: 3, 6, 12, 22, 40, 72, 128, 226, 396...<br/>
/// With a seed of 5: 5, 10, 18, 32, 58, 102, 180, 316, 554...<br/>
/// With a seed of 7: 7, 14, 26, 46, 82, 144, 254, 446, 782...
/// <para/>
/// 75% size increases require 23.9% more allocations than size doubling
/// (1.75 to the 1.239th power is about 2.0), but memory utilization is
/// increased. With size doubling, the average list uses 2/3 of its
/// entries, but with this resizing pattern, the average list uses 72.72%
/// of its entries. The average size of a list is 8.3% lower. Originally
/// I used 50% size increases, but they required 71% more allocations,
/// which seemed like too much.
/// </remarks>
public static int NextLargerSize(int than)
return ((than << 1) - (than >> 2) + 2) & ~1;
/// <summary>Same as <see cref="NextLargerSize(int)"/>, but allows you to
/// specify a capacity limit, to avoid wasting memory when a collection has
/// a known maximum size.</summary>
/// <param name="than">Return value will be larger than this number.</param>
/// <param name="capacityLimit">Maximum value to return. This parameter is
/// ignored if it than >= capacityLimit.</param>
/// <returns>Produces the same result as <see cref="NextLargerSize(int)"/>
/// unless the return value would be near capacityLimit (and capacityLimit
/// > than). If the return value would be more than capacityLimit,
/// capacityLimit is returned instead. If the return value would be slightly
/// less than capacityLimit (within 20%) then capacityLimit is returned,
/// to ensure that another reallocation will not be required later.</returns>
public static int NextLargerSize(int than, int capacityLimit)
int larger = NextLargerSize(than);
if (larger + (larger >> 2) > capacityLimit && than < capacityLimit)
return capacityLimit;
return larger;
public static T[] Insert<T>(int index, T item, T[] array, int count)
Debug.Assert((uint)index <= (uint)count);
if (count == array.Length)
int newCap = NextLargerSize(array.Length);
array = CopyToNewArray(array, count, newCap);
if (count - index > 0)
Array.Copy(array, index, array, index + 1, count - index);
//for (int i = count; i > index; i--)
// array[i] = array[i - 1];
array[index] = item;
return array;
public static T[] InsertRangeHelper<T>(int index, int spaceNeeded, T[] array, int count)
Debug.Assert((uint)index <= (uint)count);
array = AutoRaiseCapacity(array, count, spaceNeeded, int.MaxValue);
if (count - index > 0)
Array.Copy(array, index, array, index + spaceNeeded, count - index);
//for (int i = count; i > index; i--)
// array[i + spaceNeeded - 1] = array[i - 1];
return array;
public static T[] AutoRaiseCapacity<T>(T[] array, int count, int more, int capacityLimit)
if (count + more > array.Length)
int newCapacity = NextLargerSize(count + more - 1, capacityLimit);
return CopyToNewArray(array, count, newCapacity);
return array;
public static int RemoveAt<T>(int index, T[] array, int count)
Debug.Assert((uint)index < (uint)count);
Array.Copy(array, index + 1, array, index, count - index - 1);
//for (int i = index; i + 1 < count; i++)
// array[i] = array[i + 1];
array[count - 1] = default(T);
return count - 1;
public static int RemoveAt<T>(int index, int removeCount, T[] array, int count)
Debug.Assert((uint)index <= (uint)count);
Debug.Assert((uint)(index + removeCount) <= (uint)count);
Debug.Assert(removeCount >= 0);
if (removeCount > 0)
Array.Copy(array, index + removeCount, array, index, count - index - removeCount);
//for (int i = index; i + removeCount < count; i++)
// array[i] = array[i + removeCount];
for (int i = count - removeCount; i < count; i++)
array[i] = default(T);
return count - removeCount;
return count;
public static void Move<T>(T[] array, int from, int to)
T saved = array[from];
if (to < from)
//Array.Copy(array, to, array, to + 1, from - to);
for (int i = from; i > to; i--)
array[i] = array[i - 1];
array[to] = saved;
else if (from < to)
//Array.Copy(array, from + 1, array, from, to - from);
for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
array[i] = array[i + 1];
array[to] = saved;
internal const int QuickSortThreshold = 9;
internal const int QuickSortMedianThreshold = 15;
/// <summary>Performs a quicksort using a Comparison function.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Normally one uses Array.Sort for sorting arrays.
/// This method exists because there is no Array.Sort overload that
/// accepts both a Comparison and a range (index, count), nor does the
/// .NET framework provide access to its internal adapter that converts
/// Comparison to IComparer.
/// <para/>
/// This quicksort algorithm uses a best-of-three pivot so that it remains
/// performant (fast) if the input is already sorted. It is designed to
/// perform reasonably well in case the data contains many duplicates (not
/// verified). It is also designed to avoid using excessive stack space if
/// a worst-case input occurs that requires O(N^2) time.
/// </remarks>
public static void Sort<T>(T[] array, int index, int count, Comparison<T> comp)
Debug.Assert((uint)index <= (uint)array.Length);
Debug.Assert((uint)count <= (uint)array.Length - (uint)index);
for (; ; )
if (count < QuickSortThreshold)
if (count <= 2)
if (count == 2)
SortPair(ref array[index], ref array[index + 1], comp);
InsertionSort(array, index, count, comp);
int iPivot = PickPivot(array, index, count, comp);
int iBegin = index;
// Swap the pivot to the beginning of the range
T pivot = array[iPivot];
if (iBegin != iPivot)
Swap(ref array[iBegin], ref array[iPivot]);
int i = iBegin + 1;
int iOut = iBegin;
int iStop = index + count;
int leftSize = 0; // size of left partition
// Quick sort pass
int order = comp(array[i], pivot);
if (order < 0 || (order == 0 && leftSize < (count >> 1)))
if (i != iOut)
Swap(ref array[i], ref array[iOut]);
} while (++i != iStop);
// Finally, put the pivot element in the middle (at iOut)
Swap(ref array[iBegin], ref array[iOut]);
// Now we need to sort the left and right sub-partitions. Use a
// recursive call only to sort the smaller partition, in order to
// guarantee O(log N) stack space usage.
int rightSize = count - 1 - leftSize;
if (leftSize < rightSize)
// Recursively sort the left partition; iteratively sort the right
Sort(array, index, leftSize, comp);
index += leftSize + 1;
count = rightSize;
{ // Iteratively sort the left partition; recursively sort the right
count = leftSize;
Sort(array, index + leftSize + 1, rightSize, comp);
internal static int PickPivot<T>(IList<T> list, int index, int count, Comparison<T> comp)
// Choose the median of the first, last and middle item
int iPivot0 = index;
int iPivot1 = index + (count >> 1);
int iPivot2 = index + count - 1;
if (comp(list[iPivot0], list[iPivot1]) > 0)
Swap(ref iPivot0, ref iPivot1);
if (comp(list[iPivot1], list[iPivot2]) > 0)
iPivot1 = iPivot2;
if (comp(list[iPivot0], list[iPivot1]) > 0)
iPivot1 = iPivot0;
return iPivot1;
/// <summary>Performs an insertion sort.</summary>
/// <remarks>The insertion sort is a stable sort algorithm that is slow in
/// general (O(N^2)). It should be used only when (a) the list to be sorted
/// is short (less than about 20 elements) or (b) the list is very nearly
/// sorted already.</remarks>
/// <seealso cref="ListExt.InsertionSort"/>
public static void InsertionSort<T>(T[] array, int index, int count, Comparison<T> comp)
for (int i = index + 1; i < index + count; i++)
int j = i;
if (!SortPair(ref array[j - 1], ref array[j], comp))
while (--j > index);
public static bool AllEqual<T>(this InternalList<T> a, InternalList<T> b) where T : IEquatable<T>
return a.Count == b.Count && AllEqual(a.InternalArray, b.InternalArray, a.Count);
public static bool AllEqual<T>(T[] a, T[] b, int count) where T : IEquatable<T>
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (!a[i].Equals(b[i]))
return false;
return true;
// Originally from MathEx
public static bool SortPair<T>(ref T lo, ref T hi, Comparison<T> comp)
if (comp(lo, hi) > 0)
Swap(ref lo, ref hi);
return true;
return false;
public static void Swap<T>(ref T a, ref T b)
T c = a;
a = b;
b = c;
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