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Last active November 8, 2016 07:36
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/* I wrote an application-agnostic UndoStack class for my own diagramming tool. It's easy to use, for example here's how you might write code to delete a shape:
UndoStack _undoStack = new UndoStack();
void DeleteShape(GraphicElement el)
_undoStack.Do(@do => {
if (@do) {
// Code to delete the shape
} else {
// Code to restore the state to how it was before the deletion
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
namespace UndoStackExample
/// <summary>Represents an action that can be done once and then undone.
/// The method must be called once to do the action and once to undo it.</summary>
/// <param name="do">Whether to do or undo. @do is false to request undo.</param>
/// <remarks>This delegate is typically used with <see cref="UndoStack"/>.
/// The caller promises to properly pair "do" and "undo" calls, so the
/// DoOrUndo method should not have to do sanity checking.</remarks>
public delegate void DoOrUndo(bool @do);
/// <summary>A simple, general class for managing an undo-redo stack.</summary>
public class UndoStack
protected struct Command
public Command(DoOrUndo action, bool finishGroup)
{ _action = action; _done = false; _finishGroup = finishGroup; }
DoOrUndo _action;
bool _done; // debug check
// To group a series of actions into one undo command, _finishGroup should
// be false on all actions except the final one.
bool _finishGroup;
public bool FinishGroup { get { return _finishGroup; } }
public Command Do() { Debug.Assert(!_done); _done = true; _action(true); return this; }
public Command Undo() { Debug.Assert(_done); _done = false; _action(false); return this; }
public Command WithSeparatorFlag(bool finishGroup) { var copy = this; copy._finishGroup = finishGroup; return copy; }
protected Stack<Command> _undoStack = new Stack<Command>();
protected Stack<Command> _redoStack = new Stack<Command>();
public virtual void AfterAction(bool @do) { }
/// <summary>Executes an action and adds it to the undo stack.</summary>
/// <param name="action">Action to take. Initially called with an argument of true.</param>
/// <param name="finishGroup">If you want to group multiple actions together
/// so that one undo command undoes all of them, this parameter should be
/// true only on the last action.</param>
/// <remarks>If there are any actions on the tentative stack, they are accepted
/// and grouped with this new action.</remarks>
public virtual void Do(DoOrUndo action, bool finishGroup = true)
if (action != null) {
_undoStack.Push(new Command(action, finishGroup).Do());
public void FinishGroup(bool finish = true)
Debug.Assert(_undoStack.Count > 0);
public virtual bool Undo(bool run = true)
if (_undoStack.Count == 0)
return false;
if (run) {
do {
} while(_undoStack.Count != 0 && !_undoStack.Peek().FinishGroup);
return true;
public virtual bool Redo(bool run = true)
if (_redoStack.Count == 0)
return false;
if (run) {
do {
} while(!_undoStack.Peek().FinishGroup);
return true;
#region Support for a tentative/preview action
// Tentative/preview actions must be separate from the normal undo stack
// in order to avoid clearing the redo stack when doing a preview action.
protected Stack<Command> _tempStack = new Stack<Command>();
/// <summary>Performs an action without clearing the redo stack.</summary>
/// <remarks>All tentative actions pending at the same time are placed
/// in the same undo group. Call <see cref="AcceptTentativeAction"/> or
/// <see cref="Do"/> to finalize, or <see cref="UndoTetativeAction"/> to
/// undo.
public virtual void DoTentatively(DoOrUndo action)
_tempStack.Push(new Command(action, false).Do());
/// <summary>If tentative action(s) have been performed, they are now added
/// to the undo stack and the redo stack is cleared.</summary>
/// <param name="finish">Whether the tentative action is completed
/// (if so, further actions are placed in a new undo group)</param>
public bool AcceptTentativeAction(bool finish = true)
if (_tempStack.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in _tempStack)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Undoes any temporary actions performed with <see cref="DoTentatively"/>.</summary>
public void UndoTentativeAction()
while (_tempStack.Count > 0)
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