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Last active February 13, 2024 19:48
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Example of using LogonDesktop to find a suitable SYSTEM token to impersonate, allowing the start of a process from another session without creating a service
Process, Priority, , A
#Include <FastDefaults>
#SingleInstance Ignore
#Include <LogonDesktop>
CanWeWorkWithThisSystemToken(proc, ByRef hNonDuplicatedToken, wantedSystemTokenPrivs)
static cbTOKEN_PRIVILEGES := 16, TokenPrivileges := 3, SecurityImpersonation := 2, TokenImpersonation := 2
static TokenDesiredAccess := TOKEN_DUPLICATE := 0x0002 | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE := 0x0004 | TOKEN_QUERY := 0x0008 | TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY := 0x0001 | TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES := 0x0020
gotAGoodToken := False
hDupSystemToken := 0
numPrivsToFind := wantedSystemTokenPrivs.SetCapacity(0)
if (LogonDesktop_DuplicateTokenEx(hNonDuplicatedToken, TokenDesiredAccess, 0, SecurityImpersonation, TokenImpersonation, hDupSystemToken))
if (!_GetTokenInformation(hDupSystemToken, TokenPrivileges, 0, 0, neededSize) && neededSize && A_LastError == 122) {
VarSetCapacity(tokenPrivs, neededSize)
if (_GetTokenInformation(hDupSystemToken, TokenPrivileges, &tokenPrivs, neededSize, neededSize)) {
VarSetCapacity(privName, (260+1) * 2)
tokenPrivCount := NumGet(tokenPrivs,, "UInt")
if (tokenPrivCount) {
Loop % tokenPrivCount {
luidOffset := 4 + ((cbTOKEN_PRIVILEGES - 4) * (A_Index - 1))
if (DllCall("advapi32\LookupPrivilegeNameW", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &tokenPrivs+luidOffset, "WStr", privName, "UInt*", 260)) {
if (wantedSystemTokenPrivs[privName])
if (!numPrivsToFind)
if (!numPrivsToFind)
gotAGoodToken := True
if (gotAGoodToken) {
hNonDuplicatedToken := hDupSystemToken
return True
} else {
hNonDuplicatedToken := 0
return False
if (LogonDesktop_AdjustThisProcessPrivileges({"SeImpersonatePrivilege": True, "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege": True, "SeDebugPrivilege": True}, PreviousState)) {
if ((sessionId := DllCall("WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId", "UInt")) != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
tokenSuitabilityCb := Func("CanWeWorkWithThisSystemToken")
wantedSystemTokenPrivs := {"SeImpersonatePrivilege": True, "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege": True, "SeDebugPrivilege": True, "SeTcbPrivilege": True, "SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege": True}
for _, sessId in [sessionId, 0, 0xFFFFFFFE]
if ((hDupSystemToken := _FindASystemProcessToken(, tokenSuitabilityCb, wantedSystemTokenPrivs, sessId)))
if (hDupSystemToken) {
if (DllCall("advapi32\ImpersonateLoggedOnUser", "Ptr", hDupSystemToken)) {
if (LogonDesktop_AdjustTokenPrivileges(hDupSystemToken, wantedSystemTokenPrivs)) {
if (LogonDesktop_WTSQueryUserToken(sessionId, hToken)) {
if (_GetTokenInformation(hToken, 19, hUserToken, A_PtrSize,, "Ptr*")) { ; TokenLinkedToken - duplicate if changing its attributes, like session ID
LogonDesktop_EasyCreateProcessUsingToken(hUserToken, A_ProgramFiles . "\VeraCrypt\VeraCrypt.exe", "WinSta0\Default", True,, SW_HIDE := 0)
if (!DllCall("advapi32\RevertToSelf"))
DllCall("TerminateProcess", "Ptr", LogonDesktop_GetCurrentProcess(), "UInt", 1)
LogonDesktop_AdjustThisProcessPrivileges(0, PreviousState)
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