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Last active December 3, 2021 01:30
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Sample script for LogonDesktop. Enables media keys on the lockscreen
#Include *i %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\FastDefaults.ahk
SetKeyDelay, -1, -1
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance Off ; This same script is launched multiple times
#UseHook Off ; Remove if you need complex hotkeys. WM_HOTKEY suits me fine; I don't want a low-level keyboard/mouse hook installed on WinSta0\Winlogon
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\LogonDesktop.ahk ; Naturally, this one is needed
#Include *i %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\WatchLenovoBatteryKey.ahk ; Ignore this one; it's only going to exist on my system
#Include *i %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\RegisterSyncCallback.ahk ; Used by TermWait for a thread-safe RegisterCallback. Get it from
#Include *i %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\TermWait.ahk ; Used to implement dieOnParentTermination. Get it from the same place you got this script
#Include *i %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\SaveSetColours.ahk ; Used to implement GetColourSettingsForLoggedOnUser. Also in my Gists. W10, on my laptop for some reason, doesn't retain my profile's accent etc. colour when the desktop is switched, so I set it myself again
; Global constants:
clientSwitch := " /userPipeName:"
pipeNameTemplate := "AHK_LogonMediaKeys_" ; + sessionId
dieOnParentTermination := True ; quick-n-dirty way to have all children exit when the session 0 script gets stopped (no, jobs won't work: "All processes associated with a job must run in the same session")
parentHandleSwitch := " /parentHandle:"
winlogonSessionIDs := [] ; Used by the session 0 instance of this script to store the child sessions another instance of itself is running in
main(), return
; LogonDesktop assumes a Unicode build of AutoHotkey throughout. Sorry.
if (!A_IsUnicode)
ExitApp 1
DllCall("SetErrorMode", "UInt", DllCall("GetErrorMode", "UInt") | 0x0002, "UInt") ; AND SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX to stop Windows from throwing up WER dialog boxes in case of error
global dieOnParentTermination, parentHandleSwitch
if (dieOnParentTermination) {
fnTermWait_WaitForProcTerm := Func("TermWait_WaitForProcTerm")
if (!fnTermWait_WaitForProcTerm) {
dieOnParentTermination := False ; No point in enabling if the function to wait on a process's termination isn't there...
} else {
global hDupProc
if (!DllCall("DuplicateHandle", "Ptr", LogonDesktop_GetCurrentProcess(), "Ptr", LogonDesktop_GetCurrentProcess(), "Ptr", LogonDesktop_GetCurrentProcess(), "Ptr*", hDupProc, "UInt", 0x00100000, "Int", True, "UInt", 0)) ; Duplicate the psuedo handle returned by GetCurrentProcess() to obtain a real handle for this process and mark it as inheritable
dieOnParentTermination := False
cmdLine := DllCall("GetCommandLineW", "WStr")
if (InStr(cmdLine, parentHandleSwitch)) { ; if there was a handle passed to this process, enable watching for its termination now.
MSGID := 0x8500
fnTermWait_WaitForProcTerm.Call(A_ScriptHwnd, MSGID, StrSplit(cmdLine, parentHandleSwitch, " """"")[2],,, True)
if (LogonDesktop_IsScriptProcessSYSTEM()) {
global scriptSessionId
if (!LogonDesktop_ProcessIdToSessionId(LogonDesktop_GetCurrentProcessId(), scriptSessionId))
ExitApp 1
DllCall("SetProcessShutdownParameters", "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0) ; Make us one of the last things to shutdown - done so that my accent colour is retained...
if (scriptSessionId == 0) {
} else {
} else {
; Simply put: die if our parent process dies and dieOnParentTermination is enabled
AHK_TERMNOTIFY(wParam, lParam) {
Critical 1000
global wtsHandle, hDupProc, watchForColourChange, SaveSetColoursFunc
OnExit(A_ThisFunc, 0)
if (watchForColourChange) {
watchForColourChange := False
PostMessage, 0x0000,,,, ahk_id %A_ScriptHwnd% ; WM_NULL
SetTimer, SetupColourChange, Off
SaveSetColoursFunc.Call(True, False)
if (wtsHandle) {
if (OnMessage(0x2B1, ""))
DllCall("wtsapi32.dll\WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd)
LogonDesktop_UnloadWtsApi(wtsHandle), wtsHandle := 0
if (hDupProc)
LogonDesktop_CloseHandle(hDupProc), hDupProc := 0
Critical Off
return 0
; --- Here lies the functions used when this script is running as LocalSystem
; Here we perform the initialisation needed when this script is the first instance of itself, running in the services session --
global wtsHandle
; if (LogonDesktop_AllUsersCanWriteToThisScript())
; OutputDebug % A_ScriptName . ": [LogonDesktop] WARNING: it's seemingly possible for Everyone and/or all Users to modify this script"
if (!LogonDesktop_WaitForTermSrvInit()) ; Probably redundant since Task Scheduler starts this script so late, and probably checks itself...
ExitApp 1
; wtsapi32.dll isn't loaded by default. For the notifications to actually work, we must load it ourselves
if (!(wtsHandle := LogonDesktop_LoadWtsApi()))
ExitApp 1
; In session zero, watch for new sessions and launch the Winlogon instances of this script in each newly-created session
if (DllCall("wtsapi32.dll\WTSRegisterSessionNotification", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd, "UInt", 1)) ; NOTIFY_FOR_ALL_SESSIONS
; If the script is running on the Winlogon desktop of a non-service session, then:
if ((!LogonDesktop_GetThreadDesktopName(desktopName)) || desktopName != "Winlogon")
ExitApp 1
; Raise the process's priority, just 'cause.
Process, Priority,, A
; As we're on the Winlogon desktop, where the logon/lock screen actually displays itself, let's now register the hotkeys.
; Done here because including them in the normal AHK way would mean that they're registered in the services session and on the Default desktop of a user's session...
for _, key in ["Volume_Mute", "Volume_Up", "Volume_Down"]
Hotkey, %key%, HandleVolumeKeys, UseErrorLevel On
for _, key in ["Media_Prev", "Media_Next", "Media_Play_Pause"]
Hotkey, %key%, HandleMediaKeys, UseErrorLevel On
; ignore. this section is for my personal tasks
if (true)
if ((wlbk_st := Func("WatchLenovoBatteryKey_SetThresholds"))) {
wlbk_st := ""
if (IsFunc("SaveSetColours")) {
if (!SetupColourChange()) { ; if we're not started when logged on, this will fail - as expected. Can't get logon token of a user that's not logged on...
global wtsHandle := LogonDesktop_LoadWtsApi() ; so monitor for logons ourselves if needed
if (wtsHandle && DllCall("wtsapi32.dll\WTSRegisterSessionNotification", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd, "UInt", NOTIFY_FOR_THIS_SESSION := 0))
global winlogonSessionIDs, scriptSessionId, watchForColourChange
; username := ""
; if (LogonDesktop_WTSQueryUserToken(lParam, hToken)) {
; LogonDesktop_GetTokenUsername(hToken, username)
; LogonDesktop_CloseHandle(hToken)
; }
; OutputDebug % ("WTSSESSION_CHANGE: wParam: " . wParam . " lParam: " . lParam . " username: " . username)
if (scriptSessionId == 0) {
if (wParam == 6) ; user logged out. Typically speaking, this means the session will be deleted
else if (wParam == 1) ; WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT - new sessions are created just to show a logon window on them, which is why WTS_SESSION_LOGON doesn't work here
SetTimer, EnumerateSessionsAndLaunchWinlogonClient, -1000
else {
if (wParam == 5) { ; user logged in on our session
; I used to also register for session notifications in the Winlogon instance to see if a user had logged on, to start the pipe server instance as soon as that happened,
; but moved away to the more reliable method of starting said AHKLogonMediaKeys instance when a media key is actually pressed at the logon screen
if (!watchForColourChange)
SetTimer, SetupColourChange, -1000 ; now try again to set the colour settings
Critical Off
; This function's aim is to go through all the present sessions, seeing which ones do not have a Winlogon instance of this script running on them
; Critical
global winlogonSessionIDs, dieOnParentTermination, parentHandleSwitch, hDupProc
static cbWTS_SESSION_INFO_1 := A_PtrSize == 8 ? 56 : 32, WTSEnumerateSessionsExW, WTSFreeMemoryExW := 0, cmdLine := 0
if (!WTSFreeMemoryExW) {
global wtsHandle
WTSFreeMemoryExW := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", wtsHandle, "AStr", "WTSFreeMemoryExW", "Ptr")
WTSEnumerateSessionsExW := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", wtsHandle, "AStr", "WTSEnumerateSessionsExW", "Ptr")
if (!cmdLine) {
cmdLine := DllCall("GetCommandLineW", "WStr")
for _, switch in [" /force", " /restart"] {
if (!InStr(cmdLine, switch))
cmdLine .= switch
if (dieOnParentTermination) {
if (!InStr(cmdLine, parentHandleSwitch))
cmdLine .= parentHandleSwitch . hDupProc
if (DllCall(WTSEnumerateSessionsExW, "Ptr", 0, "UInt*", 1, "UInt", 0, "Ptr*", pSessionInfo, "UInt*", wtsSessionCount)) { ; WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE
; WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS := {0: "WTSActive", 1: "WTSConnected", 2: "WTSConnectQuery", 3: "WTSShadow", 4: "WTSDisconnected", 5: "WTSIdle", 6: "WTSListen", 7: "WTSReset", 8: "WTSDown", 9: "WTSInit"}
Loop % wtsSessionCount {
currSessOffset := cbWTS_SESSION_INFO_1 * (A_Index - 1) ;, ExecEnvId := NumGet(pSessionInfo+0, currSessOffset, "UInt")
currSessOffset += 4, State := NumGet(pSessionInfo+0, currSessOffset, "UInt")
currSessOffset += 4, SessionId := NumGet(pSessionInfo+0, currSessOffset, "UInt")
; currSessOffset += A_PtrSize, SessionName := StrGet(NumGet(pSessionInfo+0, currSessOffset, "Ptr"),, "UTF-16")
; currSessOffset += A_PtrSize, HostName := StrGet(NumGet(pSessionInfo+0, currSessOffset, "Ptr"),, "UTF-16")
; currSessOffset += A_PtrSize, UserName := StrGet(NumGet(pSessionInfo+0, currSessOffset, "Ptr"),, "UTF-16")
; currSessOffset += A_PtrSize, DomainName := StrGet(NumGet(pSessionInfo+0, currSessOffset, "Ptr"),, "UTF-16")
; currSessOffset += A_PtrSize, FarmName := StrGet(NumGet(pSessionInfo+0, currSessOffset, "Ptr"),, "UTF-16")
if (SessionId) { ; if the session ID is not zero (I don't think you get negative session IDs...)
if (State == 0 || State == 1) { ; active / connected
; check to see if we already launched a Winlogon instance in that session
foundSessionId := False
for _, s in winlogonSessionIDs {
if (s == sessionId) {
foundSessionId := True
if (!foundSessionId) {
if (LogonDesktop_LaunchOnWinlogonDesktop(cmdLine, sessionId,, dieOnParentTermination))
DllCall(WTSFreeMemoryExW, "UInt", 2, "Ptr", pSessionInfo, "UInt", wtsSessionCount) ; WTSTypeSessionInfoLevel1
; Critical Off
global SaveSetColoursFunc := Func("SaveSetColours"), watchForColourChange
ret := False
if (SaveSetColoursFunc) { ; does SaveSetColours() exist? Great, get a function object pointing to it
if (GetColourSettingsForLoggedOnUser()) { ; did we get the profile colours of the logged in user? great:
ret := watchForColourChange := True
while (watchForColourChange) {
if (LogonDesktop_WaitForDesktopSwitchSync() && _OnWinLogonDesktop()) ; now the script waits for the desktop to be switched back to WinSta0\Winlogon
Loop 3
SaveSetColoursFunc.Call(True, False) ; and if so, set our retained colours
return ret
global scriptSessionId, SaveSetColoursFunc
ret := False
if (IsObject(SaveSetColoursFunc) && IsFunc(SaveSetColoursFunc)) {
if (LogonDesktop_AdjustThisProcessPrivileges({"SeTcbPrivilege": True, "SeImpersonatePrivilege": True}, PreviousState)) {
Critical 1000 ; don't allow this to be interrupted
; wait until Explorer signals Winlogon's event to tell it to switch to the desktop
if ((ShellDesktopSwitchEvent := DllCall("OpenEventW", "UInt", 0x00100000, "Int", False, "WStr", "ShellDesktopSwitchEvent", "Ptr"))) { ; SYNCHRONIZE
DllCall("WaitForSingleObject", "Ptr", ShellDesktopSwitchEvent, "UInt", -1)
Loop 120 {
DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", 500) ; wait before trying again
if (LogonDesktop_WTSEnumerateProcessesEx(sessionProcesses,, scriptSessionId)) ; get only processes in our session
for _, proc in sessionProcesses
if (proc.ProcessName = "explorer.exe")
break 2
DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", 1750)
if (DllCall("advapi32\RegDisablePredefinedCache") == 0) { ; force WinAPI registry functions to read the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key of the user we're going to impersonate
if (LogonDesktop_WTSQueryUserToken(scriptSessionId, hToken)) {
if (DllCall("advapi32\ImpersonateLoggedOnUser", "Ptr", hToken)) { ; make this thread impersonate as the logged on user
SaveSetColoursFunc.Call() ; get the colour settings for said user
ret := True
if (!DllCall("advapi32\RevertToSelf")) ; go back to being SYSTEM
DllCall("TerminateProcess", "Ptr", LogonDesktop_GetCurrentProcess(), "UInt", 1) ; if that fails, we need to bail
LogonDesktop_AdjustThisProcessPrivileges(0, PreviousState)
Critical Off
return ret
; handles when the Media_* keys are pressed in the Winlogon script instance
static pipe_name := 0, CreateFileW := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandleW", "WStr", "kernel32.dll", "Ptr"), "AStr", "CreateFileW", "Ptr"), WaitNamedPipe := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandleW", "WStr", "kernel32.dll", "Ptr"), "AStr", "WaitNamedPipeW", "Ptr")
if (!pipe_name) {
global pipeNameTemplate, scriptSessionId
pipe_name := "\\.\pipe\" . pipeNameTemplate . scriptSessionId
; wait to see if the pipe actually exists
if (!DllCall(WaitNamedPipe, "WStr", pipe_name, "uint", 1000)) {
if (A_LastError != 2) ; ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
; if not, launch the pipe server on the user's desktop
Critical ; don't allow this function to try starting the server as many times as a media key is pressed
DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", 250)
Critical Off
; open handle to named pipe. Use CreateFile because it allows us to prevent the pipe server from impersonating us when we connect
hPipe := DllCall(CreateFileW, "WStr", pipe_name, "UInt", 0x40000000, "UInt", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 3, "UInt", 0x00100000, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr") ; GENERIC_WRITE, OPEN_EXISTING, SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT | SECURITY_ANONYMOUS(0)
if (hPipe != -1) { ; INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
if ((media_pipe := FileOpen(hPipe, "h", "UTF-16-RAW")))
media_pipe.Write(A_ThisHotkey), media_pipe := ""
; this is easier. As long as we're in the same session, Windows Audio can be controlled normally regardless of the current desktop
if (A_ThisHotkey == "Volume_Mute") {
SoundSet +1,, Mute
} else if (A_ThisHotkey == "Volume_Down") {
SoundSet -2
} else if (A_ThisHotkey == "Volume_Up") {
SoundSet +2
LaunchUserPipeServerInSameSessionAsWinlogonScript() {
ret := False
global clientSwitch, pipeNameTemplate, scriptSessionId, dieOnParentTermination, parentHandleSwitch, hDupProc
pipe_name := pipeNameTemplate . scriptSessionId
if (LogonDesktop_AdjustThisProcessPrivileges({"SeTcbPrivilege": True, "SeImpersonatePrivilege": True, "SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege": True, "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege": True}, PreviousState)) { ; usually enabled by default when SYSTEM, but just in case...
if (LogonDesktop_WTSQueryUserToken(scriptSessionId, hToken)) { ; get the token for the logged-on user in the same session the Winlogon script is running on
if (LogonDesktop_DuplicateTokenEx(hToken, 0x02000000, 0, 1, 1, hUserToken)) { ; Duplicate it to get a token we can use with CreateProcess. MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, SecurityIdentification, TokenPrimary
; I don't want to run the pipe server elevated, but if Spotify for whatever reason is, run with the uiAccess attribute set to ensure there's no problems
LogonDesktop_SetUiAccessToken(hUserToken, LogonDesktop_DoesTokenContainAdminGroupDirectlyOrNot(hToken, True)) ; need to know if the user logged on is an admin to set the right higher integrity level
extra := dieOnParentTermination ? parentHandleSwitch . hDupProc : ""
ret := LogonDesktop_EasyCreateProcessUsingToken(hUserToken, """" . A_AhkPath . """" . " /force /restart " . """" . A_ScriptFullPath . """" . clientSwitch . pipe_name . extra, "WinSta0\Default", True, dieOnParentTermination)
LogonDesktop_AdjustThisProcessPrivileges(0, PreviousState)
return ret
; --- These functions are used in pipe server mode, running on the user's Default desktop
global clientSwitch, hDupProc
cmdLine := DllCall("GetCommandLineW", "WStr")
if (InStr(cmdLine, clientSwitch)) { ; if the name of the pipe to create is specified on the command line (which it will be when started by the Winlogon instance)
if (hDupProc)
LogonDesktop_CloseHandle(hDupProc), hDupProc := 0 ; we don't spawn any further scripts from the pipe server instance
pipe_name := StrSplit(cmdLine, clientSwitch, " """"")[2]
if ((spaceChrPos := InStr(pipe_name, " "))) ; the quick-and-dirty C way of replacing a character
NumPut(0, pipe_name, (spaceChrPos - 1) * 2, "UShort"), VarSetCapacity(pipe_name, -1)
} else { ; Assume this script was started by double-clicking it by the user
if (A_IsAdmin) { ; if we are elevated
if (LogonDesktop_PossiblyDetermineIfUnelevatedUserCanWriteToScript())
OutputDebug % A_ScriptName . ": [LogonDesktop] WARNING: unelevated you has the right to edit this script. Consider fixing that."
LogonDesktop_AddTask(True, True) ; run on startup and start session zero instance of this script now
} else {
Run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" "%A_ScriptFullPath%",, UseErrorLevel ; ask for elevation and run ^
; we only create this named pipe because SetThreadDesktop isn't really possible in AutoHotkey, and I don't want to run a script as SYSTEM on the user's Default desktop anyway
; This (and the pipe functions at the bottom) is mostly Lexikos' code:
; Any screwups are, of course, mine only
; if there is no pipe to create, or if it already exists (another pipe server script running?), then exit
if (!pipe_name || FileExist("\\.\pipe\" . pipe_name))
ExitApp 1
; default DACL on the pipe allows for all users to send messages to the pipe. Use a subset of the default rules: only SYSTEM and the user who created the pipe has full control; the rest are denied any access to it
if (LogonDesktop_OpenProcessToken(LogonDesktop_GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY := 0x0008, hToken)) {
if (LogonDesktop_GetTokenUser(hToken, TOKEN_USER)) { ; get SID of user who created this process
if (DllCall("advapi32.dll\ConvertSidToStringSidW", "Ptr", NumGet(TOKEN_USER,, "Ptr"), "Ptr*", StringSid)) { ; and convert it to string form
VarSetCapacity(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, (saCb := A_PtrSize == 8 ? 24 : 12), 0), NumPut(saCb, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES,, "UInt")
; get SD from SDDL string (given the amount of struct manipulations I'd have to do to do this in pure WinAPI, I'll stick with SDDL in AutoHotkey, TYVM)
if (DllCall("advapi32.dll\ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW", "WStr", Format("D:(A;;0x1fffff;;;{:s})(A;;0x1fffff;;;SY)", StrGet(StringSid,, "UTF-16")), "UInt", 1, "Ptr", &SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES+A_PtrSize, "Ptr", 0)) ; SDDL_REVISION_1
; purposely don't free the SD memory allocated by ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor - doing so causes a crash 90% of the time, and we won't leak because this is only called once anyway
DllCall("LocalFree", "Ptr", StringSid, "Ptr")
hpipe := CreateNamedPipe(pipe_name, 0x00000001 | 0x40000000,, 1, lpSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) ; PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE
if (hpipe == -1) ; INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
ExitApp 1
pipe := FileOpen(hpipe, "h", "UTF-16-RAW")
DisconnectNamedPipe := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandleW", "WStr", "kernel32.dll", "Ptr"), "AStr", "DisconnectNamedPipe", "Ptr")
; Wait for a connection.
while (ConnectNamedPipe(hpipe))
; Read the message incrementally (if it is long).
message := ""
while (data := pipe.Read(4096))
message .= data
; Process the message.
if (message == "Media_Next") {
PostMessage, 0x319,, 0xB0000,, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow
} else if (message == "Media_Prev") {
PostMessage, 0x319,, 0xC0000,, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow
} else if (message == "Media_Play_Pause") {
PostMessage, 0x319,, 0xE0000,, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow
; Disconnect so that we can accept another connection.
DllCall(DisconnectNamedPipe, "Ptr", hpipe)
pipe := ""
CreateNamedPipe(Name, OpenMode=3, PipeMode=0, MaxInstances=255, lpSecurityAttributes := 0) {
return DllCall("CreateNamedPipe","str","\\.\pipe\" Name,"uint",OpenMode
ConnectNamedPipe(hNamedPipe) {
static ConnectNamedPipe := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandleW", "WStr", "kernel32.dll", "Ptr"), "AStr", "ConnectNamedPipe", "Ptr")
,GetOverlappedResult := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandleW", "WStr", "kernel32.dll", "Ptr"), "AStr", "GetOverlappedResult", "Ptr")
,MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandleW", "WStr", "user32.dll", "Ptr"), "AStr", "MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx", "Ptr")
,hEvent := DllCall("CreateEvent", "ptr", 0, "int", true, "int", false, "ptr", 0, "ptr"), overlapped
if (!VarSetCapacity(overlapped)) {
VarSetCapacity(overlapped, 32, 0)
NumPut(hEvent, overlapped, 2*A_PtrSize+8, "Ptr")
if (!DllCall(ConnectNamedPipe, "ptr", hNamedPipe, "ptr", &overlapped) && A_LastError == 997) { ; ERROR_IO_PENDING
loop {
; Wait for the event to be signaled or any window message received.
r := DllCall(MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx, "uint", 1, "ptr*", hEvent, "uint", -1, "uint", 0x4FF, "uint", 0x6)
Sleep -1 ; Allow AutoHotkey to dispatch messages.
} until r=0 or r=-1 ; WAIT_OBJECT_0 or WAIT_FAILED
r := DllCall(GetOverlappedResult, "ptr", hNamedPipe, "ptr", &overlapped, "uint*", 0, "int", true)
; if (r == 0)
; DllCall("ResetEvent", "Ptr", hEvent)
return r
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