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Last active March 2, 2016 12:09
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A Simple CDA Implementation in Clojure
(ns interact.cda
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]))
(defn insert-by [f c e]
(let [[lt gt] (split-with #(f % e) c)]
(concat lt [e] gt)))
(def insert (partial insert-by <))
(testing "insert"
(is (= (insert [1 2 4] 3)
(list 1 2 3 4)))
(is (= (insert [1 2 4] 0)
(list 0 1 2 4)))
(is (= (insert [1 2 4] -1)
(list -1 1 2 4)))
(is (= (insert [1 2 4] 5)
(list 1 2 4 5))))
(defn add-to-queues
"Insertes an order into the matching queue, sorted by its price
and returns a new pair of queues."
[{:keys [quantity] :as order} [bids asks :as queues]]
(> quantity 0) [(insert-by #(> (:price %1) (:price %2)) bids order)
(< quantity 0) [bids
(insert-by #(< (:price %1) (:price %2)) asks order)]
:else queues))
(testing "add to queues"
(testing "pre condition"
; order MUST NOT be nil
(is (thrown? NullPointerException (add-to-queues nil [() ()]))))
(testing "insertion"
(is (= (add-to-queues {:quantity 1 :price 0.1} [() ()])
[(list {:quantity 1 :price 0.1})
(is (= (add-to-queues {:quantity -1 :price 0.1} [() ()])
(list {:quantity -1 :price 0.1})]))
(is (= (add-to-queues {:quantity 0 :price 0.1} [() ()])
[() ()])))
(testing "correct insertion order"
(is (= (add-to-queues {:quantity 1 :price 0.1} [(list {:quantity 1 :price 0.2})
[(list {:quantity 1 :price 0.2} {:quantity 1 :price 0.1})
(is (= (add-to-queues {:quantity -1 :price 0.1} [()
(list {:quantity -1 :price 0.2})])
(list {:quantity -1 :price 0.1} {:quantity -1 :price 0.2})]))))
(defn- add-to-front
"Adds a new order to the front of the appropriate queue."
[order [bids asks :as queues]]
(> (:quantity order) 0) [(cons order bids) asks]
(< (:quantity order) 0) [bids (cons order asks)]
:else queues))
(testing "add to front"
(is (= (add-to-front {:quantity 1 :price 0.1}
[() ()])
[(list {:quantity 1 :price 0.1}) ()]))
(is (= (add-to-front {:quantity 1 :price 0.1}
[(list {:quantity 1 :price 0.2})
[(list {:quantity 1 :price 0.1} {:quantity 1 :price 0.2})
(defn trade-possible?
"Checks if a trade is possible based on the prices of two orders.
The bid price has to be higher than or equal to the ask price."
[bid ask]
(some? bid)
(some? ask)
(>= (:price bid) (:price ask))))
(testing "trade possible?"
(testing "dealing with nil"
(is (= (trade-possible? nil nil)
(is (= (trade-possible? {:price 0.1} nil)
(is (= (trade-possible? nil {:price 0.1})
(testing "price comparison"
(is (= (trade-possible? {:price 0.1} {:price 0.1})
(is (= (trade-possible? {:price 0.2} {:price 0.1})
(is (= (trade-possible? {:price 0.1} {:price 0.2})
(defn diff-order
"Returns the 'difference' between two orders."
[bid ask]
; using the fact that asks are modeled with a negative quantity:
(let [diff (+ (:quantity bid) (:quantity ask))]
(> diff 0) (assoc bid :quantity diff)
(< diff 0) (assoc ask :quantity diff)
:else nil)))
(testing "diff order"
(is (= (diff-order {:quantity 5} {:quantity -5})
(is (= (diff-order {:quantity 10 :price 0.2} {:quantity -5 :price 0.1})
{:quantity 5 :price 0.2}))
(is (= (diff-order {:quantity 5 :price 0.2} {:quantity -10 :price 0.1})
{:quantity -5 :price 0.1})))
(defn place-order
"Place a limit order using Continuous Double Auction."
[order queues]
(loop [[bids asks :as queues] (add-to-queues order queues)]
(let [[first-bid] bids
[first-ask] asks]
(if (not (trade-possible? first-bid first-ask))
(let [rest-queues [(rest bids) (rest asks)]
diffed-order (diff-order first-bid first-ask)]
(if (nil? diffed-order)
(recur (add-to-front diffed-order rest-queues))))))))
(testing "place order"
(is (= (->> [() ()]
(place-order {:quantity 1 :price 0.5}))
[(list {:quantity 1 :price 0.5}) ()]))
(is (= (->> [() ()]
(place-order {:quantity 1 :price 0.5})
(place-order {:quantity 2 :price 0.4})
(place-order {:quantity 3 :price 0.3}))
[(list {:quantity 1 :price 0.5}
{:quantity 2 :price 0.4}
{:quantity 3 :price 0.3})
(is (= (->> [() ()]
(place-order {:quantity 1 :price 0.5})
(place-order {:quantity -1 :price 0.5}))
[() ()]))
(is (= (->> [() ()]
(place-order {:quantity 1 :price 0.5})
(place-order {:quantity -1 :price 0.5})
(place-order {:quantity 2 :price 0.4})
(place-order {:quantity -2 :price 0.4})
(place-order {:quantity 3 :price 0.3})
(place-order {:quantity -3 :price 0.3}))
[() ()])))
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