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Created April 7, 2020 04:13
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t test, sign test, wilcoxon signed rank test, and 0/1 distribution test.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
t test, sign test, wilcoxon signed rank test, and 0/1 distribution test.
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import comb
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.stats import t
from wilcoxon import wilcoxon
class Hypothesis:
def __init__(self, test_data, control_data, n_test=None, n_control=None, alpha=0.05):
self.test_data = np.asarray(test_data)
self.control_data = np.asarray(control_data)
self.n = self.test_data.size
self.diff = self.test_data - self.control_data
self.alpha = alpha
self.n_test = n_test
self.n_control = n_control
def evaluate(self):
if self.n == 1:
def t_test(self):
method_name = "t test"
sample_mean = np.mean(self.diff)
sample_variance = np.var(self.diff, ddof=1) # Note: set ddof to calculate sample var
# pvalue
t_statistic = sample_mean / np.sqrt(sample_variance / self.n)
pvalue = 1 - t.cdf(df=self.n - 1, x=abs(t_statistic))
test_greater_than_control = sample_mean > 0
self._print_pvalue(method_name, t_statistic, pvalue, test_greater_than_control)
# confidence interval
half_alpha_percentile = t.ppf(self.alpha / 2, self.n - 1)
lower_bound = sample_mean + half_alpha_percentile * np.sqrt(sample_variance / self.n)
upper_bound = sample_mean - half_alpha_percentile * np.sqrt(sample_variance / self.n)
self._print_confidence_intervel(lower_bound, upper_bound)
def sign_test(self):
method_name = "sign test"
# pvalue
pos = np.sum(self.diff > 0)
neg = np.sum(self.diff < 0)
count = pos + neg
statistic = min(pos, neg)
pvalue = 0
for i in xrange(statistic + 1):
pvalue += comb(count, i)
pvalue *= np.power(0.5, count)
test_greater_than_control = pos > neg
self._print_pvalue(method_name, statistic, pvalue, test_greater_than_control)
# confidence interval: todo
def wilcoxon_signed_rank_test(self):
method_name = "wilcoxon signed test"
# pvalue
statistic, pvalue, test_greater_than_control = wilcoxon(self.test_data, self.control_data)
self._print_pvalue(method_name, statistic, pvalue, test_greater_than_control)
# confidence interval: todo
def zero_one_test(self):
method_name = "zero/one test"
# pvalue
p_a = self.test_data
p_b = self.control_data
n_a = self.n_test
n_b = self.n_control
test_greater_than_control = p_a > p_b
sample_mean = p_a - p_b
variance = p_a * (1 - p_a) / n_a + p_b * (1 - p_b) / n_b
statistic = sample_mean / np.sqrt(variance)
pvalue = 1 - norm.cdf(abs(statistic))
self._print_pvalue(method_name, statistic, pvalue, test_greater_than_control)
# confidence interval
half_alpha_percentile = norm.ppf(self.alpha / 2)
lower_bound = sample_mean + half_alpha_percentile * np.sqrt(variance)
upper_bound = sample_mean - half_alpha_percentile * np.sqrt(variance)
self._print_confidence_intervel(lower_bound, upper_bound)
def _print_pvalue(self, method_name, statistic, pvalue, test_greater_than_control):
print("%s: alpha is %.4f, statistic is %.4f, pvalue is %.4f." % (method_name, self.alpha, statistic, pvalue))
if pvalue > self.alpha:
print("\t pvalue is larger than alpha. The testing is not significant.")
if test_greater_than_control:
print("\t pvalue is smaller than alpha. The test experiment is significantly better than control.")
print("\t pvalue is smaller than alpha. The control experiment is significantly better than test.")
def _print_confidence_intervel(lower_bound, upper_bound):
print("\t confidence intervel is [%.4f, %.4f]" % (lower_bound, upper_bound))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# t test, sign test, wilcoxon signed rank test
test = [20, 13, 13, 20, 28, 32, 23, 20, 25, 15, 30]
control = [3, 3, 3, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 32]
hypo = Hypothesis(np.array(test), np.array(control))
# zero/one test
p_a = 0.10510
p_b = 0.10600
n_a = 575997
n_b = 858353
hypo_zero_one = Hypothesis(p_a, p_b, n_a, n_b)
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy import (asarray, sqrt, compress)
from scipy import stats
def wilcoxon(x, y=None, zero_method="wilcox", correction=False):
Calculate the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. It is a non-parametric version of the paired T-test.
x : array_like
The first set of measurements.
y : array_like, optional
The second set of measurements. If `y` is not given, then the `x`
array is considered to be the differences between the two sets of
zero_method : string, {"pratt", "wilcox", "zsplit"}, optional
Pratt treatment: includes zero-differences in the ranking process
(more conservative)
Wilcox treatment: discards all zero-differences
Zero rank split: just like Pratt, but spliting the zero rank
between positive and negative ones
correction : bool, optional
If True, apply continuity correction by adjusting the Wilcoxon rank
statistic by 0.5 towards the mean value when computing the
z-statistic. Default is False.
statistic : float
The sum of the ranks of the differences above zero.
pvalue : float
The one-sided p-value for the test.
Because the normal approximation is used for the calculations, the
samples used should be large. A typical rule is to require that
n > 20.
.. [1]
if zero_method not in ["wilcox", "pratt", "zsplit"]:
raise ValueError("Zero method should be either 'wilcox' "
"or 'pratt' or 'zsplit'")
if y is None:
d = x
x, y = map(asarray, (x, y))
if len(x) != len(y):
raise ValueError('Unequal N in wilcoxon. Aborting.')
d = x - y
if zero_method == "wilcox":
# Keep all non-zero differences
d = compress(np.not_equal(d, 0), d, axis=-1)
count = len(d)
if count < 10:
warnings.warn("Warning: sample size too small for normal approximation.")
r = stats.rankdata(abs(d))
r_plus = np.sum((d > 0) * r, axis=0)
r_minus = np.sum((d < 0) * r, axis=0)
x_greater_than_y = r_plus > r_minus
if zero_method == "zsplit":
r_zero = np.sum((d == 0) * r, axis=0)
r_plus += r_zero / 2.
r_minus += r_zero / 2.
T = min(r_plus, r_minus)
mn = count * (count + 1.) * 0.25
se = count * (count + 1.) * (2. * count + 1.)
if zero_method == "pratt":
r = r[d != 0]
replist, repnum = stats.find_repeats(r)
if repnum.size != 0:
# Correction for repeated elements.
se -= 0.5 * (repnum * (repnum * repnum - 1)).sum()
se = sqrt(se / 24)
correction = 0.5 * int(bool(correction)) * np.sign(T - mn)
z = (T - mn - correction) / se
prob = stats.distributions.norm.sf(abs(z))
return(T, prob, x_greater_than_y)
if __name__ == "__main__":
control = [1.83,1.86,1.92,2.16,2.2,1.79,1.75,1.94,1.91,2,2.24,2.26,1.87,1.83]
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