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"howMany": 200,
"millisBetweenNumbers": 1000
type: flow
name: producer-consumer
- name: howMany
- name: millisBetweenNumbers
- name: double-value
target: ${consumer.output.output}
type: micropipe
name: simple-consumer
image: "simple-consumer:latest"
baseCmd: java -jar /usr/bin/simple-consumer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- name: source
internalName: --source
optional: false
repeatable: false
type: micropipe
name: slow-printer
image: "slow-printer:latest"
baseCmd: java -jar /usr/bin/slow-printer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- name: howMany
internalName: --howMany
- name: millisBetweenNumbers
internalName: --millisBetweenNumbers
MyFramework framework = MyFramework.builder()
// initialization code here
// Get a reference to the "handle" method
Method handle = handlerType.getDeclaredMethod("handle",
new Class<?>[] {
ScanContext.class, FrameworkAnnotationContext.class
// Create a FrameworkAnnotationContext instance by passing the annotation to process,
// the instance being scanned and the method where the annotation is placed
FrameworkAnnotationContext<Annotation> annotationContext = new FrameworkAnnotationContext<>(annotation, instance, m);
// Get the handler type from the @Handler annotation
Class<? extends AnnotationHandler> handlerType = annotation.annotationType().getAnnotation(Handler.class).value();
// Get and invoke the only constructor (which needs to be an empty one, unless you need a more complex behavior)
AnnotationHandler handler = (AnnotationHandler) Stream.of(handlerType.getConstructors())
.newInstance(new Object[0]);
List<Annotation> annotations = Stream.of(m.getDeclaredAnnotations())
.filter(annotation -> annotation.annotationType().isAnnotationPresent(Handler.class))
public class GetMappingHandler implements AnnotationHandler<GetMapping> {
public void handle(ScanContext scanContext, FrameworkAnnotationContext<GetMapping> annotationContext) {
String endpoint = annotationContext.getAnnotation().value();
Method m = (Method) annotationContext.getAnnotatedElement();
Object o = annotationContext.getInstance();
scanContext.createMapping(endpoint, m, o);
public class MyAnnotationHandler implements AnnotationHandler<MyAnnotation> {
public void handle(ScanContext scanContext, FrameworkAnnotationContext<MyAnnotation> annotationContext) {
System.out.println("Foo is " + annotationContext.getAnnotation().foo());
System.out.println("Bar is " + annotationContext.getAnnotation().bar());