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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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(* Dan Grossman, Coursera PL, HW2 Provided Code *)
(* if you use this function to compare two strings (returns true if the same
string), then you avoid several of the functions in problem 1 having
polymorphic types that may be confusing *)
fun same_string(s1 : string, s2 : string) =
s1 = s2
(* put your solutions for problem 1 here *)
fun all_except_option(str : string, strlist : string list) =
case strlist of
[] => NONE
| str1 :: strlist' => case same_string(str, str1) of
false => (case all_except_option(str, strlist') of
| SOME lst => SOME(str1 :: lst))
| true => SOME(strlist')
fun get_substitutions1(substitutions : string list list, s : string) =
case substitutions of
[] => []
| strlist1 :: sllist' => case all_except_option(s, strlist1) of
NONE => get_substitutions1(sllist', s)
| SOME list => list @ get_substitutions1(sllist', s)
fun get_substitutions2(substitutions : string list list, s: string) =
let fun aux(substitutions, s, l) =
case substitutions of
[] => []
| strlist1 :: sllist' => case all_except_option(s, strlist1) of
NONE => aux(sllist', s, l)
| SOME lst => aux(sllist', s, l @ lst)
aux(substitutions, s, [])
fun similar_names(substitutions : string list list, fullname : {first:string, middle:string, last:string}) =
let fun aux(lst : string list, fullname) =
case fullname of
{first, middle, last} => case lst of
[] => []
| str :: strlist => [{first = str, last = last, middle = middle}] @ aux(strlist, fullname)
case fullname of
{first, middle, last} => let val l = get_substitutions1(substitutions, first)
[{first = first, last = last, middle = middle}] @ aux(l, fullname)
(* you may assume that Num is always used with values 2, 3, ..., 10
though it will not really come up *)
datatype suit = Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts | Spades
datatype rank = Jack | Queen | King | Ace | Num of int
type card = suit * rank
datatype color = Red | Black
datatype move = Discard of card | Draw
exception IllegalMove
(* put your solutions for problem 2 here *)
fun card_color(c : card) =
case c of
(Clubs, _) => Black
| (Spades, _) => Black
| _ => Red
fun card_value(c : card) =
case c of
(_, Ace) => 11
| (_, Num i) => i
| _ => 10
fun remove_card(cs : card list, c : card, e) =
case cs of
[] => raise e
| c1 :: cs' => case c1 = c of
true => cs'
| false => c1 :: remove_card(cs', c, e)
fun all_same_color(cs : card list) =
case cs of
[] => true
| c :: cs1' => case cs1' of
[] => true
| c' :: cs2' => case card_color(c) = card_color(c') of
true => all_same_color(cs1')
| false => false
fun sum_cards(cs :card list) =
let fun aux(cs, sum) =
case cs of
[] => sum
| c :: cs' => aux(cs', sum + card_value(c))
aux(cs, 0)
fun score(heldc : card list, goal : int) =
val sum = sum_cards(heldc)
val same = all_same_color(heldc)
val bigger = sum > goal
if bigger
then case same of
true => 3 * (sum - goal) div 2
| false => 3 * (sum - goal)
else case same of
true => (goal - sum) div 2
| false => goal - sum
fun officiate(cs : card list, ms : move list, goal : int) =
let fun aux(heldc : card list, cs, ms, goal) =
case ms of
[] => score(heldc, goal)
| m :: ms' => case m of
Discard c' => aux(remove_card(heldc, c', IllegalMove), cs, ms', goal)
| draw => case cs of
[] => score(heldc, goal)
| c :: cs' => aux(c :: heldc, cs', ms', goal)
aux([], cs, ms, goal)
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