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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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CBOX distro bash script
# CBOX distro script
# Before using:
# 1. Ensure that 1.0.x branch has pinned all plugins to latest version.
# 2. Checkout a new branch for @todo decide on a branch name.
# 3. Create the following folder - 'includes/zip'
# Next, run this bash script.
# By default, this bash script will:
# 1. Download all Github plugins and themes and place them in the
# /includes/zip/ folder.
# 2. Switch references to all Github links in CBOX to the local filepath
# If you don't need to re-download all Github assets, use 'cbox-distro no-dl'
# to just modify the filepath references.
# Confirm that the changes are accurate, then commit and deploy to!
# pass any parameter to disable github fetching
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
# fetch all github links and save to /includes/zip/ directory
if $download ; then
# delete everything in the /includes/zip/ directory
rm includes/zip/* 2> /dev/null
# grab all github links from plugins-loader.php and download them to /includes/zip/
# requires wget
grep -o --null "https\?://github\.com.*\w" admin/plugins-loader.php | awk '{split($0,a,"/"); b[0] = "wget --no-check-certificate " $0 " -O includes/zip/" a[5] "-" a[7]; print b[0]; b[0] | getline v; close(b[0]); }'
# grab all github links from theme-install.php and download them to /includes/zip/
# requires wget
grep -o --null "https\?://github\.com.*\w" admin/theme-install.php | awk '{split($0,a,"/"); b[0] = "wget --no-check-certificate " $0 " -O includes/zip/" a[5] "-" a[7]; print b[0]; b[0] | getline v; close(b[0]); }'
# previous try with curl resulted in downloaded zips that WP didn't like
#grep -o --null "https\?://github\.com.*\w" admin/plugins-loader.php | awk '{split($0,a,"/"); b[0] = "curl -L -o includes/zip/" a[5] "-" a[7] " -i " $0; print b[0]; b[0] | getline v; close(b[0]); }'
# output message
echo Github downloads complete and moved to /includes/zip/ folder.
# replace references of github links to internal file paths in plugins-loader.php
sed -i.bak -E "s,'(http|https)://[^/]*/,CBOX_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/zip/,g
s,/archive/,-,g" admin/plugins-loader.php
# replace references of github links to internal file paths in theme-install.php
sed -i.bak -E "s,'(http|https)://[^/]*/,CBOX_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/zip/,g
s,/archive/,-,g" admin/theme-install.php
# remove .bak files needed during sed replacement
rm `find admin/ -name *.bak`
# output message
echo Github references changed to use local filepath.
echo All done!
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