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Last active November 15, 2016 17:02
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#load libraries
#load data
a <- read_csv('data/usa_00013(1).csv',col_types=cols(PERWT=col_double()))
#filter out those under 16 and over 65
b <- a %>% filter(AGE>= 16 & AGE<= 65)
#assign sex
c <- b %>%mutate(Sex=factor(SEX, labels=c('Male','Female')))
#Remove Men
cc <- c %>% filter(Sex=='Female')
#Create age groupings*******************************
d <- cc %>% mutate(Agegroup=(factor(ifelse(AGE<=25,1,
#label age groupings
e <- d %>% mutate(Agegroup=factor(Agegroup,labels=c('16-25','26-35',
#remove Alaska and Hawaii
f <- e %>% filter(YEAR>=1960 | !(STATEFIP %in% c(2,15)))
#Desrcibe employment:
g <- f %>% mutate(Occ=factor(ifelse(OCC1950>=980,1,2)))
#Label employment:
h <- g %>% mutate(Occ=factor(Occ,labels=c('Not Employed','Employed')))
#Create Marriage groupings
i <- h %>% mutate(Status=factor(ifelse(MARST<=2,1,2)))
#label Marriage groupings
j <- i %>% mutate(Status=factor(Status,labels=c('Married','Single')))
#group to calculate totals of women married/single in each year
k <- j %>% group_by(YEAR,Status,Agegroup) %>% summarize(Total=sum(PERWT))
#group to calculate totals of employed married/single women in each year
l <- j %>% group_by(YEAR,Status,Occ,Agegroup) %>% summarize(Number=sum(PERWT))
#join them so we can divide them
m <- left_join(l,k, by=c('YEAR','Status','Agegroup'))
#Remove the unemployed so its easier to see percentages
n <- m %>% filter(Occ=='Employed')
#Divide to get percents
o <- n %>% mutate(Percent=Number*100/Total)
#Negate single women so that they graph opposite the axis
p <- o %>% mutate(Percent=ifelse(Status=='Single',-1*Percent,Percent))
ggplot(data=p,aes(x=Agegroup,y=Percent,fill=Status)) +
geom_bar(data=p[p$Status=='Single',],stat='identity') +
geom_bar(data=p[p$Status=='Married',],stat='identity') +
coord_flip() +
facet_grid(~YEAR) +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-100,100), breaks=c(-50,0,50),
labels=c('50%','0%','50%')) +
labs(y='Percent Employed',title='Percent Employment among Married and Single Women from 1920-1970',x='Age') +
scale_fill_brewer(palette='Set1',guide=guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)) +
ggsave('Fig1.pdf',width=10, height=7.5)
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