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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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when/unless/go keywords
// when/unless go/unless keywords
// - rlyeh
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#define when(...) for( std::function<void()> fn; !fn && (__VA_ARGS__ +0); fn() ) fn = [&]
#define unless(...) , !(__VA_ARGS__) ? fn : fn = [&]
#define go when(true)
// sample
struct player_t {
int type = 0;
enum { BATMAN = 0, CATWOMAN = 1 };
bool in_shadow = 0;
struct enemy_t {
int type = 0;
int gang = 1;
bool something_on_fov = 1;
int health = 100;
enum { HUMAN = 0, PENGUIN = 1 };
void say( const char *text ) {
std::cout << text << std::endl;
int main() {
player_t player;
enemy_t enemy, poison_ivy;
// original expression :
auto eval = [&] {
when( enemy.something_on_fov ) {
enemy.say("guys! it's batman!!!");
unless( !enemy.gang ) { enemy.say("oh no batman! please don't hurt me"); }
unless( enemy.type == enemy_t::PENGUIN ) { enemy.say("kwak! kwak! i think i see batman!"); }
unless( player.in_shadow ) { enemy.say( "hmmm... i think i see batman!"); }
unless( player.type == player_t::CATWOMAN ) { enemy.say("it's the kitty kat!"); }
unless( player.type == player_t::CATWOMAN && > 0 ) { enemy.say("hey cat, the boss wants a word with you..."); }
// gets translated into:
auto eval1 = [&] {
for( std::function<void()> fn; !fn && (enemy.something_on_fov); fn() )
fn = [&] {
enemy.say("guys! it's batman!!!");
, !( !enemy.gang) ? fn : fn = [&]{ enemy.say("oh no batman! please don't hurt me"); }
, !( enemy.type == enemy_t::PENGUIN) ? fn : fn = [&]{ enemy.say("kwak! kwak! i think i see batman!"); }
, !( player.in_shadow ) ? fn : fn = [&]{ enemy.say( "hmmm... i think i see batman!"); }
, !( player.type == player_t::CATWOMAN) ? fn : fn = [&]{ enemy.say("it's the kitty kat!"); }
, !( player.type == player_t::CATWOMAN && > 0) ? fn : fn = [&]{ enemy.say("hey cat, the boss wants a word with you..."); }
player = player_t();
player = player_t(); enemy.gang = 0;
player = player_t(); player.in_shadow = 1;
for( unsigned i = 1; i <= 100; ++i ) {
go {
std::cout << i << ',';
unless( 0 == i % 3 ) {
std::cout << "fizz,";
unless( 0 == i % 5 ) {
std::cout << "buzz,";
unless( 0 == i % 15 ) {
std::cout << "fizzbuzz,";
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