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Created October 2, 2014 12:24
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1€ Filter, template-compliant version
Jonathan Aceituno <>
25/04/14: fixed bug with last_time_ never updated on line 40
For details, see
#include <cmath>
template <typename T = double>
struct low_pass_filter {
low_pass_filter() : hatxprev(0), xprev(0), hadprev(false) {}
T operator()(T x, T alpha) {
T hatx;
if(hadprev) {
hatx = alpha * x + (1-alpha) * hatxprev;
} else {
hatx = x;
hadprev = true;
hatxprev = hatx;
xprev = x;
return hatx;
T hatxprev;
T xprev;
bool hadprev;
template <typename T = double, typename timestamp_t = double>
struct one_euro_filter {
one_euro_filter(double _freq, T _mincutoff, T _beta, T _dcutoff) : freq(_freq), mincutoff(_mincutoff), beta(_beta), dcutoff(_dcutoff), last_time_(-1) {}
T operator()(T x, timestamp_t t = -1) {
T dx = 0;
if(last_time_ != -1 && t != -1 && t != last_time_) {
freq = 1.0 / (t - last_time_);
last_time_ = t;
dx = (x - xfilt_.xprev) * freq;
T edx = dxfilt_(dx, alpha(dcutoff));
T cutoff = mincutoff + beta * std::abs(static_cast<double>(edx));
return xfilt_(x, alpha(cutoff));
double freq;
T mincutoff, beta, dcutoff;
T alpha(T cutoff) {
T tau = 1.0 / (2 * M_PI * cutoff);
T te = 1.0 / freq;
return 1.0 / (1.0 + tau / te);
timestamp_t last_time_;
low_pass_filter<T> xfilt_, dxfilt_;
// =================================================================
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// An example
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <cstdlib>
struct randomizer {
randomizer(int a, int b) : start_(std::min(a, b)), range_(std::max(a,b) - start_) {}
int operator()() {
return start_ + rand() % range_;
int start_, range_;
template <typename T>
T rand01() {
return rand() / static_cast<T>(RAND_MAX);
int main() {
static const double duration = 10;
static const double frequency = 120;
static const double mincutoff = 1;
static const double beta = 1;
static const double dcutoff = 1;
one_euro_filter<> filter(frequency, mincutoff, beta, dcutoff);
std::cout << "#SRC" << std::endl;
std::cout << "#CFG {'beta':" << beta << ", 'freq':" << frequency << ", 'dcutoff':" << dcutoff << ", 'mincutoff':" << mincutoff << "}" << std::endl;
std::cout << "#LOG timestamp, signal, noisy, filtered" << std::endl;
for(double t=0; t<duration; t += 1/frequency) {
double signal = std::sin(t);
double noisy = signal + (rand01<double>() - 0.5) / 5;
double filtered = filter(noisy, t);
std::cout << t << ", " << signal << ", " << noisy << ", " << filtered << std::endl;
return 0;
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Hey, it would be really great if you could add a license to this.

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