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Last active June 3, 2018 09:30
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Libreoffice financial macros
REM ***** BASIC *****
Function VLOOKUP(SearchValue As Variant, CellRange As Object, Column As Integer, Mode As Integer) As Variant
Dim svc As Object
Dim arg AS Variant
svc = createUnoService("")
arg = Array(SearchValue, CellRange, Column, Mode)
VLOOKUP = svc.callFunction("VLOOKUP", arg)
End Function
Function MATCH(SearchValue As Variant, CellRange As Object, Mode As Integer) As Variant
Dim svc As Object
Dim arg AS Variant
svc = createUnoService("")
arg = Array(SearchValue, CellRange, Mode)
MATCH = svc.callFunction("MATCH", arg)
End Function
Function MIN(X As Double, Y As Double) As Double
Dim svc As Object
Dim arg AS Variant
svc = createUnoService("")
arg = Array(X, Y)
MIN = svc.callFunction("MIN", arg)
End Function
Function MAX(X As Double, Y As Double) As Double
Dim svc As Object
Dim arg AS Variant
svc = createUnoService("")
arg = Array(X, Y)
MAX = svc.callFunction("MAX", arg)
End Function
REM Return the cells that make up the named range
Function NamedRange(RangeName As String)
NamedRange = ThisComponent.NamedRanges.getByName(RangeName).getReferredCells()
End Function
REM Return the asset class allocations for the goal with the given priority
Function AssetClassAllocations(GoalPriority As Integer)
Dim data As String
Dim strings As Object
Dim values() As Variant
Dim v(2) As Variant
Dim i As Integer
data = VLOOKUP(GoalPriority, NamedRange("goal_data"), 5, 0)
strings = Split(data, "|")
Redim values(UBound(strings)) As Variant
For i = LBound(strings) to UBound(strings)
v = Split(strings(i), ":")
v(1) = CDbl(v(1))
values(i) = v
Next i
AssetClassAllocations = values
End Function
REM Return the envisioned target amount for the goal with the given priority
Function GoalAmount(GoalPriority As Integer) As Double
GoalAmount = VLOOKUP(GoalPriority, NamedRange("goal_data"), 3, 0)
End Function
REM Determine the allocation limit for the goal with the given priority,
REM as a percentage of the net worth
Function AllocationLimitPercent(GoalPriority As Integer) As Double
Dim limit As Double
limit = VLOOKUP(GoalPriority, NamedRange("goal_data"), 6, 0)
If limit = 0 Then
limit = 1
End If
AllocationLimitPercent = limit
End Function
REM Return an array containing the balances of all asset classes at the given date
Function AssetClassBalances(TimeStamp As Double) As Variant
Dim r As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Dim rows As Variant
rows = NamedRange("balance_data").DataArray
Dim balances(UBound(rows(LBound(rows))) - 1) As Currency
For r = LBound(rows) To UBound(rows)
If rows(r)(LBound(rows(r))) = TimeStamp Then
For c = LBound(rows(r))+1 To UBound(rows(r))
balances(c-1) = rows(r)(c)
Next c
Exit For
End If
Next r
AssetClassBalances = balances
End Function
REM Lookup the balance of a given asset class in an array
Function LookupAssetClassBalance(BalancesArray As Variant, AssetClassCode As String) As Currency
Dim index As Integer
index = MATCH(AssetClassCode, NamedRange("asset_codes"), 0) - 1
LookupAssetClassBalance = BalancesArray(index)
End Function
REM Update the balance of a given asset class in an array by deducting the allocated amount
Sub UpdateAssetClassBalance(BalancesArray As Variant, AssetClassCode As String, AllocatedAmount As Currency)
Dim index As Integer
index = MATCH(AssetClassCode, NamedRange("asset_codes"), 0) - 1
BalancesArray(index) = BalancesArray(index) - AllocatedAmount
End Sub
REM Calculate the sum of all asset class balances
Function NetWorth(BalancesArray As Variant) As Currency
Dim sum As Currency
Dim amount As Currency
sum = 0
For Each amount In BalancesArray
sum = sum + amount
Next amount
NetWorth = sum
End Function
REM Determine the progress made towards the goal with the given priority at the given date
Function GoalProgress(GoalPriority As Integer, TimeStamp as Double) As Double
Dim assetClasses as Variant
Dim balances As Variant
Dim targetAmount As Currency
Dim allocatedAmount As Currency
Dim acBalance As Currency
Dim acComponent As Currency
Dim ac As Variant
Dim p As Integer
Dim limit As Currency
Dim nw As Currency
Dim acAmountToAlloc As Currency
balances = AssetClassBalances(TimeStamp)
nw = NetWorth(balances)
For p = 1 To GoalPriority
allocatedAmount = 0
targetAmount = GoalAmount(p)
limit = AllocationLimitPercent(p) * nw
assetClasses = AssetClassAllocations(p)
For Each ac In assetClasses
acBalance = LookupAssetClassBalance(balances, ac(0))
acComponent = targetAmount * ac(1)
acAmountToAlloc = MAX(0, MIN(acComponent, acBalance))
If limit > allocatedAmount Then
If acAmountToAlloc > limit - allocatedAmount Then
acAmountToAlloc = limit - allocatedAmount
End If
allocatedAmount = allocatedAmount + acAmountToAlloc
UpdateAssetClassBalance(balances, ac(0), acAmountToAlloc)
End If
Next ac
Next p
GoalProgress = allocatedAmount / targetAmount
End Function
Sub Test_GoalProgress
Dim p2 As Double
Dim p3 As Double
p2 = GoalProgress(2, CDbl(DateValue("04.04.2018")))
p3 = GoalProgress(3, CDbl(DateValue("04.04.2018")))
End Sub
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