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Last active October 20, 2019 08:35
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Raster interrupt sample from Compute's Machine Language Routines for the Commodore 64/128
5 sys 49152
10 print chr$(147):poke 49408+33,0:poke 49455+33,0
15 for a=832 to 896:poke a,255:next
20 for a=2040 to 2047:poke a,13:next
30 poke 49408+21,255:poke 49455+21,255
40 for a=49408 to 49422 step 2:poke a,b*25+50:poke a+47,b*25+50:b=b+1:next
50 for a=49409 to 49423 step 2:poke a,100:poke a+47,200:next
vic = $d000
newvic = $c100
ciaicr = $dc0d
scroly = $d011
irqmsk = $d01a
vicirq = $d019
raster = $d012
irqvec = $0314
irqnor = $ea31
irqend = $febc
ras64 lda #$7f
sta ciaicr
lda #<main
sta irqvec
lda #>main
sta irqvec+1
lda scroly
and #$7f
sta scroly
lda #1
sta irqmsk
ldy #46
copy lda vic,y
sta newvic,y
sta newvic+47,y
bpl copy
lda newvic+$11
and #$7f
sta newvic+$11
sta newvic+47+$11
main lda #1
sta vicirq
ldx #147
ldy #46
lda raster
cmp #147
bcc top
ldx #1
ldy #93
top txa
ldx #3
delay dex
bne delay
ldx #46
copybk lda newvic,y
sta vic,x
bpl copybk
sta raster
lda ciaicr
bcc noirq
jmp irqnor
noirq jmp irqend
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