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Last active July 15, 2024 19:49
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John Doe Resume
John Doe

John Doe

Full-Stack Web Application Engineer

Skills and Keywords


Domains of Expertise

Languages: Javascript, TypeScript, Go, Ruby, Java and Python

Data: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, ORMs, active-record, SQL & NoSQL

Deploy: Kubernetes, AWS, lambdas, micro-services, serverless

Markup: jsx/tsx, Styled-Components/css-in-js, flexbox/css/sass

State: GraphQL, Redux, REST, oauth + jwt + sessions, single-page-app architecture

Workflow: test-driven, git, agile, pair-programming

Front-End: ReactJS, NextJS, Static and SSR optimizations, Tailwind CSS, d3

Back End: NodeJS + Express-like frameworks, Ruby on Rails, Django, Spring Boot



Senior Software Engineer / March 2019 - 2021

  • Developed workflow and frameworks for testing frontend integrations amongst remote organizational services

  • Improved the ci build pipeline; reduced build times by 70% and added tests and fail safes for prod deployments

  • Built and extended front-end tooling to make for more robust efficient and happier development

  • Authored and integrated visual diff testing framework for refactors and improvements

  • Mentored junior and backend developers to be more successful front-end engineers

  • Coordinated with team and project manager to set realistic goals and timelines for our teams frontend development

  • Integrated monitoring tools to track front-end uptime and production health amongst our users and device profiles

  • Technologies used: Javascript, Typescript, Webpack,, Java, NodeJS+express, React+Redux, GraphQL

CloudSolutions Inc

Technical Lead / October 2016 - November 2017

  • Designed and built enterprise level solutions to meet organizational standards, demands and workloads.

  • Mentored, tutored and evangelized new technologies and practices for a modern stack solution to meet enterprise level requirements, such as scalability, access control, auditing and security.

  • Triaged, created and managed issues/tasks with our offshore development team.

  • Traveled on-site to meet with clients to determine project requirements and deliverables

  • Technologies used: NodeJS+express, React+Redux, GraphQL, Postgres


Lead Application Engineer Consultant / May 2015 - February 2016

  • Contributed non-trivial pieces of core back-end functionality to a custom scalable Docker platform product used by developers commercially for an industry leading client.

  • Designed and implemented single-page-app architecture methodology and advanced front-end components to compliment the functionality of the back-end Docker platform product.

  • Showed initiative by improving testing and build integrity, which proved critical in developing a developer platform

  • Developed from the ground up using Go, a complete back-up and restore service for CassandraDB; a NoSQL distributed database.

  • Technologies used: Go, AngularJS, Java, Docker, CassandraDB

Et. al, (2010-2015)

HealthTech - Senior Software Engineer / November 2014 - February 2015

DigitalCraft - Senior Software Engineer / June 2014 - October 2014

ShippingSolutions - Senior Front-End Engineer / August 2013 - December 2013

CookingTech - Web Application Engineer / April 2012 - July 2012

StreamLabs - Web Service Engineer / August 2011 - December 2011

CodeFactory - Junior Developer / January 2011 - July 2011

CallCenter IT & Database and Systems Administrator / March 2010 - November 2010

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