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Created May 13, 2020 14:47
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#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" void MyDebugLog(NSString *formatString, ...);
extern void MyDebugLog(NSString *formatString, ...);
#define DLog(...) MyDebugLog(__VA_ARGS__)
#define DLog(...)
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifndef LOG_PATH
#define LOG_PATH @"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/z_my_share.log"
void MyDebugLog(NSString *formatString, ...) {
@autoreleasepool {
va_list args;
va_start(args, formatString);
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:formatString arguments:args];
NSString *string = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:formatString arguments:args] autorelease];
NSFileHandle *fileHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:LOG_PATH];
if (!fileHandle) {
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath:LOG_PATH contents:nil attributes:nil];
fileHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:LOG_PATH];
if (!fileHandle) {
if (![string hasSuffix:@"\n"]) {
string = [string stringByAppendingString:@"\n"];
@try {
[fileHandle seekToEndOfFile];
[fileHandle writeData:[string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
} @catch (NSException *e) {
NSLog(@"Failed to log to file! ━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━ %@", e);
[fileHandle closeFile];
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