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Created June 1, 2017 23:41
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Assign Taxi Zones Snippet
def assign_taxi_zones(df, lon_var, lat_var, locid_var):
"""Joins DataFrame with Taxi Zones shapefile.
This function takes longitude values provided by `lon_var`, and latitude
values provided by `lat_var` in DataFrame `df`, and performs a spatial join
with the NYC taxi_zones shapefile.
The shapefile is hard coded in, as this function makes a hard assumption of
latitude and longitude coordinates. It also assumes latitude=0 and
longitude=0 is not a datapoint that can exist in your dataset. Which is
reasonable for a dataset of New York, but bad for a global dataset.
Only rows where `df.lon_var`, `df.lat_var` are reasonably near New York,
and `df.locid_var` is set to np.nan are updated.
df : pandas.DataFrame or dask.DataFrame
DataFrame containing latitudes, longitudes, and location_id columns.
lon_var : string
Name of column in `df` containing longitude values. Invalid values
should be np.nan.
lat_var : string
Name of column in `df` containing latitude values. Invalid values
should be np.nan
locid_var : string
Name of series to return.
import geopandas
from shapely.geometry import Point
# make a copy since we will modify lats and lons
localdf = df[[lon_var, lat_var]].copy()
# missing lat lon info is indicated by nan. Fill with zero
# which is outside New York shapefile.
localdf[lon_var] = localdf[lon_var].fillna(value=0.)
localdf[lat_var] = localdf[lat_var].fillna(value=0.)
shape_df = geopandas.read_file('../shapefiles/taxi_zones.shp')
shape_df.drop(['OBJECTID', "Shape_Area", "Shape_Leng", "borough", "zone"],
axis=1, inplace=True)
shape_df = shape_df.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'})
local_gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(
localdf, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'},
geometry=[Point(xy) for xy in
zip(localdf[lon_var], localdf[lat_var])])
local_gdf = geopandas.sjoin(
local_gdf, shape_df, how='left', op='within')
return local_gdf.LocationID.rename(locid_var)
except ValueError as ve:
series = localdf[lon_var]
series = np.nan
return series
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