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Created January 17, 2015 03:13
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read a directory contents, parse the words in each file and store the result as a Map(word -> Set(documentName))
def getFileTree(f: File): Stream[File] =
f #:: (if (f.isDirectory) f.listFiles().toStream.flatMap(getFileTree)
else Stream.empty)
def createIndex(path: String): Map[String, Set[String]] = {
val f = new File(path)
val fileWordPairs = for {
file <- getFileTree(f) if file.isFile
line <- Source fromFile file getLines()
word <- line.split(" ")
} yield (file.getName, word.trim)
val index = fileWordPairs.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Set[String]]) {
case (acc, (k,v)) => acc + (v -> (acc.getOrElse(v,Set.empty[String] + k)))
def search(word: String, index: Map[String,List[String]]) = {
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