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Last active July 21, 2023 23:44
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Enumerate active IP Address in Lan
Enumerate active IP Address {Local Lan}
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Tested Under: Windows 10 (19043) x64 bits
Required Dependencies: {native}
Optional Dependencies: Test-NetConnection {native}
PS cmdlet Dev version: v1.4.12
CmdLet to enumerate active IP address on Local Lan for possible Lateral
movement oportunitys. It reports active Ip address, trys to resolve dns
hostname and scans for possible open ports if invoked -Action 'portscan'.
Remark: This module uses ICMP packets (ping) to scan local Lan network.
The Local Host Ip Addr will show up if invoked -output 'verbose' but
it will be substracted from further scans \ logs \ final_report_table
If invoked -output 'table' argument then cmdlet only displays in final
Table 'Open' ports reports. If invoked -output 'verbose' then cmdlet
displays in realtime the ip address beeing scanned and in final Table
it displays the 'closed' and 'open' ports ( elaborated ) report..
Parameter -addport 'int' can be used to add more than one port number
to the 'port_to_scan_list'. just split the port numbers using a comma.
Remark: Extra ports will be added to the end of 'ports_to_scan_list'
Parameter -timeout 'int' sets the max time in miliseconds to wait for
the ping reply (cmdlet_default: 500, microsoft_default: 2000) but it
only works when invoking -action 'enum' (discovery) not in 'portscan'
Remark: This cmdlet accepts timeouts between 100ms and 2000ms settings
Remark: PingSweep module migth take a long time to finish depending of
-iprange 'int' argument setting and if -action 'portscan' its invoked.
.Parameter Action
Accepts arguments: Enum and PortScan (default: enum)
.Parameter IpRange
Accepts the ip address range to scan (default: 1,255)
.Parameter ScanType
Accepts arguments: bullet, topports, maxports (default: topports)
.Parameter AddPort
Add extra port number to ports_to_scan? (default: false)
.Parameter TimeOut
max of milliseconds to wait for ping reply (default: 500)
.Parameter OutPut
Display verbose outputs? (default: table)
.Parameter Logfile
Write outputs to logfile? (default: false)
PS C:\> .\PingSweep.ps1 -Action Enum
Enumerate all active Ip addr on Lan
PS C:\> .\PingSweep.ps1 -Action Enum -logfile True
Enumerate all active addr on Lan + create logfile
PS C:\> .\PingSweep.ps1 -Action Enum -OutPut verbose
Enumerate all active addresses + verbose outputs
PS C:\> .\PingSweep.ps1 -Action Enum -IpRange "65,72"
Enum active addreses within the -IpRange 'int' sellected
PS C:\> .\PingSweep.ps1 -Action PortScan -IpRange "1,255"
Enum all addr + open ports (14 ports) + resolve Dns-NameHost!
PS C:\> .\PingSweep.ps1 -Action PortScan -ScanType bullet
Enum all addr + open ports (10 ports) + resolve Dns-NameHost!
PS C:\> .\PingSweep.ps1 -Action PortScan -ScanType maxports -OutPut verbose
Enum all addr + open ports (25 ports) + resolve Dns-NameHost + verbose outputs!
PS C:\> .\PingSweep.ps1 -Action PortScan -iprange "" -OutPut verbose
Enum single addr + open ports (14 ports) + resolve Dns-NameHost + verbose outputs!
None. You cannot pipe objects into PingSweep.ps1
* Scanning local lan for active devices!
Name Status LinkSpeed Action TimeOut IpRange LogFile
---- ------ --------- ------ ------- ------- -------
Wi-Fi Up 65 Mbps portscan 500(ms) 64,73 true
Starting ICMP (ping) scan ..
Inactive :
_Active_ : - Id:1
Inactive :
Inactive :
Inactive :
Inactive :
_Active_ : - Id:2
Inactive :
_Active_ : - Id:_LocalHostIpAddr_
|_Substract result from DataTable and Id identifier.
Inactive :
Id NetAdapter Protocol Status IpAddress
-- ---------- -------- ------- -------------
1 Wi-Fi TCP Active
2 Wi-Fi TCP Active
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param(
$LocalAddress = (#Get Local Ip_Address
Get-NetIPConfiguration | Where-Object {
$_.IPv4DefaultGateway -ne $null -and
$_.NetAdapter.status -ne "Disconnected"
Write-Host ""
[int]$Counter = 0
[int]$MhsfsCounter = 0
$ScanStartTimer = (Get-Date)
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
## Disable Powershell Command Logging for current session.
Set-PSReadlineOption –HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing|Out-Null
$Rand = -join (((48..57)+(65..90)+(97..122)) * 80 |Get-Random -Count 6 |%{[char]$_})
If($Egg -ieq "False")
Write-Host "* Scanning Lan for active devices!" -ForegroundColor Green
$NetAdapterName = (Get-NetAdapter | Select-Object * | Where-Object {
$_.Status -Match '^(Up)$'
If($TimeOut -lt 100 -or $TimeOut -gt 2000)
#Prevent small\big ttl value declarations
#NOTE: Only works in discovery (not portscan)
[int]$TimeOut = "500"
If($Action -ieq "Enum" -or $Action -ieq "PortScan")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Enumerate active ip addresses inside local lan!
This function only displays (in console) the results found in
the end. Unless its invoked the -OutPut 'verbose' parameter that
shows in realtime the ip addresses beeing currently scanned.
#Build stdout connections DataTable!
$tcptable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$tcptable.Columns.Add("Status ")|Out-Null
$tcptable.Columns.Add("IpAddress ")|Out-Null
#Local function variable declarations \ parsing user input data
$StartRange = $IpRange.Split(',')[0] ## Get first range value from -IpRange param
$EndOfRange = $IpRange.Split(',')[1] ## Get second range value from -IpRange param
$MyLocalAddress = $LocalAddress.split('.')[-1] ## Split Last range of Ip address {72}
$ping = New-Object ## Net ping -ComObject
$DnSRaw = $LocalAddress -replace "$MyLocalAddress","" ## Get the first 3 ip ranges
If($Action -ieq "enum"){$disaction = "discovery"}Else{$disaction = "$Action"}
$SingleIpAddrInput = "False" ## Allow only one iprange input
#Make sure the report log does not exist!
If(Test-Path -Path "$Env:TMP\iprange.log")
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\iprange.log" -Force
#Store information of active NetAdapter
$PrincipalInfo = Get-NetAdapter | Select-Object Name,Status,LinkSpeed,
@{Name='LogFile';Expression={"$logfile"}} | Where-Object {
$_.Status -iMatch '^(Up)$'
} | Format-Table -AutoSize
#Parse DataTable data OnScreen (NetAdapter)
$PrincipalInfo | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Stream | Select-Object -SkipLast 1 | ForEach-Object {
$stringformat = If($_ -Match '^(Name)')
@{ 'ForegroundColor' = 'Green' }
@{ 'ForegroundColor' = 'White' }
Write-Host @stringformat $_
If($OutPut -ieq "verbose")
Write-Host "`nStarting ICMP (ping) scan .." -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta -BackgroundColor DarkCyan
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 600
If($IpRange -Match '^(\d+\d+\d).(\d+\d+\d).(\d+|\d+\d+).(\d+|\d+\d+|\d+\d+\d+)$')
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Scan single ip adress user input!
Parameter -IpRange <'string'> can be used to scan a single ip
address for active\inactive state or to resolve dns domain name
and query for top open ports if invoked the -action <'portscan'>.
If($OutPut -ieq "verbose")
$MoreIcmpInfo = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName "$IpRange" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
$MyTable = $MoreIcmpInfo | Format-List | Out-String -Stream | Select-Object -Skip 2 | Select -SkipLast 4
echo $MyTable
$SingleIpAddrInput = "True"
#$ping.Send("$IpRange") | Where-Object {
$ping.Send($IpRange, $TimeOut) | Where-Object {
$_.Status -Match 'Success'
If($_.Status -Match 'Success')
If($OutPut -ieq "verbose")
If($Egg -ieq "false")
Write-Host "StatusCode : Address_Active" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black
If($Egg -ieq "false")
Write-Host "`nStatusCode : Address_Active" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black
#Collect information about why ping failed!
$StatusCodeInf = (Get-WmiObject Win32_PingStatus -Filter "Address='$IpRange' and Timeout=1500").StatusCode
If($StatusCodeInf -Match '^(11007)$')
$StatusCodeInf = "Bad Option!"
ElseIf($StatusCodeInf -Match '^(11011)$')
$StatusCodeInf = "Bad Request!"
ElseIf($StatusCodeInf -Match '^(11002|11003|11004|11005|11010)$')
$StatusCodeInf = "DestinationHostUnreachable?"
$StatusCodeInf = "Unknown"
Write-Host "StatusCode : $StatusCodeInf" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host "`n";exit #Exit @PingSweep
}|findstr /C:"Address" >> $Env:TMP\iprange.log
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Scan ip address by range!
[int]$i = 0
$StartRange..$EndOfRange | ForEach-Object {
$ping.Send("${DnSRaw}${_}", $TimeOut) | Where-Object {
$_.Status -Match 'Success'
If($_.Status -Match 'Success')
$MarkMe = "True"
$IpAddr = $_.Address.ToString()
#Adding values to stdout DataTable!
If($_.Address -NotMatch "$LocalAddress")
#Do not add value to DataTable if it equals the local host ip address
$Counter = $Counter-1
If($OutPut -ieq "verbose")
If($_.Address -NotMatch "$LocalAddress")
If($Egg -ieq "false")
#In verbose - display active ip address in green color
Write-Host "_Active_ :" $_.Address.ToString() "- Id:$Counter" -ForegroundColor Green
If($Egg -ieq "false")
#In verbose - display the Local Host ip address in yellow color, and substract one number to Id ..
Write-Host "_Active_ :" $_.Address.ToString() "- Id:" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline;
Write-Host "_LocalHostIpAddr_" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black;
Write-Host " |_" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline;Write-Host "Substract result from database and Id identifier." -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 600
$MarkMe = "False"
}|findstr /C:"Address" >> $Env:TMP\iprange.log
If($MarkMe -ieq "False")
If($OutPut -ieq "verbose" -and $Egg -ieq "false")
Write-Host "Inactive : ${DnSRaw}${_}" -ForegroundColor Blue
}#End of Single|Range scan function
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2;Write-Host "";
#Parse DataTable data onscreen (TCP test successed)
$tcptable | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object {
$stringformat = If($_ -Match '^(Id)')
@{ 'ForegroundColor' = 'Green' }
@{ 'ForegroundColor' = 'White' }
Write-Host @stringformat $_
If($logfile -ieq "True")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Store active ip addreses to logfile!
$MarkTheDate = Date -Format "dd/mm/yyy HH:mm:ss"
$StdOutTable = $tcptable | Format-Table -AutoSize
$StdoutAdpter = $PrincipalInfo | Format-Table -AutoSize|Select -SkipLast 1
echo "@PingSweep - [$MarkTheDate] - $NetAdapterName" > "$Env:TMP\$Rand.log"
echo "Domain_Name:$Env:COMPUTERNAME IpAddress:$LocalAddress" >> "$Env:TMP\$Rand.log"
echo $StdoutAdpter >> "$Env:TMP\$Rand.log"
echo $StdOutTable >> "$Env:TMP\$Rand.log"
If($Action -ieq "Enum")
Write-Host "`n* Logfile:" -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline;
Write-Host "'$Env:TMP\$Rand.log'" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black;
If($Action -ieq "PortScan")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Search for open ports and resolve dns names!
Scans for open ports in IP addresses found by previous
-action 'enum' scans, and resolves ip addr DNS NameHosts.
Parameter -addport 'int' can be used to add more than one port number
to the 'port_to_scan_list'. just split the port numbers using a comma.
Remark: Extra ports will be added to the end of 'ports_to_scan_list'
If invoked the -output 'table' argument then cmdlet only displays in the
final Table the 'Open' state ports. If invoked -output 'verbose' then cmdlet
displays in realtime the ip addresses beeing scanned and in the final Table
displays the 'Closed' and 'Open' state ports report. (more elaborated report)
#Build stdout connections DataTable!
$Finaltable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$Finaltable.Columns.Add("RemoteHost ")|Out-Null
$Finaltable.Columns.Add("Port ")|Out-Null
If($ScanType -ieq "maxports")
[int]$TotalNumberOfPortsToScan = "25"
$PortRangerdse = @(#Port numbers to be scanned!
ElseIf($ScanType -ieq "Bullet")
[int]$TotalNumberOfPortsToScan = "10"
$PortRangerdse = @(#Port numbers to be scanned!
[int]$TotalNumberOfPortsToScan = "14"
#Topports sellection { default value }
$PortRangerdse = @(#Port numbers to be scanned!
## If -addport 'int' parameter its invoked ..
#Then add all extra ports to ports_to_scan_list!
If(-not($AddPort) -or $AddPort -ne "false")
#If -addport 'int' match digits!
If($AddPort -Match '\d+')
#If -addport 'int' not match 'ports_to_scan_list' port numbers
If($PortRangerdse -NotMatch "$AddPort")
#If -addport 'int' match more than one port number!
If($AddPort -Match ',')
#Split multiple port numbers input!
$SpliThisShit = $AddPort.Split(',')
ForEach($itemport in $SpliThisShit)
#Add one Id number for each new port number input by user!
[int]$TotalNumberOfPortsToScan = [int]$TotalNumberOfPortsToScan+1
#Add one Id number for the new port number input by user!
[int]$TotalNumberOfPortsToScan = [int]$TotalNumberOfPortsToScan+1
#Add ports to 'ports_to_scan_list'
$PortRangerdse += "$AddPort"
#Loop trough ip address database
If($SingleIpAddrInput -ieq "True")
$IpFound = Get-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\iprange.log"|findstr /C:"Address"
$IpFound = Get-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\iprange.log"|findstr /C:"Address"|findstr /V /C:"$LocalAddress"
$DataBase = $IpFound -replace 'Address : ',''
$FirstBannerDisplay = "True"
If($Database -ieq $null)
#None IP Address found inside logfile!
Write-Host "* Error: none IP Addresses found inside logfile!" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host "";If(Test-Path -Path "$Env:TMP\iprange.log"){Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\iprange.log" -Force}
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1;exit ## Exit @PingSweep
ForEach($Item in $DataBase)
#Resolving Ip addr NameHost (DNS LOOKUP)
$DnsRawName = (Resolve-DnsName -Name $Item -EA SilentlyContinue).NameHost
#Ip Addr Dns-NameHost found => display NameHost
Write-Host "HostName: $DnsRawName" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
$DnsRawName = "* null *"
Write-Host "HostName: " -ForeGroundColor Yellow -NoNewline;
Write-Host "fail to resolve!" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black;
#Write OnScreen { console }
If($FirstBannerDisplay -ieq "True")
$FirstBannerDisplay = "False"
Write-Host "Scantype: ${ScanType}[$TotalNumberOfPortsToScan] extraport:$AddPort" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
#Get some info about ip address from WMI Win32_PingStatus API
$ReplySizeInfo = (Get-WmiObject Win32_PingStatus -Filter "Address='$Item' and Timeout=800").ReplySize
$TimeToLiveInf = (Get-WmiObject Win32_PingStatus -Filter "Address='$Item' and Timeout=800").TimeToLive
$StatusCodeInf = (Get-WmiObject Win32_PingStatus -Filter "Address='$Item' and Timeout=800").StatusCode
If($StatusCodeInf -Match '^(0)$')
$StatusCodeInf = "Success"
ElseIf($StatusCodeInf -Match '^(11010)$')
$StatusCodeInf = "Timed_Out"
ElseIf($StatusCodeInf -Match '^(11002|11003|11004|11005)$')
$StatusCodeInf = "Unreachable"
Write-Host "Response: $StatusCodeInf replysize:$ReplySizeInfo ttl:$TimeToLiveInf" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Scanning: $Item for open ports!" -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta -BackgroundColor DarkCyan
$PortRangerdse -split(',') | Foreach-Object -Process {
If((Test-NetConnection $Item -Port $_ -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).tcpTestSucceeded -ieq $true)
If($OutPut -ieq "verbose" -and $Egg -ieq "false")
Write-Host "$Item <Open> tcp $_" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black
#ServiceName associated with port number
If($_ -Match '^(20|21)$')
$Service = "FTP"
ElseIf($_ -eq 22)
$Service = "SSH"
ElseIf($_ -eq 23)
$Service = "TELNET"
ElseIf($_ -eq 53)
$Service = "DNS"
ElseIf($_ -eq 80)
$Service = "HTTP"
ElseIf($_ -eq 107)
$Service = "RTELNET"
ElseIf($_ -eq 110)
$Service = "POP3"
ElseIf($_ -eq 111)
$Service = "SUN_RPC"
ElseIf($_ -eq 135)
$Service = "EPMAP"
ElseIf($_ -Match '^(137|139)$')
$Service = "NETBIOS"
ElseIf($_ -eq 443)
$Service = "HTTPS"
ElseIf($_ -eq 445)
$Service = "SMB"
ElseIf($_ -eq 995)
$Service = "POP3S"
ElseIf($_ -eq 989)
$Service = "FTP_TLS/SSL"
ElseIf($_ -eq 1080)
$Service = "SOCKS"
ElseIf($_ -eq 1433)
$Service = "MSSQL"
ElseIf($_ -eq 2049)
$Service = "NFS"
ElseIf($_ -eq 3128)
$Service = "SQUID"
ElseIf($_ -eq 3306)
$Service = "MySQL"
ElseIf($_ -eq 3389)
$Service = "RDP"
ElseIf($_ -eq 5222)
$Service = "XMPP"
ElseIf($_ -eq 5900)
$Service = "VNC"
ElseIf($_ -eq 8080)
$Service = "APACHE"
$Service = "Unknown"
#Write results to DataTable
#Closed port detected ..
If($OutPut -ieq "verbose")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Displays Open \ Closed ports if invoked -output 'verbose'
If($Egg -ieq "false")
Write-Host "$Item Closed tcp $_" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
#ServiceName associated with port number
If($_ -Match '^(20|21)$')
$Service = "FTP"
ElseIf($_ -eq 22)
$Service = "SSH"
ElseIf($_ -eq 23)
$Service = "TELNET"
ElseIf($_ -eq 53)
$Service = "DNS"
ElseIf($_ -eq 80)
$Service = "HTTP"
ElseIf($_ -eq 107)
$Service = "RTELNET"
ElseIf($_ -eq 110)
$Service = "POP3"
ElseIf($_ -eq 111)
$Service = "SUN_RPC"
ElseIf($_ -eq 135)
$Service = "EPMAP"
ElseIf($_ -Match '^(137|139)$')
$Service = "NETBIOS"
ElseIf($_ -eq 443)
$Service = "HTTPS"
ElseIf($_ -eq 445)
$Service = "SMB"
ElseIf($_ -eq 995)
$Service = "POP3S"
ElseIf($_ -eq 989)
$Service = "FTP_TLS/SSL"
ElseIf($_ -eq 1080)
$Service = "SOCKS"
ElseIf($_ -eq 1433)
$Service = "MSSQL"
ElseIf($_ -eq 2049)
$Service = "NFS"
ElseIf($_ -eq 3128)
$Service = "SQUID"
ElseIf($_ -eq 3306)
$Service = "MySQL"
ElseIf($_ -eq 3389)
$Service = "RDP"
ElseIf($_ -eq 5222)
$Service = "XMPP"
ElseIf($_ -eq 5900)
$Service = "VNC"
ElseIf($_ -eq 8080)
$Service = "APACHE"
$Service = "Unknown"
#Write results to DataTable
}## End of Foreach-Object{}
}## End of ForEach()
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1458
#Parse DataTable data onscreen (console)
Write-Host "`n* Scanning Lan for active devices!" -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta -BackgroundColor DarkCyan;
$CheckTableRows = $Finaltable | Format-Table #Check if Table contains any data!
#None Open ports found ..
$Finaltable.Rows.Add("none open","ports","found","using","the sellected","syntax!")|Out-Null
$Finaltable | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Stream | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Select-Object -SkipLast 1 | ForEach-Object {
$stringformat = If($_ -Match '^(RemoteHost)')
@{ 'ForegroundColor' = 'Green' }
ElseIf($_ -Match 'none')
@{ 'ForegroundColor' = 'Red'; 'BackGroundColor' = 'Black' }
@{ 'ForegroundColor' = 'White' }
Write-Host @stringformat $_
#Found Open ports
$Finaltable | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Stream | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Select-Object -SkipLast 1 | ForEach-Object {
$stringformat = If($_ -Match '^(RemoteHost)')
@{ 'ForegroundColor' = 'Green' }
ElseIf($_ -iMatch 'Open')
@{ 'ForegroundColor' = 'Green' }
@{ 'ForegroundColor' = 'White' }
Write-Host @stringformat $_
#Display OnScreen the total number of open ports found!
Write-Host "`n* Total of open ports:" -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline;
Write-Host "$MhsfsCounter" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black;
If($logfile -ieq "True")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Store active ip addreses to logfile!
$StdOutTable = $Finaltable | Format-Table -AutoSize
echo $StdOutTable >> "$Env:TMP\$Rand.log"
Write-Host "* Logfile:" -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline;
Write-Host "'$Env:TMP\$Rand.log'" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black;
#Internal clock Timmer
$ElapsTime = $(Get-Date) - $ScanStartTimer
If($Action -ieq "Enum"){$ScanType = "discovery"}
$TotalTime = "{0:HH:mm:ss}" -f ([datetime]$ElapsTime.Ticks) #Count the diferense between 'start|end' scan duration!
Write-Host "* ElapsedTime:" -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline;
Write-Host "$TotalTime" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline;
Write-Host " - scantype:" -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline;
Write-Host "$ScanType" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline;
If($logfile -ieq "True")
#Writting the elapsed scan time inside logfile!
echo "* Total of open ports:$MhsfsCounter" >> "$Env:TMP\$Rand.log"
echo "* ElapsedTime:$TotalTime - scantype:$ScanType" >> "$Env:TMP\$Rand.log"
#Cleanning artifacts left behind!
If(Test-Path -Path "$Env:TMP\iprange.log"){Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\iprange.log" -Force}
Copy link

r00t-3xp10it commented Jan 2, 2022

   Enumerate active IP Address {Local Lan}

   Author: @r00t-3xp10it
   Tested Under: Windows 10 (19043) x64 bits
   Required Dependencies: {native}
   Optional Dependencies: Test-NetConnection {native}
   PS cmdlet Dev version: v1.4.12

   CmdLet to enumerate active IP address on Local Lan for possible Lateral
   movement oportunitys. It reports active Ip address, trys to resolve dns
   hostname and scans for possible open ports if invoked -Action 'portscan'.

   Remark: This module uses ICMP packets (ping) to scan local Lan network.
   The Local Host Ip Addr will show up if invoked -output 'verbose' but
   it will be substracted from further scans \ logs \ final_report_table

   If invoked -output 'table' argument then cmdlet only displays in final
   Table 'Open' ports reports. If invoked -output 'verbose' then cmdlet
   displays in realtime the ip address beeing scanned and in final Table
   it displays the 'closed' and 'open' ports ( elaborated ) report..

   Parameter -addport 'int' can be used to add more than one port number
   to the 'port_to_scan_list'. just split the port numbers using a comma.
   Remark: Extra ports will be added to the end of 'ports_to_scan_list'

   Parameter -timeout 'int' sets the max time in miliseconds to wait for
   the ping reply (cmdlet_default: 500, microsoft_default: 2000) but it
   only works when invoking -action 'enum' (discovery) not in 'portscan'
   Remark: This cmdlet accepts timeouts between 100ms and 2000ms settings

   Remark: PingSweep module migth take a long time to finish depending of
   -iprange 'int' argument setting and if -action 'portscan' its invoked. 

.Parameter Action
   Accepts arguments: Enum and PortScan (default: enum)

.Parameter IpRange
   Accepts the ip address range to scan (default: 1,255)

.Parameter ScanType
   Accepts arguments: bullet, topports, maxports (default: topports)

.Parameter AddPort
   Add extra port number to ports_to_scan? (default: false)

.Parameter TimeOut
   max of milliseconds to wait for ping reply (default: 500)

.Parameter OutPut
   Display verbose outputs? (default: table)

.Parameter Logfile
   Write outputs to logfile? (default: false)

[Powershell] Download cmdlet

iwr -Uri "" -OutFile "PingSweep.ps1"|Unblock-File

Discovery active ip address on local LAN (02:08 minuts scan)

.\PingSweep.ps1 -action "enum" -iprange "1,255" -output "verbose" 


Scan single ip address for open ports (15 - topports) and output results in verbose mode.

.\PingSweep.ps1 -action "portscan" -iprange "" -scantype "topports" -output "verbose"


Scan ALL active address (iprange - 1,255) for open ports (25 - maxports), output results in verbose mode and store logfile

.\PingSweep.ps1 -action "portscan" -iprange "1,255" -scantype "maxports" -output "verbose" -logfile "true"



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