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Last active January 15, 2022 21:20
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  • Save r00t-3xp10it/7d903b318bd35c8006b45a9660cb55ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save r00t-3xp10it/7d903b318bd35c8006b45a9660cb55ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Tested Under: Windows 10 (19043) x64 bits
Required Dependencies: Get-Acl {native}
Optional Dependencies: none
PS cmdlet Dev version: v2.5.10
Cmdlet to search for weak directory permissions (F) (M) (W) that
allow attackers to Escalate Privileges on target system [ local ]
This cmdlet its a auxiliary module of @Meterpeter C2 v2.10.11 release.
If invoked -action 'path' then cmdlet scans all environement paths for
FileSystemRigths 'FullControl, Modify' with 'Everyone,Users,UserName'
If invoked -action 'dir' then cmdlet scans recursive $Env:PROGRAMFILES
${Env:PROGRAMFILES(x86)},$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\Programs default directrorys
for FileSystemRigths 'FullControl,Modify' with GroupName 'Everyone,Users'
If invoked -extraperm 'true' @argument then cmdlet adds extra
permission to the 'ACL_Permissions_List' (permisssion: Write)
Remark: extraperm parameter takes a long time to finish if invoked
together with -action 'dir' @arg (Scan recursive pre-defined paths)
If invoked -extraGroup 'true' @argument then cmdlet adds extra Group
Name to the 'Groups_To_Scan_List' (NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users)
Remark: Parameter -scan 'string' only works if invoked together
with -action 'dir' @argument ( Scan recursive pre-defined paths ) and
it will scan recursive the inputed directory ( excluding pre-defined )
.Parameter Action
Accepts arguments: dir, path, reg (default: dir)
.Parameter extraperm
Add extra permission to permissions_list? (default: false)
.Parameter scan
The directory absoluct path to scan recursive (default: false)
.Parameter extraGroup
Add extra group name to groups_to_scan_list? (default: false)
.Parameter Verb
Display the paths beeing scanned in realtime? (default: false)
.Parameter Logfile
Create report logfile on %tmp% directory? (default: false)
PS C:\> .\ACLMitreT1574.ps1
Scan recursive in pre-defined directorys for 'Everyone,
BUILTIN\Users' GroupNames with 'FullControl,Modify' ACL
PS C:\> .\ACLMitreT1574.ps1 -action path
Scans all environement paths for 'Everyone,BUILTIN\Users,
DOMAIN\UserName' GroupNames with 'FullControl,Modify' ACL
PS C:\> .\ACLMitreT1574.ps1 -action path -logfile true
Scans all environement paths for 'Everyone,BUILTIN\Users,
DOMAIN\UserName' GroupNames with 'FullControl,Modify' ACL
and create report logfile on %tmp% directory ..
PS C:\> .\ACLMitreT1574.ps1 -action dir -extraperm true
Scan recursive in pre-defined directorys for 'Everyone,
BUILTIN\Users' GroupNames with 'FullControl,Modify,Write'
PS C:\> .\ACLMitreT1574.ps1 -action dir -scan "C:\Users\pedro\Coding"
Scan recursive -scan 'C:\Users\pedro\Coding' for 'Everyone, BUILTIN\Users'
GroupNames with 'FullControl,Modify' ACL permissions settings.
None. You cannot pipe objects into ACLMitreT1574.ps1
VulnId : 1::ACL (Mitre T1574)
FolderPath : C:\Program Files (x86)\Resource Hacker
FileSystemRights : FullControl
IdentityReference : Everyone
IsInherited : False
VulnId : 2::ACL (Mitre T1574)
FolderPath : C:\Program Files (x86)\Resource Hacker\help
FileSystemRights : FullControl
IdentityReference : Everyone
IsInherited : True
VulnId : 3::ACL (Mitre T1574)
FolderPath : C:\Program Files (x86)\Resource Hacker\samples
FileSystemRights : FullControl
IdentityReference : Everyone
IsInherited : True
VulnId : 4::ACL (Mitre T1574)
FolderPath : C:\Program Files (x86)\Starcraft2\OobehgtrDoncFjp
FileSystemRights : Modify
IdentityReference : SKYNET\pedro
IsInherited : False
VulnId : 5::ACL (Mitre T1574)
FolderPath : C:\Program Files (x86)\Starcraft2\OobehgtrDoncFjp\games
FileSystemRights : Write
IdentityReference : BUILTIN\Users
IsInherited : True
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param(
$Count = 0 #VulnId Counter
$ScanStartTimer = (Get-Date)
$CmdletVersion = "v2.5.10" #CmdLet version
#Disable Powershell Command Logging for current session.
Set-PSReadlineOption –HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing|Out-Null
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "@ACLMitreT1574 $CmdletVersion {SSA@RedTeam}"
$Rand = -join (((48..57)+(65..90)+(97..122)) * 80 |Get-Random -Count 6 |%{[char]$_})
If($Egg -ieq "false")
Write-Host "* Searching for weak directory permissions ..`n" -ForegroundColor Green
#Define the GroupName based on the language pack installed!
$LanguageSetting = ([CultureInfo]::InstalledUICulture).Name
If($LanguageSetting -iMatch '^(pt-PT)$')
$UserGroup = "Todos" #Default scan
$UtilGroup = "BUILTIN\\Utilizadores" #Default scan
$GroupFdx = "$Env:USERDOMAIN\\$Env:USERNAME" #Default scan - Only available with -action 'path'
$OneMorek = "NT AUTHORITY\\Utilizadores Autenticados" #extra Group Name - Only available with -extragroup 'true'
ElseIf($LanguageSetting -iMatch '^(fr-FR)$')
$UserGroup = "Tout" #Default scan
$UtilGroup = "BUILTIN\\Utilisateurs" #Default scan
$GroupFdx = "$Env:USERDOMAIN\\$Env:USERNAME" #Default scan - Only available with -action 'path'
$OneMorek = "NT AUTHORITY\\Utilisateurs authentifiés" #extra Group Name - Only available with -extragroup 'true'
ElseIf($LanguageSetting -iMatch '^(pl)')
$UserGroup = "Wszystkie" #Default scan
$UtilGroup = "BUILTIN\\użytkownicy" #Default scan
$GroupFdx = "$Env:USERDOMAIN\\$Env:USERNAME" #Default scan - Only available with -action 'path'
$OneMorek = "NT AUTHORITY\\Uwierzytelnieni użytkownicy" #extra Group Name - Only available with -extragroup 'true'
ElseIf($LanguageSetting -iMatch '^(in)')
#My Wife Language pack!
$UserGroup = "Semua" #Default scan
$UtilGroup = "BUILTIN\\Pengguna" #Default scan
$GroupFdx = "$Env:USERDOMAIN\\$Env:USERNAME" #Default scan - Only available with -action 'path'
$OneMorek = "NT AUTHORITY\\Pengguna yang Diautentikasi" #extra Group Name - Only available with -extragroup 'true'
ElseIf($LanguageSetting -iMatch '^(ro)')
$UserGroup = "Toate" #Default scan
$UtilGroup = "BUILTIN\\utilizatorii" #Default scan
$GroupFdx = "$Env:USERDOMAIN\\$Env:USERNAME" #Default scan - Only available with -action 'path'
$OneMorek = "NT AUTHORITY\\Utilizatori autentificați" #extra Group Name - Only available with -extragroup 'true'
$UserGroup = "Everyone" #Default scan
$UtilGroup = "BUILTIN\\Users" #Default scan
$GroupFdx = "$Env:USERDOMAIN\\$Env:USERNAME" #Default scan - Only available with -action 'path'
$OneMorek = "NT AUTHORITY\\Authenticated Users" #extra Group Name - Only available with -extragroup 'true'
If($logfile -ieq "True")
#Create logfile on %tmp% directory if sellected by user.
echo "Logfile created by ACLMitre1574" > $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "Scan Start: $ScanStartTimer" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "------------------------------------------" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
If($Action -ieq "path")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Search in environement paths for dirs with weak permissions!
If invoked -verb 'true' @argument then cmdlet displays all
the directory paths beeing scanned in realtime (more_slow)
If invoked -extraperm 'true' @argument then cmdlet adds extra
permissions to the 'ACL_Permissions_List' (permission: Write)
If invoked -extraGroup 'true' @argument then cmdlet adds one
extra Group Name to the 'Group_Names_To_Scan_List' : 'Everyone,
BUILTIN\Users, DOMAIN\UserName, NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users'
#ACL Permissions List
$DirectoryPermission = @(
If($extraperm -ieq "True")
#-extraperm 'true' add 'Write' permission
$DirectoryPermission += "Write"
If($extraGroup -ieq "True")
#Add extra Group Name if invoked -extragroup 'string' param
$FinalGroupList = "$UserGroup|$UtilGroup|$GroupFdx|$OneMorek"
$FinalGroupList = "$UserGroup|$UtilGroup|$GroupFdx"
#Get Environement Paths and split(';') each catched path.
$EnvironementPaths = ($Env:Path).Split(';') | ? {$_ -ne ''}
$NewCounter = 0 #Group Name Id
#Loop trough all '$Environement' catched paths.
ForEach($TokenPath in $EnvironementPaths)
#Loop trough all 'ACL Permissions List' Items
ForEach($ACLPermission in $DirectoryPermission)
If($Verb -ieq "True")
#Display OnScreen directory paths beeing scanned in realtime
Write-Host "[VERBOSE] Scanning: " -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
Write-Host "$TokenPath" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black;
write-host "[VERBOSE] Identity: " -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
write-host "[$NewCounter] $FinalGroupList" -ForegroundColor DarkGray -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
Write-Host " - Permission " -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
Write-Host "$ACLPermission" -ForegroundColor DarkGray -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
Write-Host "." -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black;
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
#Get directory ACL settings
$IsInHerit = (Get-Acl "$TokenPath").Access.IsInherited | Select-Object -First 1
(Get-Acl "$TokenPath").Access | Where-Object {#Search for Everyone:(F) \ Everyone:(M) directory permissions (default)
$CleanOutput = $_.FileSystemRights -Match "$ACLPermission" -and $_.IdentityReference -iMatch "^($FinalGroupList)$" ## pt-PT = Todos
If($Verb -ieq "True"){Write-Host ""}
$DirLastAccess = (Get-ChildItem -Path $TokenPath|Select-Object *).LastAccessTime -csplit(' ')|Select-Object -First 1
$Count++ #Write the Table 'IF' found any vulnerable permissions
Write-Host "VulnId : ${Count}::ACL (Mitre T1574)"
Write-Host "FolderPath : $TokenPath" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host "FileSystemRights : $ACLPermission" -ForegroundColor yellow
Write-Host "IdentityReference :"$_.IdentityReference.ToString()
Write-Host "LastAccessTime : $DirLastAccess"
Write-Host "IsInherited : $IsInHerit`n"
If($logfile -ieq "True")
$MyReference = $_.IdentityReference.ToString()
echo "VulnId : ${Count}::ACL (Mitre T1574)" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "FolderPath : $TokenPath" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "FileSystemRights : $ACLPermission" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "IdentityReference : $MyReference" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "LastAccessTime : $DirLastAccess" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "IsInherited : $IsInHerit`n" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
}##End of Table
}## End of Get-Acl loop
}##End of the 2º ForEach()
}##End of the 1º ForEach()
If($Count -eq 0)
Write-Host "[ ERROR ] none permissions found that match the search criteria." -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host ""
If($Action -ieq "dir")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Search in Pre-Defined paths (recursive) for dirs with weak permissions!
If invoked -verb 'true' @argument then cmdlet displays all
the directory paths beeing scanned in realtime (more_slow)
If invoked -extraperm 'true' @argument then cmdlet adds extra
permissions to the 'ACL_Permissions_List' (permission: Write)
Remark: extraperm parameter takes a long time to finish ..
If invoked -extraGroup 'true' @argument then cmdlet adds one
extra Group Name to the 'Group_Names_To_Scan_List' : 'Everyone,
BUILTIN\Users, NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users' Group Names
Parameter -scan 'string' scans recursive the inputed
directory, excluding all pre-defined 'Directorys_To_Scan_List'
#ACL Permissions List
$DirectoryPermission = @(
If($extraperm -ieq "True")
#-extraperm 'true' add 'Write' permission
$DirectoryPermission += "Write"
If($extraGroup -ieq "True")
#Add extra Group Name if invoked -extragroup 'string' param
$FinalGroupList = "$UserGroup|$UtilGroup|$OneMorek"
$FinalGroupList = "$UserGroup|$UtilGroup"
If($scan -ne "false")
#Make sure User directory input exists
If(-not(Test-Path -Path "$scan" -EA SilentlyContinue))
$Verb = "True"
$DirectoryPermission += "Write"
Write-Host "* ERROR: directory not found: '$scan'" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host " => DEMO: Setting scan to 'Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys'..`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow;Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
$RawDataBaseList = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Env:WINDIR\System32\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Where-Object {
$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.FullName -iNotMatch '(.DLL|.EXE)$' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
#Inputed directory path found [ -scan 'string' ] ..
#Directorys to search recursive: The directory tree inputed by user!
$RawDataBaseList = Get-ChildItem -Path "$scan" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Where-Object {
$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.FullName -iNotMatch '(.DLL|.EXE)$' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
#Default directory scans
#Directorys to search recursive: $Env:PROGRAMFILES, ${Env:PROGRAMFILES(x86)}, $Env:LOCALAPPDATA\Programs
$RawDataBaseList = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Env:PROGRAMFILES", "${Env:PROGRAMFILES(x86)}", "$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\Programs" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Where-Object {
$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.FullName -iNotMatch '(.DLL|.EXE)$' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
#Adding extra values to database ^_^ ..
$RawDataBaseList += "$Env:WINDIR\tracing"
$RawDataBaseList += "$Env:WINDIR\System32\Tasks"
$RawDataBaseList += "$Env:WINDIR\System32\Tasks_Migrated"
$RawDataBaseList += "$Env:WINDIR\System32\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys"
$NewCounter = 0 #Group Name Id
#Loop trough all ChildItem catched paths
ForEach($TokenPath in $RawDataBaseList)
#Exclude 'WindowsApps' from scans
If(-not($TokenPath -Match 'WindowsApps'))
#Loop trough all 'ACL Permissions List' Items
ForEach($ACLPermission in $DirectoryPermission)
If($Verb -ieq "True")
#Display OnScreen directory paths beeing scanned in realtime
Write-Host "[VERBOSE] Scanning: " -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
Write-Host "$TokenPath" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black;
write-host "[VERBOSE] Identity: " -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
write-host "[$NewCounter] $FinalGroupList" -ForegroundColor DarkGray -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
Write-Host " - Permission " -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
Write-Host "$ACLPermission" -ForegroundColor DarkGray -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
Write-Host "." -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black;
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
#Get directory ACL settings
$IsInHerit = (Get-Acl "$TokenPath").Access.IsInherited | Select-Object -First 1
(Get-Acl "$TokenPath").Access | Where-Object {#Search for Everyone:(F) \ Everyone:(M) directory permissions (default)
$CleanOutput = $_.FileSystemRights -Match "$ACLPermission" -and $_.IdentityReference -iMatch "^($FinalGroupList)$" ## pt-PT = Todos
If($Verb -ieq "True"){Write-Host ""}
$DirLastAccess = (Get-ChildItem -Path $TokenPath|Select-Object *).LastAccessTime -csplit(' ')|Select-Object -First 1
$Count++ #Write the Table 'IF' found any vulnerable permissions
Write-Host "VulnId : ${Count}::ACL (Mitre T1574)"
Write-Host "FolderPath : $TokenPath" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host "FileSystemRights : $ACLPermission" -ForegroundColor yellow
Write-Host "IdentityReference :"$_.IdentityReference.ToString()
Write-Host "LastAccessTime : $DirLastAccess"
Write-Host "IsInherited : $IsInHerit`n"
If($logfile -ieq "True")
$MyReference = $_.IdentityReference.ToString()
echo "VulnId : ${Count}::ACL (Mitre T1574)" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "FolderPath : $TokenPath" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "FileSystemRights : $ACLPermission" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "IdentityReference : $MyReference" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "LastAccessTime : $DirLastAccess" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "IsInherited : $IsInHerit`n" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
}##End of Table
}## End of Get-Acl loop
}##End of 2º ForEach() loop
}## End of Exclude WindowsApps
}## End of the 1º ForEach() loop
If($Count -eq 0)
Write-Host "[ ERROR ] none permissions found that match the search criteria." -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host ""
If($Action -ieq "reg")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Search in registry for services with weak permissions!
If invoked -verb 'true' @argument then cmdlet displays all
the directory paths beeing scanned in realtime (more_slow)
If invoked -extraGroup 'true' @argument then cmdlet adds one
extra Group Name to the 'Group_Names_To_Scan_List' : 'Everyone,
BUILTIN\Users, NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users, Domain\UserName'
#ACL Group Names List
$Count = 0 #RegKeysCounter
$NewCounter = 0 #Group Name Id
$WeakPerm = "FullControl" #Perm to scan
If($extraGroup -ieq "False")
#Defaul Group Name List
$FinalGroupList = "$UserGroup"
$FinalGroupList = @(#Add 3 extra Group Names to List
## Get ALL services under HKLM hive key
$GetPath = (Get-Acl -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\*" -EA SilentlyContinue).PSPath
$ParseData = $GetPath -replace 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\','HKLM:\'
ForEach($Token in $ParseData)
#Loop trough all 'Group Names List' Items
ForEach($GroupServiceName in $FinalGroupList)
## Loop trough $FinalGroupList services database
$IsInHerit = (Get-Acl -Path "$Token").Access.IsInherited | Select -First 1
$CleanOutput = (Get-Acl -Path "$Token").Access | Select-Object * | Where-Object {## Search for Everyone:(F) registry service permissions (default)
$_.IdentityReference -Match "^($GroupServiceName)" -and $_.RegistryRights -Match "^($WeakPerm)"
If($Verb -ieq "True")
#Display OnScreen registry keys beeing scanned in realtime
Write-Host "[VERBOSE] Scanning: " -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
Write-Host "$Token" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black;
write-host "[VERBOSE] Identity: " -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
write-host "[$NewCounter] $GroupServiceName" -ForegroundColor DarkGray -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
Write-Host " - Permission " -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
Write-Host "$WeakPerm" -ForegroundColor DarkGray -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewLine;
Write-Host "." -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black;
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
If($Verb -ieq "True"){Write-Host ""}
$Count++ ## Write the Table 'IF' found any vulnerable permissions
Write-Host "VulnId : ${Count}::SRV"
Write-Host "RegistryPath : $Token" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "IdentityReference : $GroupServiceName"
Write-Host "RegistryRights : $WeakPerm"
Write-Host "AccessControlType : Allow"
Write-Host "IsInherited : $IsInHerit`n"
If($logfile -ieq "True")
echo "VulnId : ${Count}::SRV" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "RegistryPath : $Token" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "IdentityReference : $GroupServiceName" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "RegistryRights : $WeakPerm" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "AccessControlType : Allow" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
echo "IsInherited : $IsInHerit`n" >> $Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log
}##End of cleanoutput
}##End of 2º ForEach()
}##End of 1º ForEach()
#Report that we have fail to find any permissions.
If($Count -eq 0 -or $Count -ieq $null)
## Weak directorys permissions report banner
Write-Host "[REG] none services found with ${FinalGroupList}:(F)"
Write-Host ""
#Internal CmdLet Clock Timmer
If($Verb -ieq "True"){Write-Host ""}
$ElapsTime = $(Get-Date) - $ScanStartTimer
If($scan -ne "false"){$Action = "user_selection"}
$TotalTime = "{0:HH:mm:ss}" -f ([datetime]$ElapsTime.Ticks) #Count the diferense between 'start|end' scan duration!
Write-Host "`* ElapsedTime:" -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline;
Write-Host "$TotalTime" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline;
Write-Host " - scantype:" -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline;
Write-Host "$Action" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black;
If($logfile -ieq "True")
Write-Host "* logfile: " -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline;
Write-Host "'$Env:TMP\Mitre1574-$Rand.log'" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black;
Copy link

r00t-3xp10it commented Jan 14, 2022

   MITRE ATT&CK - T1574

   Author: @r00t-3xp10it
   Tested Under: Windows 10 (19043) x64 bits
   Required Dependencies: Get-Acl {native}
   Optional Dependencies: none
   PS cmdlet Dev version: v2.5.10

   Cmdlet to search for weak directory permissions (F) (M) (W) that
   allow attackers to Escalate Privileges on target system [ local ]

   This cmdlet its a auxiliary module of @Meterpeter C2 v2.10.11 release.
   If invoked -action 'path' then cmdlet scans all environement paths for
   FileSystemRigths 'FullControl, Modify' with 'Everyone,Users,UserName'

   If invoked -action 'dir' then cmdlet scans recursive $Env:PROGRAMFILES
   ${Env:PROGRAMFILES(x86)},$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\Programs default directrorys
   for FileSystemRigths 'FullControl,Modify' with GroupName 'Everyone,Users'

   If invoked -extraperm 'true' @argument then cmdlet adds extra
   permission to the 'ACL_Permissions_List' (permisssion: Write)
   Remark: extraperm parameter takes a long time to finish if invoked
   together with -action 'dir' @arg (Scan recursive pre-defined paths)

   If invoked -extraGroup 'true' @argument then cmdlet adds extra Group
   Name to the 'Groups_To_Scan_List' (NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users)

   Remark: Parameter -scan 'string' only works if invoked together
   with -action 'dir' @argument ( Scan recursive pre-defined paths ) and
   it will scan recursive the inputed directory ( excluding pre-defined )

.Parameter Action
   Accepts arguments: dir, path, reg (default: dir)

.Parameter extraperm
   Add extra permission to permissions_list? (default: false)

.Parameter scan
   The directory absoluct path to scan recursive (default: false)

.Parameter extraGroup
   Add extra group name to groups_to_scan_list? (default: false)

.Parameter Verb
   Display the paths beeing scanned in realtime? (default: false)

.Parameter Logfile
   Create report logfile on %tmp% directory? (default: false)
   PS C:\> .\ACLMitreT1574.ps1
   Scan recursive in pre-defined directorys for 'Everyone,
   BUILTIN\Users' GroupNames with 'FullControl,Modify' ACL

   PS C:\> .\ACLMitreT1574.ps1 -action path
   Scans all environement paths for 'Everyone,BUILTIN\Users,
   DOMAIN\UserName' GroupNames with 'FullControl,Modify' ACL

   PS C:\> .\ACLMitreT1574.ps1 -action path -logfile true
   Scans all environement paths for 'Everyone,BUILTIN\Users,
   DOMAIN\UserName' GroupNames with 'FullControl,Modify' ACL
   and create report logfile on %tmp% directory ..

   PS C:\> .\ACLMitreT1574.ps1 -action dir -extraperm true
   Scan recursive in pre-defined directorys for 'Everyone,
   BUILTIN\Users' GroupNames with 'FullControl,Modify,Write'

   PS C:\> .\ACLMitreT1574.ps1 -action dir -scan "C:\Users\pedro\Coding"
   Scan recursive -scan 'C:\Users\pedro\Coding' for 'Everyone, BUILTIN\Users'
   GroupNames with 'FullControl,Modify' ACL permissions settings.

   None. You cannot pipe objects into ACLMitreT1574.ps1

   VulnId            : 1::ACL (Mitre T1574)
   FolderPath        : C:\Program Files (x86)\Resource Hacker
   FileSystemRights  : FullControl
   IdentityReference : Everyone
   IsInherited       : False

   VulnId            : 2::ACL (Mitre T1574)
   FolderPath        : C:\Program Files (x86)\Resource Hacker\help
   FileSystemRights  : FullControl
   IdentityReference : Everyone
   IsInherited       : True

   VulnId            : 3::ACL (Mitre T1574)
   FolderPath        : C:\Program Files (x86)\Resource Hacker\samples
   FileSystemRights  : FullControl
   IdentityReference : Everyone
   IsInherited       : True

   VulnId            : 4::ACL (Mitre T1574)
   FolderPath        : C:\Program Files (x86)\Starcraft2\OobehgtrDoncFjp
   FileSystemRights  : Modify
   IdentityReference : SKYNET\pedro
   IsInherited       : False

   VulnId            : 5::ACL (Mitre T1574)
   FolderPath        : C:\Program Files (x86)\Starcraft2\OobehgtrDoncFjp\games
   FileSystemRights  : Write
   IdentityReference : BUILTIN\Users
   IsInherited       : True

[powershell] Download CmdLet

iwr -Uri "" -OutFile "ACLMitreT1574.ps1"

[powershell] Execute CmdLet

Scan recursive in pre-defined directorys for 'Everyone, BUILTIN\Users' GroupNames with 'FullControl, Modify' ACL



Scans all environement paths for 'Everyone, BUILTIN\Users, DOMAIN\UserName' GroupNames with 'FullControl, Modify' ACL

 .\ACLMitreT1574.ps1 -action "path"


Scans recursiver 'C:\Windows\System32\Tasks' with GroupNames 'Everyone, BUILTIN\Users, NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users'
permissions 'FullControl, Modify, Write' ACL and display 'Verbose outputs OnScreen'

.\ACLMitreT1574.ps1 -action "dir" -scan "C:\Windows\System32\Tasks" -extraperm "true" -extragroup "true" -verb "true"



Invoking -verb 'true' parameter will make the scans more slow, because the cmdlet needs to sleep for a specified amount of miliseconds (100ms) to allow human readable outputs. It is also recomended to use -logfile 'true' parameter that creates a logfile on %tmp% directory and supresses all non-vulnerable outputs from reports making it more easy to identify vulnerable locations later on .. Also keep in mind that invoking extra Permissions\GroupNames (( -extraperm 'true' | -extraGroup 'true' )) it will DECREASE the speed of the the scans for obvious reasons ..


Final Notes:

Invoke -logfile 'true' to create report logfiles on %tmp% directory for later review ..
This CmdLet its safe executable because it does not mess with system in any way, just perform checks ...

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