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Last active December 5, 2019 18:09
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Reimplementation of decryption routine of the file 6a64bc2905f213ed4baf27d9ca0844056c7184dd91269a56fcb55d2c707f52dc.
import sys
import struct
import re
from rijndael.cipher.crypt import new
from rijndael.cipher.blockcipher import MODE_CBC
encValues = []
def readValues():
file = open('encrypttedValues', 'r')
data =
sp = data.split('\n\n')
for i in range(len(sp)):
tempArr = []
for j in (sp[i].split('\n')):
def searchAndReplace(fName):
file = open(fName, 'r')
data =
pat = re.findall('<Module>.\\\\u200C\(\w+\)', data)
for i in pat:
num = re.findall('[0-9]{6}', i)
dec = twoHunc(int(num[0]))
dec = dec.replace('\\', '\\\\')
data = re.sub('<Module>.\\\\u200C\(' + num[0] + '\)', '\"' + dec + '\"', data)
#data.replace('<Module>.\\u200C(' + num[0] + ')', dec)
updatedfName = fName.split('.')[0] + '_sNr.cs'
file = open(updatedfName, 'w')
def blockCopy(arr1, t, arr2, m, k, typ):
counter = 0
for i in range(t, len(arr1)):
temp = tuple(struct.pack('<' + typ, int(arr1[i], 16)))
for j in temp:
if counter < k:
counter += 1
def arrayToStr(arr):
arrStr = ''
temp = ''
for i in range(len(arr)):
temp = arr[i].split('x')[1]
if len(temp) < 2:
temp = '0' + temp
arrStr += temp
return arrStr
def rijndaelDecrypt(A_0, A_1, A_2):
rjn = new(A_1, MODE_CBC, A_2, blocksize=16)
return rjn.decrypt(A_0)
def twoHunc(A_0):
array2 = []
array3 = []
array4 = []
#object[] u = <Module>.\u1680;
num7 = 32
num8 = 16
num3 = 0
num6 = 2
num5 = 8
num4 = 861
num9 = 6668
num3 = A_0
num3 = num3 >> num6
num3 = num3 - num5 + num4 - 28354
num3 = (num3 ^ num4 ^ num9)
num3 = num3 - 831
num3 = (num3 - num4) / num5
array = encValues[num3];
#Buffer.BlockCopy(array, 0, array2, 0, array.Length * 4);
blockCopy(array, 0, array2, 0, len(array) * 4, 'L')
array5 = []
array5 = array2
num10 = len(array5) - num7 + num8
array6 = []
#Buffer.BlockCopy(array5, 0, array3, 0, num7);
blockCopy(array5, 0, array3, 0, num7, 'B')
#Buffer.BlockCopy(array5, num7, array4, 0, num8);
blockCopy(array5, num7, array4, 0, num8, 'B')
#Buffer.BlockCopy(array5, num7 + num8, array6, 0, num10);
blockCopy(array5, num7 + num8, array6, 0, num10, 'B')
array6Str = arrayToStr(array6)
array3Str = arrayToStr(array3)
array4Str = arrayToStr(array4)
#return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(<Module>.\u202B(array6, array3, array4));
dec = rijndaelDecrypt(str(bytearray.fromhex(array6Str)), str(bytearray.fromhex(array3Str)), str(bytearray.fromhex(array4Str)))
return dec.strip()
def main():
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
print '[+] <file_to_decrypt>'
if __name__ == "__main__":
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