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Last active July 30, 2018 19:00
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pipe functions for mid-pipe messages or debugging (under-tested! not for production!)
#' Mid-pipe assertions
#' Test assertions mid-pipe. Each assertion is executed individually
#' on each group (if present) of the piped data. Any failures indicate
#' the group that caused the fail, terminating on the first failure.
#' If `.debug`, then the interpreter enters the `browser()`, allowing
#' you to look at the specific data, stored as `x` (just the grouped
#' data if `is.grouped_df(.x)`, all data otherwise). If the data is
#' changed, then the altered data will be sent forward in the pipeline
#' (assuming you fixed the failed assertion), otherwise the assertion
#' will fail (as an assertion should).
#' @param .x data.frame, potentially grouped
#' @param ... unnamed expression(s), each must evaluate to a single
#' 'logical'; similar to [assertthat::assert_that()], rather than
#' combining expressions with `&&`, separate them by commas so that
#' better error messages can be generated.
#' @param .msg a custom error message to be printed if one of the
#' conditions is false.
#' @param .debug logical, whether to invoke [browser()] if the
#' assertion fails; if `TRUE`, then when the debugger begins on a
#' fail, the grouped data will be in the variable `x`
#' @return data.frame (unchanged)
#' @importFrom assertthat see_if
#' @importFrom dplyr do groups is.grouped_df
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(assertthat)
#' mtcars %>%
#' group_by(cyl) %>%
#' pipe_assert(
#' all(cyl < 9),
#' all(mpg > 10)
#' ) %>%
#' count()
#' # # A tibble: 3 x 2
#' # cyl n
#' # <dbl> <int>
#' # 1 4 11
#' # 2 6 7
#' # 3 8 14
#' # note here that the "4" group is processed first and does not fail
#' mtcars %>%
#' group_by(cyl, vs) %>%
#' pipe_assert( all(cyl < 6) ) %>%
#' count()
#' # Error: all(cyl < 6) is not TRUE
#' # Groups: cyl='6', vs='0'
#' }
pipe_assert <- function(.x, ..., .msg = NULL, .debug = FALSE, .groups = NULL) {
stopifnot(requireNamespace("dplyr"), requireNamespace("assertthat"))
if (dplyr::is.grouped_df(.x)) {
.groups <- dplyr::groups(.x)
return(dplyr::do(.x, pipe_assert(., ..., .msg=.msg, .debug=.debug, .groups=.groups)))
for (assertion in eval(substitute(alist(...)))) {
.out <- assertthat::see_if(eval(assertion, .x))
if (! .out) {
x <- .x
if (is.null(.msg)) .msg <- paste(deparse(assertion), "is not TRUE")
.curgrp <- .pipe_curgrp(x, .groups)
if (.debug) {
message(paste("# ", c("", .curgrp, .msg,
"'x' is the current data that failed the assertion.",
"If you make changes to 'x', the pipeline will continue (regardless of the failed assertion).",
if (identical(x, .x)) {
stop(paste(c(.msg, .curgrp), collapse="\n"),
} else {
.x <- x
.x # "unmodified"
#' Mid-pipe debugging
#' Mid-pipe peek at the data, named `x` within [browser()], and
#' *changes to 'x' are preserved*.
#' @param .x data.frame, potentially grouped
#' @return data.frame
#' @importFrom dplyr do is.grouped_df groups
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(dplyr)
#' mtcars %>%
#' group_by(cyl, vs) %>%
#' pipe_debug() %>%
#' count()
#' }
pipe_debug <- function(x, .groups=NULL) {
if (dplyr::is.grouped_df(x)) {
.groups <- dplyr::groups(x)
return(dplyr::do(x, pipe_debug(., .groups=.groups)))
.curgrp <- .pipe_curgrp(x, .groups)
if (is.null(.groups)) {
} else {
paste(.groups, lapply(as.list(select_(x, .dots=.groups)[1,]), sQuote),
sep="=", collapse=", ")
message(paste("# ", c("", .curgrp,
"'x' is the current data, changes will be preserved in the pipeline.",
#' Mid-pipe status messaging.
#' @details
#' TODO:
#' - `group_size(.)` works, but `jsonlite::toJSON(list(a=group_size(.)))` does not
#' @param .x data.frame, potentially grouped
#' @param ... unnamed or named expression(s) whose outputs will be
#' captured, aggregated with [utils::str()], and displayed as a
#' [base::message()]; if present, a '.' literal is replace with a
#' reference to the `data.frame` (in its entirety, not grouped)
#' @param .FUN function, typically [message()] or [warning()] (for
#' when messages are suppressed); note: if set to `warning`, the
#' argument `call.=FALSE` is appended to the arguments
#' @param .timestamp logical, if 'TRUE' then a POSIXct timestamp is
#' appended to the header of the `str`-like output (default 'TRUE')
#' @param .stropts optional list of options to pass to [utils::str()],
#' for example `list(max.level=1)`
#' @return data.frame (unchanged)
#' @importFrom dplyr is.grouped_df
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(dplyr)
#' mtcars %>%
#' pipe_message( # unnamed
#' "starting",
#' group_size(.)
#' ) %>%
#' group_by(cyl) %>%
#' pipe_message( # named
#' msg = "grouped",
#' grps = group_size(.)
#' ) %>%
#' count() %>%
#' ungroup() %>%
#' pipe_message( # alternate function, for emphasis!
#' msg = "done",
#' .FUN = warning
#' )
#' head(mtcars) %>%
#' pipe_message(
#' list(a = list(disp=disp[1], bb=2, cc=3))
#' )
#' head(mtcars) %>%
#' group_by(cyl) %>%
#' pipe_message(
#' list(a = list(aa=1, bb=2, cc=3)),
#' .stropts = list(max.level = 2)
#' )
#' }
pipe_message <- function(x, ..., .FUN = message, .timestamp = TRUE, .stropts = NULL, .groups = NULL) {
if (dplyr::is.grouped_df(x)) {
.groups <- dplyr::groups(x)
return(dplyr::do(x, pipe_message(., ..., .FUN=.FUN, .timestamp=.timestamp, .stropts=.stropts, .groups=.groups)))
.expressions <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
.curgrp <- .pipe_curgrp(x, .groups)
lst <- lapply(.expressions, function(.expr) {
if ( .expr <-, function(a) if (a == ".") as.symbol("x") else a))
eval(.expr, x)
lst <- c(.curgrp, lst)
.out <- capture.output("str", c(list(lst), .stropts))
.out[1] <- sprintf("Mid-pipe message%s:",
if (.timestamp) paste(" (", Sys.time(), ")", sep = "")), c(list(paste(.out, collapse = "\n")),
if (identical(.FUN, warning)) list(call. = FALSE)))
x # "unmodified"
# helper function
.pipe_curgrp <- function(x, .groups) {
if (is.null(.groups)) return(character(0))
paste(.groups, lapply(as.list(select_(x, .dots=.groups)[1,]), sQuote),
sep="=", collapse=", "))
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