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Last active December 2, 2023 15:01
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#' Programmatically produce row-independent `tribble`s
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param max_width integer, the widest normalized width; if data or a
#' header is longer than this, it will not be truncated, but it will
#' also not be aligned with the others; can be single number (for
#' all) or a vector (for each column)
#' @param collapse character, the separation text, defaults to `", "`
#' @param compact logical, "no undue spaces"; if `TRUE` then sets
#' `max_width=0`, `collapse=","`, and disallows prepending
#' (aligning) space on the header row
#' @param assign character; if non-NA, then the printed string
#' includes assignment of the tribble to this name
#' @param all_na logical, whether to append a pipe/transform to
#' properly class a column of all NA
#' @return character vector, printing (`cat`ing) to a copyable block
#' @md
#' @examples
#' dat <- head(iris, n = 10)
#' iris10 <- fake_tribble(dat)
#' iris10
#' print(iris10, n = 3, indent = 10)
#' # can be parsed directly into an actual tibble
#' eval(parse(text = iris10))
#' iris10narrow <- fake_tribble(head(iris, n = 10), compact = TRUE)
#' iris10narrow
#' # can override indentation of compact fake_tribble
#' print(iris10narrow, n = 3, indent = 4)
fake_tribble <- function(x, max_width = NA, collapse = ", ", compact = FALSE,
assign = NA, all_na = TRUE) {
if (compact) {
if (missing(max_width)) max_width <- 0
if (missing(collapse)) collapse = ","
nr <- nrow(x)
nc <- ncol(x)
cnames <- paste0("~", colnames(x))
cwidths <- nchar(cnames)
isfctr <- sapply(x, is.factor)
xclass <- sapply(x, function(z) class(z)[1])
for (nm in names(isfctr)[isfctr]) x[[nm]] <- as.character(x[[nm]])
ischar <- sapply(x, is.character)
aligns <- ifelse(ischar, "-", "")
allna <- sapply(x, function(z) all(
for (nm in names(ischar)[ischar]) {
x[[nm]] <- ifelse([[nm]]), NA_character_, dQuote(x[[nm]], FALSE))
cellwidths <- suppressWarnings(sapply(x, function(col) max(nchar(col), na.rm = TRUE)))
cellwidths[!is.finite(cellwidths)] <- 12 # arbitrary
colwidths <- pmax(cwidths, cellwidths)
if (length(max_width) == 1) max_width <- rep(max_width, nc)
if (length(max_width) != nc) stop("'max_width' must be 1 or number of columns")
if (! any( colwidths <- pmin(max_width, colwidths)
outheader <- paste(if (! compact) strrep(" ", nchar(collapse)),
paste(mapply(sprintf, paste0("%", aligns, colwidths, "s"), cnames),
collapse = collapse),
sep = "")
outbody <- sapply(
function(i) paste(mapply(sprintf, paste0("%", aligns, colwidths, "s"), unlist(x[i,,drop=TRUE])),
collapse = collapse)
outbody <- gsub("^", collapse, outbody)
out <- c(
if (isTRUE(all_na) && any(allna)) {
out[length(out)] <- ") |>"
funs <- paste0("as.", xclass[allna])
funs_exist <- sapply(funs,
function(fun) tryCatch({; TRUE; },
error = function(e) FALSE))
allna[allna] <- allna[allna] & funs_exist
exprs <- sprintf("%s = %s(%s)", names(allna)[allna], funs, names(allna)[allna])
exprs[-length(exprs)] <- paste0(" ", exprs[-length(exprs)], ",")
exprs <- paste(exprs, collapse = ", ")
out <- c(out[-length(out)], ") |>",
paste0(" transform(", exprs, ")"))
if (!anyNA(assign)) out[1] <- paste(assign, "<-", out[1])
attr(out, "compact") <- compact
class(out) <- c("fake_tribble", "character")
#' Print method for fake_tribble
#' @param x character vector of class "fake_tribble", produced by
#' `fake_tribble()`
#' @param ... other arguments, ignored
#' @param indent integer, number of spaces to prepend all header and
#' body rows; the first and last (parenthetic) rows are not indented
#' @param n integer, number of body rows to print; default set to 50
#' @param sep character, newline character(s) to place between
#' @return nothing (`NULL`)
#' @md
print.fake_tribble <- function(x, ..., indent = 2, n = 50, sep = "\n") {
compact <- attr(x, "compact")
if (compact) {
if (missing(indent)) indent <- 0
keep_tail <- cumsum(trimws(x) %in% c(")", ") |>")) > 0
gsub("^", strrep(" ", indent), head(x[!keep_tail][-1], n = n)),
if (n < length(x) - 3L) sprintf("# ... with %d more rows", length(x) - n - 3L),
), sep = sep)
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