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Last active June 6, 2020 00:22
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lazy evaluation of a potentially very large expand.grid
#' Lazy expand.grid.
#' Provide a lazy-eval for expand.grid, similar to python's
#' \code{xrange}, where the source may be too large to be fit into
#' memory but still accessible.
#' This function returns a list of functions for accessing the lazy
#' \code{expand.grid}.
#' The available methods within each object:
#' \describe{
#' \item{nextItem(index):}{Retrieve the next item (row) from the design
#' space. If \code{index} is provided, set the internal counter to
#' that value and use it instead of what the next index would have
#' been otherwise. If a vector of numbers, pre-stage the indices and
#' retrieve the first one; subsequent calls (without \code{index}) to
#' \code{nextItem()} will retrieve each subsequent index.}
#' \item{nextItems(index):}{If there is a pre-staged vector of indices
#' (set by \code{nextItem(index)}, \code{setIndex(index)}, or
#' \code{addIndex(index)}), retrieve a data.frame with all rows.}
#' \item{getIndex():}{Retrieve the current index. Will always return a
#' single integer, regardless of the existence or length of pre-staged
#' indices.}
#' \item{getIndices():}{Retrieve all indices, starting with the current
#' index and all pre-staged follow-on indices.}
#' \item{getNextIndex():}{Retrieve the next index, whether a pre-staged
#' (user-defined) or auto-incrementing counter.}
#' \item{setIndex(index, append., final.):}{Pre-stage the provided
#' index(ices). If \code{final.} is TRUE, then once the vector of
#' indices has been retrieved/exhausted, the iterator will consider
#' itself closed. Any command that directly sets/adds an index(ices)
#' will clear this flag.}
#' \item{addIndex(index):}{Add indices to the list of pre-staged
#' indices.}
#' }
#' The available properties within each object:
#' \describe{
#' \item{n:}{The size of the design space.}
#' \item{factors:}{The factors, i.e., the arguments provided on the
#' initial call. The only difference will be if factors were unnamed
#' or not legal such as duplicated or spaces.}
#' }
#' This was provided as an answer on StackOverflow
#' (\link[SO]{}, for Wakan
#' Tanka). Credit to alexis_laz for suggesting the use of
#' \code{cumprod}, \code{lengths}, and calculation of the individual
#' factor indices. The speed using \code{cumprod} is much better than
#' my initial suggested use of \code{sapply}, though the former might
#' suffer if the design space exceeds \code{.Machine$integer.max}.
#' @param ... factor levels, either named or unnamed; if unnamed, then
#' arbitrary names will be provided; names must be legal for
#' data.frames
#' @return list of functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' iter <- lazyExpandGrid(1:1e2, 1:1e2, 1:1e2)
#' iter$nextItem() # retrieves the first item
#' iter$nextItem(5) # seeks to the fifth item and retrieves it
#' iter$setIndex(101)
#' iter$nextItem() # retrieves 101st row
#' iter$nextItem() # retrieves 102nd row
#' iter$nextItems(c(5,1,99)) # retrieves three rows and sets the counter to 99
#' iter <- lazyExpandGrid(a = 1:1e2, b = c('some', 'char', 'factors'))
#' while (row <- iter$nextItem()) {
#' # do something
#' row$b
#' }
#' # optionally sampling the design space
#' iter$setIndex( sample(iter$n, size = 100), final. = TRUE )
#' while (row <- iter$nextItem()) {
#' # do something
#' row$a
#' }
#' }
lazyExpandGrid <- function(...) {
dots <- list(...)
dotnames <- names(dots)
if (is.null(dotnames)) {
dotnames <- paste0('Var', seq_along(dots))
dotnames <- make.unique(make.names(dotnames))
names(dots) <- dotnames
sizes <- lengths(dots)
indices <- cumprod(c(1L, sizes))
final. <- preset <- FALSE
numfactors <- length(indices)
maxcount <- unname(indices[ length(indices) ])
i <- 0
env <- environment()
nextItem <- function(index) {
if (missing(index)) {
li <- length(i)
if (preset) {
if (li > 1) i <<- i[-1L]
thisi <- i[[1L]]
preset <<- (li > 2)
} else {
if (final.) return(NULL)
thisi <- (i <<- i + 1)
} else {
if (thisi > maxcount || i < 1L) return(NULL)
structure(setNames(Map(`[[`, dots, (thisi - 1L) %% indices[-1L] %/% indices[-numfactors] + 1L),
row.names = as.character(thisi), class = 'data.frame')
nextItems <- function(index) {
if (! missing(index)) {
li <- length(i)
if (li > 1) {
rn <- as.character(i[-1L])
ret <-, Filter(Negate(is.logical),
lapply(2:length(i), function(ign) env$nextItem())))
rownames(ret) <- rn
} else {
setIndex <- function(index, append. = FALSE, final. = FALSE) {
isgood <- (index > 0) & (index <= maxcount)
if (! any(isgood)) {
stop(sprintf("'index' must have at least one positive integer no more than the design space size (%s)",
call. = FALSE)
if (! all(isgood)) {
warning('non-positive or too-high indices are invalid, ignored', call. = FALSE)
index <- index[isgood]
i <<- c(if (append.) i else i[[1L]], index)
preset <<- TRUE
final. <<- final.
getIndex <- function() return(i[[1L]])
getIndices <- function() return(i)
getNextIndex <- function() if (length(i) > 1) i[[2L]] else i+1
l <- list(nextItem = nextItem, nextItems = nextItems,
getIndex = getIndex, getIndices = getIndices,
setIndex = setIndex, getNextIndex = getNextIndex,
n = maxcount, factors = dots
class(l) <- c(class(l), 'lazyExpandGrid')
#' @export
print.lazyExpandGrid <- function(x, ...) {
e <- environment(x$getIndex)
cat(sprintf("lazyExpandGrid: %s factors, %s rows\n", e$numfactors - 1L, e$maxcount))
cat(sprintf(" $ index : %s\n", e$i[[1L]]))
if (length(e$i) > 1) cat(sprintf(" $ next : %s\n", paste(e$i[-1L], collapse = ', ')))
if (e$final.) cat(" $ final\n")
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r2evans commented Jun 6, 2020

(dang ... I could've been published ;-)

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