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Created December 20, 2021 12:58
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AOC2021 Day 18 (Python)
import functools
import math
def value_at(smallfish_number, path):
cursor = smallfish_number
for e in path:
if e == 'L':
cursor = cursor[0]
cursor = cursor[1]
return cursor
def get_indexed_values(smallfish_number, path_so_far):
l, r = smallfish_number
if type(l) is list:
yield from get_indexed_values(l, path_so_far + 'L')
yield path_so_far + 'L', l
if type(r) is list:
yield from get_indexed_values(r, path_so_far + 'R')
yield path_so_far + 'R', r
def update(smallfish_number, path, new_value):
if len(path) == 0:
return new_value
l, r = smallfish_number
if path[0] == 'L':
return [update(l, path[1:], new_value), r]
return [l, update(r, path[1:], new_value)]
def explode(smallfish_number, before_indexed_value, indexed_value, after_indexed_value):
path, _ = indexed_value
containing_path = path[:-1]
l, r = value_at(smallfish_number, containing_path)
if before_indexed_value:
before_path, before_value = before_indexed_value
smallfish_number = update(smallfish_number, before_path, before_value + l)
if after_indexed_value:
after_path, after_value = after_indexed_value
smallfish_number = update(smallfish_number, after_path, after_value + r)
smallfish_number = update(smallfish_number, containing_path, 0)
return smallfish_number
def reduce(smallfish_number):
while True:
has_changed = False
indexed_values = list(get_indexed_values(smallfish_number, ''))
for index, (path, value) in enumerate(indexed_values):
if len(path) == 5:
smallfish_number = explode(
indexed_values[index - 1] if index > 0 else None,
(path, value),
indexed_values[index + 2] if index < len(indexed_values) - 2 else None)
has_changed = True
if has_changed:
for path, value in indexed_values:
if value >= 10:
smallfish_number = update(smallfish_number,
[math.floor(value / 2.0), math.ceil(value / 2.0)])
has_changed = True
if not has_changed:
return smallfish_number
def test_reduce():
assert reduce([[[[[4, 3], 4], 4], [7, [[8, 4], 9]]], [1, 1]]) == \
[[[[0, 7], 4], [[7, 8], [6, 0]]], [8, 1]]
def read_smallfish_number(line):
cursor = []
stack = []
for c in line:
if c == '[':
cursor = []
elif c == ']':
parent = stack.pop()
cursor = parent
elif str.isdigit(c):
return cursor[0]
def test_read_smallfish_number():
assert read_smallfish_number('[[[[[4, 3], 4], 4], [7, [[8, 4], 9]]], [1, 1]]') == \
[[[[[4, 3], 4], 4], [7, [[8, 4], 9]]], [1, 1]]
def add_smallfish_numbers(l, r):
result = reduce([l, r])
return result
def magnitude(smallfish_number):
l, r = smallfish_number
l_mag = magnitude(l) if type(l) is list else l
r_mag = magnitude(r) if type(r) is list else r
return (3 * l_mag) + (2 * r_mag)
def test_add_smallfish_numbers():
example1 = """
added = functools.reduce(add_smallfish_numbers, (read_smallfish_number(line) for line in example1))
assert added == [[[[8, 7], [7, 7]], [[8, 6], [7, 7]]], [[[0, 7], [6, 6]], [8, 7]]]
example2 = """
added = functools.reduce(add_smallfish_numbers, (read_smallfish_number(line) for line in example2))
assert added == [[[[6, 6], [7, 6]], [[7, 7], [7, 0]]], [[[7, 7], [7, 7]], [[7, 8], [9, 9]]]]
with open('puzzle_inputs/day18.txt') as file:
numbers = [read_smallfish_number(line) for line in file]
added = functools.reduce(add_smallfish_numbers, numbers)
print(max(magnitude(add_smallfish_numbers(a, b)) for a in numbers for b in numbers if a != b))
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