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Created December 21, 2021 15:25
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AOC2021 Day 21 (Python)
def play(player_a_start, player_b_start):
a_score = 0
b_score = 0
a_pos = player_a_start
b_pos = player_b_start
die_rolls = 0
next_die_value = 0
def dice():
nonlocal next_die_value
nonlocal die_rolls
result = next_die_value + 1
die_rolls += 1
next_die_value = result % 100
return result
while True:
d1, d2, d3 = (dice(), dice(), dice())
a_pos = ((a_pos + d1 + d2 + d3 - 1) % 10) + 1
a_score = a_score + a_pos
if a_score >= 1000:
return die_rolls * b_score
d1, d2, d3 = (dice(), dice(), dice())
b_pos = ((b_pos + d1 +d2 + d3 - 1) % 10) + 1
b_score = b_score + b_pos
if b_score >= 1000:
return die_rolls * a_score
def test_example():
assert play(4, 8) == 739785
def test_deterministic():
print(play(7, 3))
def group_and_count(l):
counts = dict()
for i in l:
counts[i] = counts.get(i, 0) + 1
return counts
dice_distribution = group_and_count(a + b + c for a in range(1, 4) for b in range(1, 4) for c in range(1, 4))
class GameState(object):
def __init__(self, turn_count, player_a_pos, player_a_score, player_b_pos, player_b_score):
self.turn_count = turn_count
self.player_a_pos = player_a_pos
self.player_a_score = player_a_score
self.player_b_pos = player_b_pos
self.player_b_score = player_b_score
def next_states(self):
result = dict()
new_turn_count = self.turn_count + 1
for dice_total, occurrence_count in dice_distribution.items():
if self.turn_count % 2 == 0:
new_player_a_pos = ((self.player_a_pos + dice_total - 1) % 10) + 1
new_player_a_score = self.player_a_score + new_player_a_pos
new_player_b_pos = self.player_b_pos
new_player_b_score = self.player_b_score
new_player_a_pos = self.player_a_pos
new_player_a_score = self.player_a_score
new_player_b_pos = ((self.player_b_pos + dice_total - 1) % 10) + 1
new_player_b_score = self.player_b_score + new_player_b_pos
new_state = GameState(new_turn_count,
new_player_a_pos, new_player_a_score,
new_player_b_pos, new_player_b_score)
result[new_state] = occurrence_count
return result
def is_win_for_a(self):
return self.player_a_score >= 21
def is_win_for_b(self):
return self.player_b_score >= 21
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __str__(self):
if self.is_win_for_a():
status = "A wins"
elif self.is_win_for_b():
status = "B wins"
status = "%s to play" % ('A' if self.turn_count % 2 == 0 else 'B')
return "%s: A at %d with %d, B at %d with %d, %s" % (
self.player_a_pos, self.player_a_score,
self.player_b_pos, self.player_b_score,
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
def __eq__(self, other):
return str(self) == str(other)
def update_states(states):
new_states = dict()
for state, count in states.items():
for new_state, new_count in state.next_states().items():
new_states[new_state] = new_states.get(new_state, 0) + (count * new_count)
return new_states
def play_nondetermininistic_to_win(player_a_start_pos, player_b_start_pos):
initial_states = {GameState(0, player_a_start_pos, 0, player_b_start_pos, 0): 1}
current_states = initial_states
a_win_count = 0
b_win_count = 0
while len(current_states) > 0:
new_states = update_states(current_states)
to_remove = []
for state, count in new_states.items():
if state.is_win_for_a():
a_win_count += count
elif state.is_win_for_b():
b_win_count += count
for state in to_remove:
del new_states[state]
current_states = new_states
return a_win_count, b_win_count
def test_play_nondetermininistic_to_win():
assert play_nondetermininistic_to_win(4, 8) == (444356092776315, 341960390180808)
print(max(play_nondetermininistic_to_win(7, 3)))
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