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Created December 20, 2021 18:47
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AOC2021 Day 19 (Python)
def read_file(file):
stripped = (line.strip() for line in file)
scanners = []
for line in stripped:
if line.startswith('---'):
scanner = set()
elif len(line) > 0:
x_str, y_str, z_str = line.split(',')
scanner.add((int(x_str), int(y_str), int(z_str)))
return scanners
def transform(view, transformation):
return set(transformation(x, y, z) for (x, y, z) in view)
identity_matrix = (
(1, 0, 0),
(0, 1, 0),
(0, 0, 1)
rotate_90_xy = (
(0, -1, 0),
(1, 0, 0),
(0, 0, 1)
rotate_90_yz = (
(1, 0, 0),
(0, 0, -1),
(0, 1, 0)
rotate_90_xz = (
(0, 0, -1),
(0, 1, 0),
(1, 0, 0)
def matrix_mul(p, q):
return tuple(
tuple(sum(e * q[i][col_index] for i, e in enumerate(row))
for col_index in range(len(q[0])))
for row in p)
rotate_180_xy = matrix_mul(rotate_90_xy, rotate_90_xy)
rotate_270_xy = matrix_mul(rotate_180_xy, rotate_90_xy)
xy_rotations = [identity_matrix, rotate_90_xy, rotate_180_xy, rotate_270_xy]
rotate_180_yz = matrix_mul(rotate_90_yz, rotate_90_yz)
rotate_270_yz = matrix_mul(rotate_180_yz, rotate_90_yz)
yz_rotations = [identity_matrix, rotate_90_yz, rotate_180_yz, rotate_270_yz]
rotate_180_xz = matrix_mul(rotate_90_xz, rotate_90_xz)
rotate_270_xz = matrix_mul(rotate_180_xz, rotate_90_xz)
xz_rotations = [identity_matrix, rotate_90_xz, rotate_180_xz, rotate_270_xz]
all_rotations = set(matrix_mul(c, matrix_mul(a, b)) for a in xy_rotations for b in yz_rotations for c in xz_rotations)
assert len(all_rotations) == 24
def view_rotations(view):
return (transform(view, lambda x, y, z: matrix_mul(((x, y, z), ), rotation)[0])
for rotation in all_rotations)
def get_offset(a_beacon, b_beacon):
ax, ay, az = a_beacon
bx, by, bz = b_beacon
return bx - ax, by - ay, bz - az
def find_intersection(a_beacons, b_beacons):
candidate_offsets = dict()
for a_beacon in a_beacons:
for b_beacon in b_beacons:
offset = get_offset(a_beacon, b_beacon)
pairs = candidate_offsets.get(offset, [])
pairs.append((a_beacon, b_beacon))
candidate_offsets[offset] = pairs
intersection_offset, matches = max(candidate_offsets.items(), key=lambda i: len(i[1]))
return intersection_offset, len(matches)
def apply_offset(a, b):
ax, ay, az = a
bx, by, bz = b
return ax + bx, ay + by, az + bz
def scanners_agree(scanner_a_view, scanner_b_view):
for rotation in view_rotations(scanner_b_view):
offset, count = find_intersection(scanner_a_view, rotation)
if count >= 12:
offset_x, offset_y, offset_z = offset
scanner_b_absolute_position = (-offset_x, -offset_y, -offset_z)
absolute_beacon_positions = set(apply_offset(position, scanner_b_absolute_position)
for position in rotation)
return True, scanner_b_absolute_position, absolute_beacon_positions
return False, None, None
def agreeing_pairs(scanners):
start, *remainder = scanners
scanner_positions = [(0, 0, 0)]
fixed_beacons = start
unmatched = set(range(len(remainder)))
while len(unmatched) > 0:
to_remove = set()
for idx in unmatched:
scanner = remainder[idx]
agree, position, beacon_positions = scanners_agree(fixed_beacons, scanner)
if agree:
fixed_beacons = fixed_beacons.union(beacon_positions)
unmatched = unmatched.difference(to_remove)
return scanner_positions, fixed_beacons
def test_agreeing_pairs():
with open("puzzle_inputs/day19.txt") as file:
scanners = read_file(file)
scanner_positions, fixed_beacons = agreeing_pairs(scanners)
max_scanner_distance = max(abs(ax - bx) + abs(ay - by + abs(az - bz))
for (ax, ay, az) in scanner_positions
for (bx, by, bz) in scanner_positions)
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