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Created December 13, 2021 22:17
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AOC2021 Day 13 (Python)
import re
def read_line(line):
if m := re.match(r'(\d+),(\d+)', line):
x_str, y_str = m.groups()
return (int(x_str), int(y_str)), None
elif m := re.match(r'fold along ([xy])=(\d+)', line):
axis, pos = m.groups()
return None, (axis, int(pos))
return None, None
def read_file(lines):
parsed = [read_line(line.strip()) for line in lines]
points = set(coord for coord, fold in parsed if coord)
folds = [fold for coord, fold in parsed if fold]
return points, folds
def reflect(coord, pos):
return coord if coord <= pos else pos - (coord - pos)
def do_fold(points, fold):
axis, pos = fold
if axis == 'x':
return set((reflect(x, pos), y) for x, y in points)
return set((x, reflect(y, pos)) for x, y in points)
def test_first_fold():
with open("puzzle_inputs/day13.txt") as file:
points, folds = read_file(file)
print(len(do_fold(points, folds[0])))
def test_all_folds():
with open("puzzle_inputs/day13.txt") as file:
points, folds = read_file(file)
for fold in folds:
points = do_fold(points, fold)
for y in range(max(y for x, y in points) + 1):
s = ''
for x in range(max(x for x, y in points) + 1):
if (x, y) in points:
s += '#'
s += ' '
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