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Created June 1, 2014 04:47
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package main
import (
// Morlet represents the Morlet wavelet function.
type Morlet struct {
W0 float64 // frequency
// FrequencyRep returns wavelet in frequency domain.
func (m *Morlet) FrequencyRep(omega []float64, scale float64) []float64 {
rep := make([]float64, len(omega))
sw := make([]float64, len(omega))
for i := range sw {
sw[i] = omega[i] * scale
norm := math.Pow(math.Pi, -0.25)
for i := range rep {
if sw[i] > 0 {
rep[i] = norm * math.Exp(-0.5*math.Pow(sw[i]-m.W0, 2.0))
return rep
// Wavelet represents Continuous Wavelet Analysis.
type Wavelet struct {
Dt, Dj float64
Scales []float64
Basis *Morlet
// CWT performs Continuous Wavelet Transform.
func (w *Wavelet) CWT(x []float64) [][]complex128 {
spectrogram := make([][]complex128, len(x))
for i := range spectrogram {
spectrogram[i] = make([]complex128, len(w.Scales))
y := fft.FFTReal(x)
omega := angularFrequency(len(y), w.Dt)
for j, scale := range w.Scales {
norm := math.Sqrt(2.0 * math.Pi * scale / w.Dt)
waveletInFreqDomain := w.Basis.FrequencyRep(omega, scale)
product := make([]complex128, len(x))
for n := 0; n < len(y); n++ {
product[n] = complex(norm*waveletInFreqDomain[n], 0) * y[n]
convolved := fft.IFFT(product)
for n := range convolved {
spectrogram[n][j] = convolved[n]
return spectrogram
func angularFrequency(N int, dt float64) []float64 {
omega := make([]float64, N)
for i := 0; i <= N/2; i++ {
omega[i] = 2.0 * math.Pi * float64(i) / (dt * float64(N))
for i := N/2 + 1; i < N; i++ {
omega[i] = -2.0 * math.Pi * float64(i) / (dt * float64(N))
return omega
func createCentScales(baseFreq float64, numOctaves, centInterval int) []float64 {
numFreqBins := 1200 * numOctaves / centInterval
scales := make([]float64, numFreqBins)
for s := 0; s < numFreqBins; s++ {
order := float64(s) * float64(centInterval) / 1200.0
freq := baseFreq * math.Pow(2.0, order)
scales[s] = 1.0 / freq
return scales
func main() {
w := &Wavelet{
Dt: 1.0 / 10000.0,
Dj: 25.0 / 1200.0,
Scales: createCentScales(55.0, 8, 25),
Basis: &Morlet{W0: 6.0}}
result := w.CWT([]float64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3})
func printMatrixAsGnuplotFormat(matrix [][]complex128) {
fmt.Println("#", len(matrix[0]), len(matrix))
for i, vec := range matrix {
for j, val := range vec {
fmt.Println(i, j, cmplx.Abs(val))
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