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Created March 3, 2016 15:26
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Carton cartographique / Map Inset
# Démarrer le package cartography
# Charger les données stockées sur le web
fdim <- getFigDim(spdf = WorldCountries[WorldCountries$ISO3 %in%
c( "RUS","NZL", "ARG"),],
width = 750, res = 120,
mar = c(0,0,1.2,0))
png(filename = "mapcarton.png",
width = fdim[1], height = fdim[2],
res = 120)
# Gestion des marges de la figure
par(mar = c(0,0,1.2,0))
# Centrer la carte
plot(WorldCountries[WorldCountries$ISO3 %in% c( "RUS","NZL", "ARG"),],
border = NA,
bg = "#cdd2d4")
# Afficher les pays
plot(WorldCountries, col = "#f5f5f3ff", border = "#a9b3b4ff",
add = T)
# Afficher les cercles proportionnels
propSymbolsLayer(spdf = WorldCountries, df = BondVisits,
var = "n", legend.pos = "left",
legend.title.txt = "Nombre de\nvisites",
border = "#f5f5f3ff",legend.values.cex = 0.45,
col = "#bb2b20ff", inches = 0.2)
# Ajouter un habillage
layoutLayer(title = "James Bond autour du Monde",
author = "Auteur : T. Giraud - 2016",
sources = "Source : - 2015",
scale = NULL, frame = FALSE,
col = "white",
coltitle = "black")
# Ajouter un carton, une carte dans la carte
par(fig = c(grconvertX(c(6000000,16000000), from="user", to="ndc"),
grconvertY(c(-6600000,1500000), from="user", to="ndc")),
mar = c(0,0,0,0),
new = TRUE)
# Le carton recouvrira l'Australie
# Centrer la carte sur l'Europe
plot(WorldCountries[WorldCountries$ISO2 %in% c("PT", "LV"),],
border = NA,
bg = "#cdd2d4")
# Ajout des pays
plot(WorldCountries, col = "#f5f5f3ff",
border = "#a9b3b4ff",
# Afficher les cercles proportionnels
propSymbolsLayer(spdf = WorldCountries, df = BondVisits,
var = "n", legend.pos = "n",
border = "#f5f5f3ff",
col = "#bb2b20ff", inches = 0.2)
# Ajouter un cadre autour de la figure
box(col = "grey20")
# Ajouter un titre au carton
mtext(text = "Zoom sur l'Europe", side = 3, line = -1,
adj = 0.95, cex = 0.8, font = 2)
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