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Created August 6, 2016 16:21
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//Behavior for the harvesters:
* Module code goes here. Use 'module.exports' to export things:
* module.exports.thing = 'a thing';
* You can import it from another modules like this:
* var mod = require('role.pickup.source');
* mod.thing == 'a thing'; // true
var pickupSource = {
pickup: function(creep) {
if(!creep.memory.pickupSource) {
console.log("Creep " + + creep.memory.role +" not properly configured to use pickupSource behavior!");
var sourceId = creep.memory.pickupSource;
var source = Game.getObjectById(sourceId);
if(source == null) {
//Short circuit here to move to the appropriate room that we haven't been to yet
creep.moveTo(new RoomPosition(25, 25, creep.memory.pickupRoom), {ignoreCreeps: false});
var container = false;
if(source.pos.roomName == creep.pos.roomName) {
container =, source.pos.y-1, source.pos.x-1, source.pos.y+1, source.pos.x+1, true)
.filter((container)=>container.structure.structureType == 'container');
if(container.length > 0) {
container = container[0].structure;
} else {
container = false;
if(container && (creep.pos.x != container.pos.x || creep.pos.y != container.pos.y)) {
creep.moveTo(container, {ignoreCreeps: false});
} else {
creep.moveTo(source, {ignoreCreeps: false});
result = creep.harvest(source);
if(result == OK && Game.time % 2 == 0) {
//Behavior for the pickup part of the haulers
* Module code goes here. Use 'module.exports' to export things:
* module.exports.thing = 'a thing';
* You can import it from another modules like this:
* var mod = require('role.pickup.structure');
* mod.thing == 'a thing'; // true
var pickupStructure = {
pickup: function(creep) {
if(!creep.memory.pickupStructure) {
console.log("Creep " + + " not properly configured to use pickupStructure behavior!");
var structureId = creep.memory.pickupStructure;
var structure = Game.getObjectById(structureId);
if(structure == null) {
//Short circuit here to move to the appropriate room that we haven't been to yet
creep.moveTo(new RoomPosition(25, 25, creep.memory.pickupRoom), {ignoreCreeps: false});
if(creep.withdraw(structure, RESOURCE_ENERGY) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE){
creep.moveTo(structure, {ignoreCreeps: false});
module.exports = pickupStructure;
//behavior for the deposit part of the haulers
* Module code goes here. Use 'module.exports' to export things:
* module.exports.thing = 'a thing';
* You can import it from another modules like this:
* var mod = require('role.deposit.structure');
* mod.thing == 'a thing'; // true
var depositStructure = {
deposit: function(creep) {
if(!creep.memory.depositStructure) {
console.log("Creep " + + creep.memory.role +" not properly configured to use depositStructure behavior!");
var targets = false;
var targetIds = creep.memory.depositStructure.split(",");
if(targetIds) {
targets = => Game.getObjectById(id));
// target = Game.getObjectById(targetId);
//Transfer type logic:
resourceType = RESOURCE_ENERGY;
if(creep.memory.resourceType) {
resourceType = creep.memory.resourceType;
var index = 0;
var target = targets[index];
if(target.pos.roomName != creep.pos.roomName) {
} else if(target) {
// creep.moveTo(target);
// console.log( + Object.keys(target));
result = -1;
while(result != OK && result != ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE && index < targets.length){
target = targets[index++];
result = result = creep.transfer(target, resourceType);
// console.log( + result + " and " + resourceType + RESOURCE_ZYNTHIUM);
if(result == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE) {
} else if (result == OK) {
return true;
return false;
name: "depositStructure"
module.exports = depositStructure;
module.exports = pickupSource;
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