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CS capstone 2016 -McManus
import math
from node import *
import random
class gridMap:
field = None
def __init__(self, m, n): ##set up
self.row = n
self.column = m
self.field = [[node(random.randint(0,9)) for x in range(self.row)] for y in range(self.column)] ##build the array
def build(self):
for i in range(len(self.field)):
for c in range(len(self.field[i])):
z = self.field[i][c]
if(i == 0 and c == 0):
#print("goal set")
z.setX(c) ##cordinates
z.setHValue(math.sqrt(((0-i)**2)+((0-c)**2))) ##set the heuristic for p1
##self.field[i][c] = z
#print(" ")
return self.field
def edit(self): #allow edits build this in later, get it working first (It will need to display the nodes in a map)
#get input from user, and then get that node and change the value
a = -1
b = -1
c = -1
d = -1
while((a < 0 or a > len(self.field)) != False):
a = int(input("Give me the column index")) ##add a try catch
while((b < 0 or b > len(self.field[1])) != False):
b = int(input("Now the row index"))
while((c < 1 or c > 5)): #allow dynamic radius based on total map size
c = int(input("What length of radius to you want to impact? (between 1 and 5)"))
while((d < 0 or d > 9) and isinstance(d, int) != False):
d = int(input("Enter a value, between 0 and 9, with which to replace it"))
z = self.field[a][b]
l = z.getValue()
if(l > d): # this needs a lot of work; you should probably sit down with doctor mcmanus and a white board
self.smoll(a, b, c, d) #figure out how to figure out the difference in values
self.swoll(a, b, c, d) #figure out how to figure out the difference in values
def smooth(self):
for i in range(len(self.field)):
for j in range(len(self.field[i])):
if(i==0): ##first row
if(j==0): ##beginning of first row
#print("j = 0", i, j, (len(self.field[i])))
self.field[i][j].setTempV((self.field[i][j].getValue() + self.field[i+1][j].getValue() + self.field[i][j+1].getValue())/3) ##get avergae of node values repeat all the way down
elif(j==len(self.field[i])-1): ##end of first row
#print("j = len-1", i, j, (len(self.field[i])))
self.field[i][j].setTempV((self.field[i][j].getValue() + self.field[i][j-1].getValue() + self.field[i+1][j].getValue())/3)
else: ##first row, neither first nor last column
#print("the middle", i, j, (len(self.field[i])))
self.field[i][j].setTempV((self.field[i][j].getValue() + self.field[i][j-1].getValue() + self.field[i+1][j].getValue() + self.field[i][j+1].getValue())/4)
elif(i == len(self.field)-1): ##last row
if(j==0): ##last row first column
self.field[i][j].setTempV((self.field[i][j].getValue() + self.field[i-1][j].getValue() + self.field[i][j+1].getValue())/3)
elif(j == len(self.field[i])-1): ##last row last column
self.field[i][j].setTempV((self.field[i][j].getValue() + self.field[i][j-1].getValue() + self.field[i-1][j].getValue())/3)
else: ##last row and neither first nor last column
self.field[i][j].setTempV((self.field[i][j].getValue() + self.field[i][j-1].getValue() + self.field[i-1][j].getValue() + self.field[i][j+1].getValue())/4)
elif(j==0 and i != 0 and i != len(self.field)-1): ##first column and neither first row nor last row
self.field[i][j].setTempV((self.field[i][j].getValue() + self.field[i-1][j].getValue() + self.field[i+1][j].getValue() + self.field[i][j+1].getValue())/4)
elif(j==len(self.field[i])-1 and i != 0 and i != len(self.field)-1): ##last column but not top or bottom row
self.field[i][j].setTempV((self.field[i][j].getValue() +self.field[i-1][j].getValue() + self.field[i+1][j].getValue() + self.field[i][j-1].getValue())/4)
else: ##middle nodes
#print("else middle", i, j, (len(self.field[i])))
self.field[i][j].setTempV((self.field[i][j-1].getValue() + self.field[i-1][j].getValue() + self.field[i+1][j].getValue() + self.field[i][j+1].getValue())/4)
for i in range(len(self.field)):
for j in range(len(self.field[i])):
self.field[i][j].smooth() ##tell node to switch values
def iterateValue(self, pNode):
for i in range(len(self.field)):
for j in range(len(self.field[i])):
self.field[i][j].setHToPrey(math.sqrt(((pNode.getX()-j)**2)+((pNode.getY()-i)**2))) ##heuristic for p2
def reset(self): ##allow for multiple usage. Attempt to allow for sharing of attributes.
for i in range(len(self.field)):
for j in range(len(self.field[i])):
self.field[i][j].knockPrevious() ##reset path; prevents standstill
def randNode(self): ##return a random node place p 1
for i in range(len(self.field)):
for j in range(len(self.field[i])):
if(random.randint(0,9920) > 9998): ##make this dynamic
return self.field[i][j]
return self.field[len(self.field)-1][len(self.field[i])-1]
def randBad(self): ##return a random node place p2
for i in range(len(self.field)):
for j in range(len(self.field[i])):
if(random.randint(0,9999) > 7085): ##make this dynamic
return self.field[i][j]
return self.field[Math.floor((len(self.field))/2)][Math.floor((len(self.field))/2)]
#def search(self, centerx, centery, radius):
#for i in range(centerx - radius, centerx + radius):
#for j in range(centery - radius, centery + radius):
#if(i < 0 or j < 0):
#if(i > len(self.field) or j > len(self.field[i])):
#if(i == centery or j == centerx):
#if(self.field[i][j].isOccupied == true):
#return true
##get the position of a player and search within the radius for other players
def swoll(self, centerx, centery, radius, amount): ##swell an area
for i in range(math.ceil(centerx - radius), math.ceil(centerx + radius)):
for j in range(math.ceil(centery - radius), math.ceil(centery + radius)):
if(i < 0 or j < 0):
if(i > len(self.field) or j > len(self.field[i])):
def smoll(self, centerx, centery, radius, amount): ##negatively swell an area
for i in range(math.ceil(centerx - radius), math.ceil(centerx + radius)):
for j in range(math.ceil(centery - radius), math.ceil(centery + radius)):
if(i < 0 or j < 0):
if(i > len(self.field) or j > len(self.field[i])): #Check if these are still out of range by one
def toString(self): ##print the thing
a = " "
for b in range(len(self.field)):
a += str(b)+ "_"
for i in range(len(self.field)):
p = str(i) + "|"
for j in range(len(self.field[i])):
p += " "+str(math.floor(self.field[i][j].getValue()))
def truth(self): ##make sure that only the goal is the goal
for i in range(len(self.field)):
for j in range(len(self.field[i])):
def countNeighbors(self): ##count neighbors of each node
for i in range(len(self.field)):
x = ""
for j in range(len(self.field[i])):
x += " "+ str(len(self.field[i][j].getNeighbors()))
def testRide(self):
print("testing build")
print("truth table")
print("testing edit")
print("testing swoll")
self.swoll(3, 3, 4, 3)
print("testing smoll")
self.smoll(3, 3, 4, 3)
print("testing the function to return a random node")
x = self.randNode()
print("testing the function to find distances between two nodes")
#def smooth(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd): #traverse and smooth. math.ceil(x) returns the highest int value closest to a decimal
#i = xStart
#n = yStart
#for i in range(xEnd):
#for n in range(yEnd): #I fucked up global variables
#z = field[i][n]
from gridMap import *
from player import *
from node import *
from tester import *
from predPlayer import *
from collections import Counter
def main():
#test = tester()
m = 0
n = 0
p = ""
#tst = node(2)
#set up game
while(m < 5 or m > 2500):
m = int(input("Give me the number of rows (5 < x < 2500)"))
while(n < 5 or n > 2500):
n = int(input("Now the number of columns (5 < x < 2500)"))
world = gridMap(m, n)
while(p.lower() not in ('yes', 'no')):
p = input("Would you like to edit the map? you may enter yes or no to indicate your response. please.")
if(p == 'yes'):
pOne = Player(world.randNode())
pTwo = predPlayer(world.randBad())
world.swoll(pTwo.getNode().getX(), pTwo.getNode().getY(), (m*n)/4, 5)
value = 0
devalue = 0
count = 0
while(value == 0 and devalue == 0): ##run game
count += 1
value = pOne.move()
world.reset() ##clears cameFrom values in nodes
world.iterateValue(pOne.getNode()) ##set up heuristic because player is in a different place
world.smoll(pTwo.getNode().getX(), pTwo.getNode().getY(), (m*n)/10, 5) ##remove p2 influence
devalue = pTwo.move()
world.swoll(pTwo.getNode().getX(), pTwo.getNode().getY(), (m*n)/10, 5) ##institute p2 influence
print(count, "moves")
class node:
def __init__(self, n):
self._value = n
self._occupied = False
self._heuristic = 0.0
self._hToPrey = 0.0
self._tempV = 0
self._goal = False
self._cameFrom = None
self.neighbors = []
self._cost = 99999
self._fScore = 0
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.secCost = 9999
self.secFScore = 0
def getX(self): ## get x-value
return self.x
def setX(self, n): ##set x-value
self.x = n
def getY(self): ##get y-value
return self.y
def setY(self, n): ##set y-value
self.y = n
def isOccupied(self): ##check if the node is occupied by a player
return self._occupied
def setPrevious(self, n): ##set the node from which this node was reached
self._cameFrom = n
def getPrevious(self): ##return the node from which this node was reach
return self._cameFrom
def knockPrevious(self):
self._cameFrom = None
def getFScore(self): ##return fScore for player 1
return self._fScore
def getSecondaryFScore(self): ##return fScore for player 2
return self.secFScore
def setSecondaryFScore(self, n): ##set the fScore for player 2
self.secFScore = n
def setFScore(self, n): ##set fScore for player 1
self._fScore = n
def getValue(self): ##return the value of this node
return self._value
def getHValue(self): ##return the heuristic value, the straight line distance from here to the goal node
return self._heuristic
def getHToPrey(self): ##straight line distance between this node and the node occupied by player 1
return self._hToPrey
def setValue(self, n): ##set the value as n
self._value = n
def addNeighbor(self, node): ##add a neighbor
def getNeighbors(self): ##return the array of neighbors
return self.neighbors
def setHValue(self, n): ##set the heuristic value
self._heuristic = n
def setHToPrey(self, n): ##set the secondary heuristic value
self._hToPrey = n
def occupy(self): ##designate the node as occupied
self._occupied = True
def deoccupy(self): ##designate the node as unoccupied
self._occupied = False
def isGoal(self): ##check to see if this is the goal
return self._goal
def setGoal(self): ##designate the node as the goal
self._goal = True
def setTempV(self, n): ##set a temporary value with which to replace the value in a moment
self._tempV = n
def smooth(self): ##replace the value with the tempValue
self._value = self._tempV
def setCost(self, n): ##set the cost to get here from start
self._cost = n
def setSecCost(self, n): ##set the cost to get here from player 2 start
self.secCost = n
def getSecCost(self): ##return the cost to get here from player 2 start
return self.secCost
def getCost(self): ##return the cost to get here from start
return self._cost
def testRide(self): ##test things
##probably test all the set and get methods.
if(self.getCost() != 10):
print("fail on get or set cost in node")
if(self._tempV != 10):
print("fail on setTempV")
if(self.isGoal() != True):
print("goal failure")
if(self.isOccupied() != True):
print("occupation failure")
if(self.isOccupied() != False):
print("deoccupy fail")
if(self.getHToPrey() != 10):
print("h to prey fail")
if(self.getHValue() != 10):
print("hValue fail")
if(self.getValue() != 10):
print("value fail")
if(self.getFScore() != 10):
print("fScore fail")
if(self.getX() != 10):
print("x fail")
if(self.getY() != 10):
print("y fail")
x = node(10)
y = self.getNeighbors()
if(x not in y):
print("neighbor fail")
if(self.getPrevious() != x):
print("previous fail")
from node import * ##because node ops
from gridMap import * ##for testing purposes
import random
import math
class Player:
def __init__(self, n):
##self._start = None
self._node = n
def pathfind(self): ##this is the A* algorithm that finds a path from the given node to the goal
#print("(",self.getNode().getX(),",",self.getNode().getY(),")", "node to be gotten")
self._node.setCost(0) ##setcost to 0
openSet = [self._node] ##add current node to fringe
closedSet = []
while(len(openSet) != 0): ##while openSet is not empty
current = openSet[0] ##get the first node
if(current.isGoal()): ##if current = goal
##print("you found the goal. Now you just have to get there")
return self.reconstructPath(current) ##rebuild the path and return as an array
closedSet.append(openSet.pop(0)) ##take current from openSet and add it to closedSet
neighborhood = current.getNeighbors() ##get your neighbors
#print("number of neighbors")
for x in neighborhood: ##look at each neighbor
if(closedSet.count(x) == 0): ##if x is not in the closed set, get the gScore
tentativeGScore = current.getCost() + x.getValue() ##cost to get here plus cost to get to neighbor
if(openSet.count(x) == 0):##if neighbor not in openSet, Discover a new node
self.sort(openSet) ##sort so that you can get most efficient choice
if(tentativeGScore <= x.getCost()): ##this is weird and I probably need to fix something. ##measure for the shortest path from here to start
x.setPrevious(current) ##set previous node so you know where you came from
x.setCost(tentativeGScore) ##set the more efficient cost
x.setFScore(x.getCost() + x.getHValue()) ##set the fScore so you can sort
#print("out of for statement")
#print("out of while loop")
return 0 ##you dun goofed
def reconstructPath(self, current): ##build path to allow for selection of a move
totalPath = [current] ##current is the goal
while(current.getPrevious() != None): ##while you haven't gotten to the beginning
current = current.getPrevious() ##get the previous one
totalPath.append(current) ##add it to the path
totalPath.reverse() ##reversing puts the goal at rear and the best option at the head
##print("returning a path")
return totalPath
def printPath(self, path):
for i in range(len(path)):
def isDanger(self): #pass the currentNode to the map and call the search . won't be necessary in capstone form.
def move(self): ##take the first node from path, move there. check if it's the goal.
self.getNode().deoccupy() ##unoccupy your current node
path = self.pathfind() ##find a path
self.setNode(path[1]) ##get the first one after the node you are one, p[0] is current node
self.getNode().occupy() ##occupy the next one
##print("movement from player 1")
if(self.getNode().isGoal()): ##you won!!!!
print("you got to the goal")
return 1
return 0 ##figure out a better return value?
#def msort(self, x):
#result = []
#if(len(x) < 20):
#return self.sort(x) ##sorted(x, key=lambda x: x.getFScore())?
#mid = math.floor(len(x)/2)
#y = self.msort(x[:mid])
#z = self.msort(x[mid:])
#i = 0
#j = 0
#while(i < len(y) and j < len(z)):
#if(y[i].getFScore() < z[j].getFScore()):
#j += 1
#i += 1
#result += y[i:]
#result += z[j:]
#return result
def sort(self, x): ##sort method to sort openSet to allow for selection of most efficient path. it's an insertion sort
for i in range(len(x)):
val = x[i]
j = i - 1
while(j >= 0 and x[j].getFScore() > val.getFScore()): ##determine better fScore
x[j+1] = x[j]
j = j - 1
x[j+1] = val
return x
def getNode(self): ##return the node that this player is at
return self._node
def setNode(self, n): ##set the node n to the player's node value
##print("(",self.getNode().getX(),",",self.getNode().getY(),")", "value before assignment")
##print("(",n.getX(),",",n.getY(),")", "value to be assigned")
self._node = n
##print("(",self._node.getX(),",",self._node.getY(),")", "value after assignment")
def testRide(self): ##test
print("start") ##set up
x = gridMap(100, 100)
testArray = []
for i in range(100):
imp = node(10)
##print("imp made")
##print("imp appended")
for a in range(len(testArray)): ##testing sort
testArray[a].setFScore(100-a) #insure disordered entries
print("unsorted array")
for b in range(len(testArray)):
print("sorted array")
for c in range(len(testArray)):
print(testArray[c].getFScore()) #I know it works up to here
self._start = x.randNode()
print("x and y values of start node")
testPath = self.pathfind() ##test path
for d in range(len(testPath)):
print("x and y values") ##print path
print(testPath[d].getX(), testPath[d].getY())
peep = self.getNode() ##get current node
print("X value before move", peep.getX())
print("Y value before move", peep.getY())
self.move() ##test move
pipe = self.getNode()
print("X value after move", pipe.getX())
print("Y value after move", pipe.getY())
counter = 0
while(self.getNode().isGoal() != True): ##test essential components together
counter += 1
print("number of moves from beginning to end")
print("X value after move", self._node.getX())
print("Y value after move", self._node.getY())
from node import * ##because node ops
from gridMap import * ##for testing purposes
import random
import math
##This can be improved by making it a composition of Player
class predPlayer:
def __init__(self, n):
##self._start = None
self._node = n
def pathfind(self): ##this is the A* algorithm that finds a path from the given node to the goal
#print("(",self.getNode().getX(),",",self.getNode().getY(),")", "node to be gotten")
openSet = [self._node]
closedSet = []
while(len(openSet) != 0): ##while openSet is not empty
current = openSet[0]
##sort the open set
if(current.isOccupied()): ##if current = goal
#print("you found player1. Now you just have to get to them")
return self.reconstructPath(current)
neighborhood = current.getNeighbors()
#print("number of neighbors")
for x in neighborhood:
if(closedSet.count(x) == 0): ##if x is not in the closed set, get the gScore
tentativeGScore = current.getSecCost() + x.getValue()
if(openSet.count(x) == 0):##if neighbor not in openSet, Discover a new node
if(tentativeGScore <= x.getSecCost()): ##this is weird and I probably need to fix something. ##measure for the shortest path from here to start
x.setSecondaryFScore(x.getSecCost() + x.getHToPrey())
#print("out of for statement")
#print("out of while loop")
return 0
def reconstructPath(self, current): ##build path to allow for selection of a move
totalPath = [current] ##current is the goal
while(current.getPrevious() != None): ##might need fixing, camefrom being a node attribute might be better
current = current.getPrevious()
totalPath.reverse() ##reversing puts the goal at rear and the best option at the head
#print("returning a path")
return totalPath
def printPath(self, path):
for i in range(len(path)):
def isDanger(self): #pass the currentNode to the map and call the search . won't be necessary in capstone form.
def move(self): ##take the first node from path, move there. check if it's the goal. predplayer could probably try to draw player one closer to it by manipulating swoll and smoll
path = self.pathfind()
self.setNode(path[0]) ##I think path[0] is the node it's
#print(" player2 moving")
print("you ate player 1! om nom nom")
return 1
return 0 ##figure out a better return value?
#def msort(self, x):
#result = []
#if(len(x) < 20):
#return self.sort(x) ##sorted(x, key=lambda x: x.getFScore())?
#mid = math.floor(len(x)/2)
#y = self.msort(x[:mid])
#z = self.msort(x[mid:])
#i = 0
#j = 0
#while(i < len(y) and j < len(z)):
#if(y[i].getFScore() < z[j].getFScore()):
#j += 1
#i += 1
#result += y[i:]
#result += z[j:]
#return result
def sort(self, x): ##sort method to sort openSet to allow for selection of most efficient path
for i in range(len(x)):
val = x[i]
j = i - 1
while(j >= 0 and x[j].getSecondaryFScore() > val.getSecondaryFScore()):
x[j+1] = x[j]
j = j - 1
x[j+1] = val
return x
def getNode(self): ##return the node that this player is at
return self._node
def setNode(self, n): ##set the node n to the player's node value
#print("(",self.getNode().getX(),",",self.getNode().getY(),")", "value before assignment")
#print("(",n.getX(),",",n.getY(),")", "value to be assigned")
self._node = n
#print("(",self._node.getX(),",",self._node.getY(),")", "value after assignment")
def testRide(self): ##test
x = gridMap(100, 100)
testArray = []
for i in range(100):
imp = node(10)
##print("imp made")
##print("imp appended")
for a in range(len(testArray)):
testArray[a].setFScore(100-a) #insure disordered entries
print("unsorted array")
for b in range(len(testArray)):
print("sorted array")
for c in range(len(testArray)):
print(testArray[c].getSecondaryFScore()) #I know it works up to here
self._start = x.randNode()
print("x and y values of start node")
testPath = self.pathfind()
for d in range(len(testPath)):
print("x and y values")
peep = self.getNode()
print("X value before move", peep.getX())
print("Y value before move", peep.getY())
pipe = self.getNode()
print("X value after move", pipe.getX())
print("Y value after move", pipe.getY())
counter = 0
while(self.getNode().isGoal() != True):
counter += 1
print("number of moves from beginning to end")
print("X value after move", self._node.getX())
print("Y value after move", self._node.getY())
from node import *
from gridMap import *
from player import *
class tester:
def test(self):
print("node test")
testNode = node(9)
testNode.testRide() ##run unit test for node
print("map test")
testMap = gridMap(10, 10)
testMap.testRide() ##unit test for map
print("player test")
testPlayer = Player(testMap.randNode()) ##give it a node, doesn't matter which, is has its own map from which it will pull all data
testPlayer.testRide() ##player unit test
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