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Created February 8, 2016 15:15
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module Pid where
import CLaSH.Prelude as C
{-# ANN topEntity
{ t_name = "pid"
, t_inputs = ["initI","initD","kP","kI","kD","setvalue"]
, t_outputs = ["pidsignal"]
, t_extraIn = [ ("CLOCK", 1)]
, t_clocks = [ clockWizard "clkwiz50" "CLOCK[0]" "~ KEY[0]" ]
}) #-}
(+:) = satPlus SatBound -- operator +: is saturated addition
(-:) = satMin SatBound
sigKP kp = fmap (kp*)
sigKI init ki = mealyB trans init where
trans acc e = (out,out)
where out = acc +: (ki * e)
sigKD init kd = mealyB trans init where
trans preve e = (e , (e -: preve )*kd)
-- PID part (without looback)
pidProc (initI,initD,kP,kI,kD) signal = sumsig <$> bundle (sp,si,sd)
sp = sigKP kP signal
si = sigKI initI kI signal
sd = sigKD initD kD signal
sumsig (k,i,d) = k +: i +: d
type PidType = SFixed 2 14 -- 16 bit signed fixed float number -2 <= x < 2
topEntity :: (PidType , PidType , PidType , PidType , PidType )
-> Signal PidType -> Signal PidType
topEntity = pidProc
pidSim pidArg setvalue process = processOut where
processOut = process $ topEntity pidArg error
error = uncurry (-) <$> bundle (setvalue , processOut )
modelSim = topEntity (0,0,0.25,0.01,0) -- we use pid as process to regulate
testout = sampleN 20 $ pidSim (0,0,0.25,0.01,0) (signal 0.5) modelSim
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