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Last active April 11, 2017 19:53
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import qualified CLaSH.Prelude as C
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Prelude
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- Simulator IO
-- evaluates in pure world
signalEvalPure :: (MonadFix m) => (b -> m a) -> b -> ([a] -> [b]) -> m [b]
signalEvalPure mf def f = mfix ff
ff bx = fmap f $ traverse mf $ def : bx
:: MonadFix m
=> ((IO c -> IO c) -> m [a] -> m [a]) -- map transformer
-> (b -> m a) -- action
-> b -- inital input
-> ([a] -> [b]) -- core to simulate
-> m [b] -- return value
signalEvalUnsafe mapT mf def f = (mfix ff)
ff xs = f <$> v (def:xs)
v (b:bs) = do
r <- (mf b)
rx <- ms (v bs)
return $ r:rx
ms = mapT unsafeInterleaveIO
signalEvalState :: s -- init user state
-> (b -> StateT s IO a) -- action takes previous output as argument
-> b -- first output
-> ([a] -> [b]) -- circutry to simulate
-> IO ([b], s) -- history of outputs and final state
signalEvalState s0 mf def f = runStateT (signalEvalUnsafe mapStateT mf def f ) s0
--- Example usage:
data MyState = MyState {line :: Integer }
mySimulator :: Integer -> StateT MyState IO Integer
mySimulator n = do
MyState ln <- get
put $ MyState $ ln + 1
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "output at clock num: "++ show ln ++ " is\n" ++ show n
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "enter next input: "
v <- liftIO $ read <$> getLine
return v
myIntegratorCircuit = C.simulate $ C.mealy f 0 where
f s i = (r,r) where r = s + i
main = signalEvalState (MyState 0) mySimulator 0 myIntegratorCircuit >>= (print . length . fst)
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