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Created January 18, 2016 20:49
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Cordic where
import CLaSH.Prelude as C
-- one step cordic for first quadrant 1 and 4
cordicQ14 :: (NumSFixedC 2 s, NumSFixedC 2 r)
=> SFixed 2 s-- fixing angle (constant)
-> Int -- shift size
-> (SFixed 2 r,SFixed 2 r) -- (x,y) or cos,sin
-> SFixed 2 s -- goal angle
-> SFixed 2 s -- curent angle
-> ((SFixed 2 r,SFixed 2 r),SFixed 2 s) -- returns ((x,y),angle)
cordicQ14 angle shift (x,y) goal beta
| goal >= beta = ((x - sifty, y + siftx ), beta + angle)
| otherwise = ((x + sifty, y - siftx ), beta - angle)
sifty = y `shiftR` shift
siftx = x `shiftR` shift
r = (shift,sifty,siftx)
type Angle a = SFixed 2 a
type XY a = (SFixed 2 a,SFixed 2 a)
-- full circle is 4.0 and 90° is 1.0
angleLookupFlatTH :: Vec 52 (SFixed 2 52)
angleLookupFlatTH = $(lift $ fmap
(\p -> (fLitR $ (atan(1/(2^p))*(2.0/pi))) :: SFixed 2 52)
(iterate d52 (+1) 0))
angleLookupGenerator2TH :: (Num b, KnownNat frac2, KnownNat (2 + frac2),
(n + n1) ~ 52 , frac2 ~ n ) => SNat n -> Vec n (Fixed Signed 2 frac2, b)
angleLookupGenerator2TH prec = zip (resizeF <$> take prec angleLookupFlatTH) (iterate prec (+1) 0)
cordicAllSteps prec goal = postscanl
( cordicScanL goal)
((1,0) ,0)
((angleLookupGenerator2TH prec) )
cordicScanL :: (NumSFixedC 2 a, (a + a') ~ 52)
=> Angle a
-> (XY a, Angle a)
-> (Angle a,Int)
-> (XY a, Angle a)
cordicScanL goal (xy,ang) (fixang,shift) = cordicQ14 fixang shift xy goal ang
cordic prec angle
| angle >= 1.0 = ((0-y',x'),a'+1)
| angle < -1.0 = ((y'',0-x''),a''-1)
| otherwise = crd angle
crd = last . cordicAllSteps prec
((x',y'),a') = crd (angle - 1)
((x'',y''),a'') = crd (angle + 1)
-- 16 bit precision cordic
topEntity = cordic d16
main = print $ cordic d16 0.5
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