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Created November 1, 2016 09:52
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open Printf
type move = Start | Right | Left | Up_Right | Up_Left | Down_Right | Down_Left;;
type board_move = {
move: move;
idx: int;
type board_state = {
pegs: int array;
history: board_move list;
let to_col_row idx =
let rec to_col idx row =
if idx > row then
to_col (idx - row - 1) (row + 1)
(idx, row)
to_col idx 0;;
let rec to_idx (col, row) =
if row > 0 then
to_idx (col + row, row - 1)
let get_move_pos (col, row) move =
match move with
| Start -> raise (Failure "This should never happen!")
| Right -> (col + 1, row)
| Left -> (col - 1, row)
| Up_Right -> (col, row - 1)
| Up_Left -> (col - 1, row - 1)
| Down_Right -> (col + 1, row + 1)
| Down_Left -> (col, row + 1);;
let make_move state idx move acc =
if state.pegs.(idx) == 0 then
let is_oob (col, row) = col < 0 || row < 0 || (to_idx (col, row)) >= Array.length state.pegs || col > row in
let pos = to_col_row idx in
let next_pos = get_move_pos pos move in
let next_idx = to_idx next_pos in
let next_next_pos = get_move_pos next_pos move in
let next_next_idx = to_idx next_next_pos in
if is_oob pos || is_oob next_pos || is_oob next_next_pos ||
state.pegs.(next_idx) == 0 || state.pegs.(next_next_idx) == 1 then
let new_pegs = Array.copy state.pegs in
let () = new_pegs.(idx) <- 0; new_pegs.(next_idx) <- 0; new_pegs.(next_next_idx) <- 1 in
let new_history = List.append state.history [{move = move; idx = idx}] in
{ pegs = new_pegs; history = new_history } :: acc;;
let get_next_states state =
let rec try_peg idx =
if idx < Array.length state.pegs then
List.append (make_move state idx Right
(make_move state idx Left
(make_move state idx Up_Right
(make_move state idx Up_Left
(make_move state idx Down_Right
(make_move state idx Down_Left []))))))
(try_peg (idx + 1))
try_peg 0;;
let solve rows =
let () = printf "Solving with %d\n" rows in
let peg_num = rows * (rows + 1) / 2 in
let states =
Array.to_list (Array.init peg_num (fun i -> { pegs = Array.init peg_num (fun j -> if i == j then 0 else 1); history = [{ move = Start; idx = i }]}))
let rec solve_state states =
match states with
| [] -> raise (Failure "This should never happen!")
| state :: states' ->
let next_states = get_next_states state in
if List.length next_states == 0 then
solve_state (List.append states' next_states)
solve_state states;;
let solution = solve (int_of_string Sys.argv.(1));;
let print_move move =
match move with
| Start -> "Start"
| Right -> "right"
| Left -> "left"
| Up_Right -> "up-right"
| Up_Left -> "up-left"
| Down_Right -> "down-right"
| Down_Left -> "down-left";;
let print_idx idx =
let (col, row) = to_col_row idx in
sprintf "(%d, %d)" row col;;
let () =
let rec print_history history =
match history with
| [] -> ()
| record :: history' -> let () = printf "%s %s\n" (print_idx record.idx) (print_move record.move) in print_history history'
print_history solution.history;;
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