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Created March 12, 2024 13:41
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Rectangle whose free corner follows the mouse cursor
function mouse_rectangle
% Make a rectangle that is anchored at one corner at the axis origin but follows
% the mouse cursor at the other.
% Instructions
% Run "mouse_rectangle" then move mouse cursor over the axes.
% Inputs
% none
% Outputs
% None
% Build a pretty figure window
hFig = figure(123324);
hAx = axes(hFig);
set(hAx, ...
'XLim', [-1,1], ...
'YLim', [-1,1], ...
'XTick', [-1:1], ...
'YTick', [-1:1], ...
'Box', 'On')
% Set callback for mouse motion
set(hFig, ...
'MenuBar','none', ...
'WindowButtonMotionFcn', @mouseMoved_Callback)
% Indicate the axis origin with two intersecting lines
hold on
% Plot an invisible patch object that will follow the mouse cursor
hPatch = patch([0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0],1);
set(hPatch, ...
'EdgeColor', 'r', ...
'FaceColor', [1,0.9,0.9]);
%% Internal functions follow
function mouseMoved_Callback(src,~)
% This callback runs every time the mouse moves over the figure window
ax = src.Children; % There is just one child, so don't index or check what it is
mousePos = ax.CurrentPoint(1,1:2);
% Bail out if the mouse is out of range
if any(abs(mousePos)>1)
% Get the properties of the rectangle and modify them
mouseX = mousePos(1);
mouseY = mousePos(2);
hPatch = findobj(ax.Children,'Type','Patch');
hPatch.XData(2:3) = mouseX;
hPatch.YData(3:4) = mouseY;
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