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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Test Layout Compile Speed
require "susy"
require "breakpoint"
css_dir = "."
sass_dir = "."
@import "susy";
@import "breakpoint";
// -----------------------------------------
// A.
// Breakpoint-sass based media queries
$breakpoint-map : (
small : (400px, "no-query" true),
medium : (481px, "no-query" true),
large : (769px, "no-query" true),
xlarge : (1000px, "no-query" true)
// Columns in separate map
$columns-map : (
small : 2,
medium : 4,
large : 8,
xlarge : 12,
// -----------------------------------------
// B.
// Susy breakpoints with column count
$susy-layout-map: (
small : ( (400px, "no-query" true) , 2 ),
medium : ( (481px, "no-query" true) , 4 ),
large : ( (769px, "no-query" true) , 8 ),
xlarge : ( (1000px, "no-query" true) , 12 )
// -----------------------------------------
// C.
// Susy layouts in separate variables
$susy-layout-small : (400px, "no-query" true) , 2;
$susy-layout-medium : (481px, "no-query" true) , 4;
$susy-layout-large : (769px, "no-query" true) , 8;
$susy-layout-xlarge : (1000px, "no-query" true) , 12;
// -----------------------------------------
// D.
// Breakpoint-sass based media queries in separate variables
$breakpoint-small : (400px, "no-query" true);
$breakpoint-medium : (481px, "no-query" true);
$breakpoint-large : (769px, "no-query" true);
$breakpoint-xlarge : (1000px, "no-query" true);
// -----------------------------------------
// E.
// Susy media (susy's own media query mixin) in separate variables
$susy-media-small : "(min-width: 400px)" , false;
$susy-media-medium : "(min-width: 481px)" , false;
$susy-media-large : "(min-width: 769px)" , false;
$susy-media-xlarge : "(min-width: 1000px)" , false;
// -----------------------------------------
// F.
// Standard media queries in separate variables
$media-small : "(min-width: 400px)";
$media-medium : "(min-width: 481px)";
$media-large : "(min-width: 769px)";
$media-xlarge : "(min-width: 1000px)";
// =============================================================================
$times : 100;
$test : 8;
// Print test number
@debug "Test no: === #{$test} === Repeat: #{$times} times";
// -----------------------------------------
// 1.
@if $test == 1 {
@for $i from 1 through $times {
@each $name in small, medium, large, xlarge {
$breakpoint: map-get($breakpoint-map, $name);
$context: map-get($columns-map, $name);
@include susy-breakpoint($breakpoint, $context) {
content: "2: Context: #{$context} | Breakpoint: #{$breakpoint}";
// -----------------------------------------
// 2.
@if $test == 2 {
@for $i from 1 through $times {
@each $name in small, medium, large, xlarge {
$layout: map-get($susy-layout-map, $name);
$breakpoint: nth($layout, 1);
$context: nth($layout, 2);
@include susy-breakpoint($breakpoint, $context) {
content: "2: Context: #{$context} | Breakpoint: #{$breakpoint}";
// -----------------------------------------
// 3.
@if $test == 3 {
@for $i from 1 through $times {
@each $layout in $susy-layout-small, $susy-layout-medium, $susy-layout-large, $susy-layout-xlarge {
@include susy-breakpoint($layout...) {
content: "3: Context: #{nth($layout, 2)} | Breakpoint: #{nth($layout, 1)}";
// -----------------------------------------
// 4.
@if $test == 4 {
@for $i from 1 through $times {
@each $susy-media in $susy-media-small, $susy-media-medium, $susy-media-large, $susy-media-xlarge {
@include susy-media($susy-media...) {
content: "4: Breakpoint: #{nth($susy-media, 1)}";
// -----------------------------------------
// 5.
@if $test == 5 {
@for $i from 1 through $times {
@each $layout in $susy-layout-small, $susy-layout-medium, $susy-layout-large, $susy-layout-xlarge {
@include breakpoint(nth($layout, 1)) {
content: "5: Context: #{nth($layout, 2)} | Breakpoint: #{nth($layout, 1)}";
// -----------------------------------------
// 6.
@if $test == 6 {
@for $i from 1 through $times {
@each $breakpoint in $breakpoint-small, $breakpoint-medium, $breakpoint-large, $breakpoint-xlarge {
@include breakpoint($breakpoint) {
content: "6: Breakpoint: #{$breakpoint}";
// -----------------------------------------
// 7.
@if $test == 7 {
@for $i from 1 through $times {
@each $media in $media-small, $media-medium, $media-large, $media-xlarge {
@media #{$media} {
content: "7: Breakpoint: #{$media}";
# compass compile --force --time
# Repeat 100 times
Test no: 1 --- 100 times | 4.299s
Test no: 1 --- 100 times | 4.153s
Test no: 1 --- 100 times | 4.382s
Test no: 2 --- 100 times | 4.346s
Test no: 2 --- 100 times | 4.371s
Test no: 2 --- 100 times | 4.328s
Test no: 3 --- 100 times | 4.226s
Test no: 3 --- 100 times | 4.286s
Test no: 3 --- 100 times | 4.356s
Test no: 4 --- 100 times | 0.962s
Test no: 4 --- 100 times | 0.906s
Test no: 4 --- 100 times | 0.923s
Test no: 5 --- 100 times | 2.144s
Test no: 5 --- 100 times | 3.907s
Test no: 5 --- 100 times | 2.037s
Test no: 6 --- 100 times | 2.057s
Test no: 6 --- 100 times | 1.966s
Test no: 6 --- 100 times | 2.134s
Test no: 7 --- 100 times | 0.447s
Test no: 7 --- 100 times | 0.42s
Test no: 7 --- 100 times | 0.395s
Test no: 8 --- 100 times | 0.215s
Test no: 8 --- 100 times | 0.168s
Test no: 8 --- 100 times | 0.182s
# Repeat 1000 times
Test no: 1 --- 1000 times | 49.158s
Test no: 1 --- 1000 times | 48.954s
Test no: 1 --- 1000 times | 49.339s
Test no: 1 --- 1000 times | 49.504s
Test no: 2 --- 1000 times | 49.802s
Test no: 2 --- 1000 times | 48.95s
Test no: 3 --- 1000 times | 50.226s
Test no: 3 --- 1000 times | 49.267s
Test no: 3 --- 1000 times | 52.121s
Test no: 3 --- 1000 times | 49.007s
Test no: 4 --- 1000 times | 14.386s
Test no: 4 --- 1000 times | 13.872s
Test no: 4 --- 1000 times | 14.128s
Test no: 5 --- 1000 times | 27.985s
Test no: 5 --- 1000 times | 27.964s
Test no: 5 --- 1000 times | 26.321s
Test no: 6 --- 1000 times | 25.797s
Test no: 6 --- 1000 times | 25.913s
Test no: 6 --- 1000 times | 26.126s
Test no: 7 --- 1000 times | 7.307s
Test no: 7 --- 1000 times | 7.748s
Test no: 7 --- 1000 times | 7.342s
Test no: 7 --- 1000 times | 7.241s
Test no: 8 --- 1000 times | 8.906s
Test no: 8 --- 1000 times | 9.51s
Test no: 8 --- 1000 times | 8.844s
Test no: 8 --- 1000 times | 8.831s
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