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Created October 10, 2011 13:48
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Testing a die for bias
ruby randomness.rb rob_d20.txt
500 rolls from 1 to 20
Expected per bucket: 25.0 (σ ≈ 5.00)
10: ( 1)
15: (20)
16: ( 7)
18: (14)
21: ( 8)
22: (19)
23: ( 2)(11)
24: ( 3)(15)(17)
25: ( 4)
26: (13)
30: ( 5)(16)
31: (18)
32: (10)
34: ( 6)
36: ( 9)(12)
Mean (μ) : 10.61
Variance (σ²): 29.08
Std.Dev (σ) : 5.3928
lines at: [0, 9, 11, 40, 42]
1: ********* *
2: ********* ** ************
3: ********* ** *************
4: ********* ** **************
5: ********* ** *******************
6: ********* ** ***********************
7: ********* ** *****
8: ********* ** **********
9: ********* ** *************************
10: ********* ** *********************
11: ********* ** ************
12: ********* ** *************************
13: ********* ** ***************
14: ********* ** *******
15: ********* ** *************
16: ********* ** *******************
17: ********* ** *************
18: ********* ** ********************
19: ********* ** ***********
20: ********* ** ****
For your d20, the χ² value is 38.0000
This exceeds 36.19 and is probably biased
For your d20, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov value is 0.80
This is less than 1.14 and is probably fair
By count:
1: **********
20: ***************
7: ****************
14: ******************
8: *********************
19: **********************
2: ***********************
11: ***********************
3: ************************
15: ************************
17: ************************
4: *************************
13: **************************
5: ******************************
16: ******************************
18: *******************************
10: ********************************
6: **********************************
9: ************************************
12: ************************************
7:16 19:22 13:26
15:24 17:24 3:24 9:36 11:23 5:30
12:36 10:32 16:30 6:34 4:25 18:31
8:21 14:18 2:23
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
require 'ansi'
def go(color)
print ANSI.send(color)
rescue LoadError => e
$stderr.puts "to get colored output: gem install ansi"
def go(color); nil; end
# rolls = an array holding the individual results
# low = minimum element value in rolls; for a dN die, this should be 1
# high = maximum element value in rolls; for a dN die, this should be N
# counts = an array indexed by the element values from rolls with the observed count
# mean = actual average roll
# ideal_mean = (low + high) / 2
rolls = []
File.foreach(ARGV[0], 'r') do |line|
low, high = rolls.minmax
puts "#{rolls.size} rolls from #{low} to #{high}"
faces = high - low + 1
counts = + 1)
sum = 0
rolls.each {|_|counts[_] = (counts[_] || 0) + 1; sum += _}
mean = sum.to_f / rolls.size
# mu = (((num_values + 1)*num_values)/2).to_f / num_values
variance = rolls.inject(0.0) {|sum,x| sum + (x.to_f - mean)**2 } / rolls.size
# assuming that all values will have been seen
buckets = counts.compact.size
# The actual number in the cell will be approximately normally distributed
# with mean equal to the expected number in each cell and standard deviation
# approximately the square root of the mean.
expected = rolls.size.to_f / buckets
exp_std_dev = Math.sqrt(expected)
puts "Expected per bucket: %3.1f (σ ≈ %4.2f)"%[expected, exp_std_dev]
low_bucket, high_bucket = counts.compact.minmax
(low_bucket..high_bucket).each do |count|
if count <= expected - exp_std_dev
go :red_on_black
elsif count <= expected
go :cyan_on_black
elsif count <= expected + exp_std_dev
go :yellow_on_black
go :red_on_black
print "%3d: "%[count]{|(c,i)| c==count }.map{|(c,i)| i }.each do |pos|
print "(%2d)"%[pos]
go :white_on_black
puts "Mean (μ) : %5.2f"%[mean]
puts "Variance (σ²): %5.2f"%[variance]
puts "Std.Dev (σ) : %7.4f"%[Math.sqrt(variance)]
unless buckets == faces
go :black_on_red
puts " bad rolls, not all values from #{low} to #{high} "
missing = (low..high).to_a - counts.map_with_index{|c,i|i if c}.compact
puts " missing: #{missing.inspect} "
go :white_on_black
go :red_on_black
puts "Observed #{buckets} bucket#{'s' unless buckets == 1}, but expected #{faces}"
go :white_on_black
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Histogram tests
Histogram = {
# d# 5% 1%
4 => [ 2.49, 3.02 ], # Due to being in the
6 => [ 2.63, 3.14 ], # extreme tails of the
8 => [ 2.73, 3.22 ], # distribution, combined
10 => [ 2.80, 3.29 ], # with slight asymmetry,
12 => [ 2.86, 3.34 ], # the ranges we get are
20 => [ 3.02, 3.48 ], # sometimes out a bit.
if Histogram.has_key?(faces)
hist_factor = Math.sqrt(expected * (faces - 1) / faces)
hist_lines = Histogram[faces]{|_|-1*_} + Histogram[faces]! {|x|
(expected + x * hist_factor).ceil
hist_lines.unshift 0
puts "lines at: #{hist_lines.inspect}"
hist_lines = [0,0,0,expected.ceil,rolls.size]
go :magenta_on_black
puts "Don't know how to interpret these results for a d%d"%[faces]
go :white_on_black
hist_colors = [ :magenta_on_black, # outside 99%
:blue_on_black, # outside 95%
:green_on_black, # OK!
:yellow_on_black, # outside 95%
:red_on_black, # outside 99%
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The χ² test
ChiSquaredDistribution = {
# d# => 5% 1% df
4 => [ 7.81, 11.34, ], # 3
6 => [ 11.07, 15.09, ], # 5
8 => [ 14.07, 18.48, ], # 7
10 => [ 16.92, 21.67, ], # 9
12 => [ 19.68, 24.72, ], # 11
20 => [ 30.14, 36.19, ], # 19
chi_squared = 0.0
go :yellow_on_black
puts "Histogram:"
counts.each.with_index do |count, num|
next if count.nil?
chi_squared += ((count.to_f - expected)**2)/expected
go :white_on_black
print "%3d: "%num
go hist_colors[0]
count.times do |c|
if c < hist_lines[1]
go hist_colors[0]
elsif c < hist_lines[2]
go hist_colors[1]
elsif c < hist_lines[3]
go hist_colors[2]
elsif c < hist_lines[4]
go hist_colors[3]
go hist_colors[4]
print '*'
go :white_on_black
if ChiSquaredDistribution.has_key?(faces)
puts "For your d%d, the χ² value is %7.4f"%[faces, chi_squared]
if chi_squared > ChiSquaredDistribution[faces].last
go :red_on_black
puts "This exceeds %5.2f and is probably biased"%[ChiSquaredDistribution[faces].last]
elsif chi_squared > ChiSquaredDistribution[faces].first
go :yellow_on_black
puts "This is between %5.2f and %5.2f and may be biased"%ChiSquaredDistribution[faces]
go :green_on_black
puts "This is less than %5.2f and is probably fair"%[ChiSquaredDistribution[faces].first]
go :magenta_on_black
puts "Don't know how to interpret these results for a d%d"%[faces]
go :white_on_black
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test:
sum_counts = 0
differences =
(low..high).each.with_index do |roll, i|
sum_counts += counts[roll]
differences[roll] = (sum_counts - (i+1)*expected).abs
raise "Kolmogorov-Smirnov bad math? #{differences.inspect}" unless differences[high].zero?
diff_max = differences.compact.max
d_stat = diff_max.to_f / Math.sqrt(rolls.size)
KolmogorovSmirnov = {
# d# => 5% 1%
4 => [ 1.08, 1.35 ], # These values apply pretty well
6 => [ 1.10, 1.37 ], # irrespective of the total number of
8 => [ 1.11, 1.38 ], # rolls, but I would use at least 10 rolls
10 => [ 1.12, 1.39 ], # per face. Note also that these values
12 => [ 1.12, 1.40 ], # come from simulation, and are hence not
20 => [ 1.14, 1.42 ], # exact. This doesn't really matter.
if KolmogorovSmirnov.has_key?(faces)
puts "For your d%d, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov value is %4.2f"%[faces, d_stat]
if d_stat > KolmogorovSmirnov[faces].last
go :red_on_black
puts "This exceeds %5.2f and is probably biased"%KolmogorovSmirnov[faces].last
elsif d_stat > KolmogorovSmirnov[faces].first
go :yellow_on_black
puts "This is between %5.2f and %5.2f and may be biased"%KolmogorovSmirnov[faces]
go :green_on_black
puts "This is less than %5.2f and is probably fair"%[KolmogorovSmirnov[faces].first]
go :magenta_on_black
puts "Don't know how to interpret these results for a d%d"%[faces]
go :white_on_black
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Histogram sorted by counts
go :cyan_on_black
puts "By count:"{|count,_|count}.sort.each do |(count, num)|
puts "%3d: %s"%[num, '*'*count]
go :white_on_black
if faces == 20
rab_faces = [ [ 1, ],
[ 7, 19, 13, ],
[ 15,17, 3,9, 11,5, ],
[ 12,10, 16,6, 4,18, ],
[ 8, 14, 2, ],
[ 20, ],
rab_faces.each do |layer|
str = {|value| "#{value}:#{counts[value]}" } * ' '
From: (Glen Barnett)
Subject: PAPER: Testing Dice for bias
Message-ID: <>
Organization: The Australian Graduate School of Management
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1992 04:41:08 GMT
Lines: 749
The following information is intended for distribution over Internet,
and outside of that may be copied for personal use only.
(c) Glen L. Barnett, 1992. All rights reserved.
Conover, W.J. (1980): Practical nonparametric statistics,
2nd Ed., Wiley, New York.
Neave, H.R. and Worthington, P.L.B. (1988): Distribution-free tests,
Unwin Hyman, London.
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