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Created August 30, 2012 08:34
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sbtでビルドするための最低限必要なファイルを作成するためのバッチ (Windows)
@echo off
if exist build.sbt (
echo [error] Project already exists.
exit /b 1
if not "%1" == "" (
set project_name=%1
) else (
echo [info] Please enter the name of the creating project.
set /p project_name=">"
if "%project_name%" == "" (
echo [error] Project name was not entered.
exit /b 1
:: create src dir.
mkdir src\main\scala >nul 2>&1
echo [info] Create a directory "src\main\scala"
mkdir src\test\scala >nul 2>&1
echo [info] Create a directory "src\test\scala"
:: build.sbt
echo name := "%project_name%">build.sbt 2>nul
echo.>>build.sbt 2>nul
echo version := "1.0">>build.sbt 2>nul
echo.>>build.sbt 2>nul
echo [info] Create "build.sbt" file.
:: success
set t=%time: =0%
set t=%t:~0,8%
echo [success] Project "%project_name%" created %date% %t%
exit /b 0
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